Thoughts correspond to the wavicle aspect

Of the neutron in the guise of bound thought,

But to the particle aspect of the neutron and/or electron

In the guise of free thought -

The one tending to precede the other ...

In the progression of psychic evolution

From conscious mind to new-brain dominion

Via the midbrain of neutron-particle liberalism.

Thus bound thought originates

In the conscious mind, free thought appertaining

To the midbrain and/or new brain,

The former commensurate with the Church,

The latter with the State (both liberal and radical),

The former inherently theological,

The latter ... philosophical,

The bound noumenal and the free phenomenal,

Neutron intellectuality advancing

In a phenomenal anti-natural, and hence 'fallen', guise

In the secular context of free thought,

Which corresponds to the particle aspect

Of the neutron within the parliamentary context,

But to the particle aspect of the electron

Within the rather more radical context

Of the hard-line republican state,

And which can only be superseded,

Via the soft-line republicanism

Of an atomic-particle state, through, firstly,

The atomic-wavicle transcendentalism

Of visionary contemplation, corresponding

To the hard inner-light of the Blessed Virgin

In a New Earth, and then, secondly,

Through the superconscious purism

Of an electron-wavicle contemplation

Transcending the visionary

In the awareness that is beyond all intellectuality,

The peace that surpasses all understanding,

The ultimate peace of the saved spirit,

Which is bound to the soft inner-light of the Holy Ghost

In the New Heaven of supertheocratic bliss.