1. Considered spatially, space is not curved but
straight or, more precisely, that which, like light, proceeds from a vacuum in
spatial space will tend in a straight line rather than a curve. Therefore it will continue indefinitely in a
given direction.
2. The notion that a
body will return to its starting point if it persists long enough makes no
sense in relation to spatial space, since, by definition, such space is
infinite in extent and has neither beginning nor end. Only bodies in space have a beginning or an
end, and if they persist long enough in a given direction due to an objective
disposition they will continue indefinitely in that direction space without
spatial end.
3. Spatial space is the ideal medium for things
to proceed in a straight rather than curved fashion and, as a metachemical manifestation of noumenal
objectivity, light does indeed proceed in such a fashion, in contrast to sound
which, as a metaphysical manifestation of noumenal
subjectivity, tends to proceed in a curved fashion, as in relation to
sequential time.
4. Of course, strictly speaking space is only
definable as space in relation to metachemical and/or
metaphysical factors which act upon it or within it from either a noumenally objective or a noumenally
subjective standpoint, thereby creating space.
Take away these factors and there would be only nothingness, which is
neither spatial nor spaced because not definable in terms of space.
5. Likewise time is only straight or curved in
relation to metachemical and/or metaphysical factors
which act upon or within it from either a noumenally
subjective or a noumenally objective standpoint,
thereby creating time.
6. Ditto for volume and mass, whose straightness
or curvature is definable in relation to chemical and/or physical factors
acting upon or within them from either a phenomenally objective or a
phenomenally subjective standpoint, thereby creating volume and mass.
7. Hence space, time, volume, and mass are not
definable in relation to nothing but to a something which acts upon or within
them on either an objective (if female) or a subjective (if male) basis,
thereby creating and maintaining the distinctions of straightness and curvature
which are characteristic of these planes.
8. For fundamentally space, time, volume, and
mass are no more and no less than planes of existence which are definable in
relation to metachemical, metaphysical, chemical, and
physical properties of either an objective or a subjective disposition. Take away these properties and there would be
no space, time, volume, or mass, but only nothingness.
9. Hence it takes something to create or
maintain space, time, volume, and mass, and this applies as much to the
upper-class planes, as it were, of space and time as to the lower-class planes
of volume and mass.
10. That 'something' is generally called an
element, and the elements range from fire and air in the noumenal
contexts of space-time objectivity and time-space subjectivity to water and
vegetation (earth) in the phenomenal contexts of volume-mass objectivity and
mass-volume subjectivity.
11. Thus it is fire which creates notions of
straightness in space-time objectivity and air (gas) which creates notions of
curvature in time-space subjectivity, space and time only being intelligible as
abstract entities of a spatial-repetitive or a sequential-spaced disposition in
relation to fire and air, which are their substantial preconditions.
12. Likewise it is water which creates notions of
straightness in volume-mass objectivity and vegetation which creates notions of
curvature in mass-volume subjectivity, volume and mass only being intelligible
as abstract entities of a volumetric-massed or a massive-voluminous disposition
in relation to water and vegetation, which are their substantial preconditions.