1.   Since space, time, volume, and mass are abstractions from the elements, they can be defined as either spatial or spaced, sequential or repetitive, volumetric or voluminous, and massive or massed in relation to sensual or sensible manifestations respectively of fire, air, water, and vegetation.


2.   Such sensual or sensible manifestations of fire can only be defined in relation to space-time objectivity, the noumenal objectivity of either metachemical primacy (if negative) or metachemical supremacy (if positive), the former cosmically inorganic and the latter universally organic.


3.   Hence they should be defined in relation to either a stellar-Venusian axis or an eyes-heart axis, wherein fire is the cardinal element and space is accordingly spatial and time ... repetitive.


4.   Such sensual or sensible manifestations of air can only be defined in relation to time-space subjectivity, the noumenal subjectivity of either metaphysical primacy (if negative) or metaphysical supremacy (if positive), the former cosmically inorganic and the latter universally organic.


5.   Hence they should be defined in relation to either a solar-Saturnian axis or an ears-lungs axis, wherein air (or, at any rate, gas) is the cardinal element and time is accordingly sequential and space ... spaced.


6.   Such sensual or sensible manifestations of water can only be defined in relation to volume-mass objectivity, the phenomenal objectivity of either chemical primacy (if negative) or chemical supremacy (if positive), the former geologically inorganic and the latter personally organic.


7.   Hence they should be defined in relation to either a lunar-oceanic axis or a tongue-womb axis, wherein water is the cardinal element and volume is accordingly volumetric and mass ... massed.


8.   Such sensual or sensible manifestations of vegetation (earth) can only be defined in relation to mass-volume subjectivity, the phenomenal subjectivity of either physical primacy (if negative) or physical supremacy (if positive), the former geologically inorganic and the latter personally organic.


9.   Hence they should be defined in relation to either a terrestrial-Martian (of the planet Mars) axis or a penis-brain axis, wherein vegetation (earth/flesh) is the cardinal element and mass is accordingly massive and volume ... voluminous.


10.  Therefore that which exists as an abstraction from some concrete element, be it noumenal or phenomenal, does so on both sensual and sensible terms as well as on both a straight and a curved basis, depending on the nature of the element from which it has been abstracted.


11.  As already noted, elements can be either objective (and female) or subjective (and male), fire and water being of the former category and vegetation and air of the latter, and this applies as much to the inorganic manifestations of each of the elements as to their rather more positive organic manifestations.


12.  Inorganic elements, being negative, are always primal and anterior to those organic offshoots which, in their positivity, have been identified with supremacy - the supremacy, needless to say, of doing, being, giving, and taking, which are the principal attributes respectively of fire, air, water, and vegetation.


13.  Therefore do not search for supreme doing, being, giving, or taking in the inorganic realms of cosmic or geologic primacy, for you will only find primal manifestations of these attributes of fire, air, water, and vegetation, which are unanimously negative.


14.  Look to yourself for doing or being or giving or taking of a supreme order, whether in sensuality or in sensibility, for you are the organic positivity which has evolved out of an inorganic backdrop to positive life, and you are immensely, if not immeasurably, superior to anything cosmic and/or geologic in consequence!


15.  He who is fully aware of his organic supremacy, be it metachemical, metaphysical, chemical, or physical, will be above any form of cosmic and/or geologic worship, since he has the capacity for supremacy at one elemental level or another in both sensuality and sensibility, and will not wish to defer to primacy in consequence.