1.   People familiar with my previous texts will know all about Social Transcendentalism and its concepts of a triadic Beyond and a Gaelic Federation and other matters, pertaining to a New Order, which have been identified, provisionally if not ultimately, with 'Kingdom Come', so I won't waste time repeating myself here, except to reiterate that such a New Order, amounting in effect to a new culture/civilization complex, can only come to pass via a majority democratic mandate for it, should the Electorate of such chosen countries as Eire be granted the paradoxical opportunity to vote for religious sovereignty with the coming of what to me would be Judgement, and thereby opt, if they so choose, to be delivered not only from 'sins and/or punishments of the world', meaning the conventional democratic norms, but from the Creator-based religious primitivity - and falsity - which continues to officially prevail, to the detriment of soulful well-being.


2.   For the Christian religion, which is no true religion, tends to fall back on Old-Testament Creationism (not to mention Creatorism), and thus not only on a cosmic - and necessarily negative - order of God, such that panders to inorganic primacy, but on the lie of the 'First Mover' as God and correlative taboo which taking the 'Fallen Angel' for Devil places upon the notion of a counter-Cupidian axis, so to speak, in which a departure from sequential time to spaced space equals metaphysical salvation, and not merely in relation to the inorganic primacy of a cosmic rise from the sun to Saturn but, more significantly from a human standpoint, in relation to the organic supremacy of a universal rise from the ears to the lungs, the airwaves to the breath, outer metaphysics to inner metaphysics, for those who are deemed especially worthy of such a deliverance.


3.   With the sun and ears positions of inorganic primacy and organic supremacy respectively equivalent to Satanic and Davidian devils, the 'fallen-angel' fall guy for slag precludes notions of counter-Cupidian salvation; for everything is then locked-in to a pyramidal triangle ruled either by the stellar-plane 'First Mover' - which is aided and abetted, in completion of the Cupidian axis, by a Venusian aside, call it Allah in relation to the stellar Jehovah and the solar Satan - or, where organic supremacy is concerned, by the Risen Virgin, symbolic of the eyes, Who is aided and abetted, in Cupidian-axis vein, by the Sacred Heart-aside of the Risen Christ in pinning the Father, symbolic of the ears, Whose position, paradoxically, is akin to that of Davidian Devil vis-à-vis the so-called Christian gods of the Risen Virgin and Risen Christ, this latter being the organic equivalent, one might say, to Allah.


4.   Be that as it may, all such heathenistic triangular falsehoods, whether cosmic and primal or universal and supreme, preclude one's adopting the notion of a counter-Cupidian axis which delivers one from sensuality to sensibility in metaphysics, the elemental context, par excellence, of being, and thus of soulful redemption as the essence of genuine religion.   Not only does being remain enslaved to doing, to metachemistry, in the Christian and, for that matter, Judaic and Mohammedan traditions, but the doingful context, so to speak, of 'First Mover' is falsely identified with being and perversely regarded as metaphysical, so that the Cupidian axis itself becomes synonymous, in its ugliness and hatred (if inorganic) or beauty and love (if organic), with notions of divinity, and materialism and/or fundamentalism accordingly prevail at the expense of idealism and/or transcendentalism.


5.   Then poets like Keats, who were a part, in their upbringing and education, of this false system of things, this lying civilization, can speak of beauty being truth and truth beauty, when, in point of fact, they are the alpha and omega, the apparent and essential extremes, in metachemistry and metaphysics, of organic supremacy, with all the noumenal difference between the Devil and God.


6.   The Lie must be exposed and the limitations it imposes upon religion done away with, so that the Truth may live and lead mankind forward out of the worldly mire in which they are bogged down to the detriment of all that is wise and holy or, in the female case, good and unclear, given the cultural and civilized distinctions which accrue to salvation and damnation.  People should no longer be obliged to live with Creator-based religious primitivity and its twisted concept of divinity, the same sort of insanely twisted view of things that esteems inorganic primacy above organic supremacy, and allows the more unscrupulous and predatory elements in society to capitalize on the artificial equivalents of cosmic and/or geologic primacy at the People's expense.


7.   For it is not even the case that Old-Testament primitivity, rooted in the Cosmos, is fundamentalist and transcendentalist but, rather, materialist and idealist, given the negativity of inorganic primacy which prevails there to the exclusion of beauty and truth, even though the twisted adherents of such primitivity will arrogate beauty and truth to cosmic primacy and hype that which demonstrably falls short of organic supremacy, even as Supreme Being over Supreme Doing where the God-over-Devil falsehood is concerned, so that eyes, ears, and heart must necessarily be excluded from the religious reckoning, and that which is avowedly universal be attributed to the Cosmos!


8.   It is exactly the same anti-natural tendency which contemporary insanity displays when it attributes to the artificial or synthetic manifestations of inorganic primacy, be they noumenal or phenomenal, cosmic- or geologic-equivalent, positive qualities which, in reality, pertain to manifestations of organic supremacy, and instead of having a contemptuous attitude towards the former and a respectful attitude towards the latter, people's estimations are reversed, and reversed, it has to be said, with Old Testament sanction!


9.   Thus it is the Bible, the so-called Holy Book, and other books of a like Creator-based nature, which are at the roots of the insanity which characterizes the contemporary world, and which, irony of ironies, could be used by its adherents to justify that insanity under pretext that what is happening is not really insane at all but, on the contrary, eminently sane, since loving beauty and taking pride in strength and taking pleasure in knowledge and feeling joy in truth - in short, adhering organically to all the naturalistic norms across the range of elements in the interests of supreme doing, supreme giving, supreme taking, and supreme being. 


10.  But, in reality, it is precisely the inorganic that they love or take pride in or take pleasure in or feel joyful about (albeit in a twisted and false kind of way), because it is to the inorganic that they have attributed beauty and strength and knowledge and truth in Old Testament vein, and it is the inorganic which paradoxically rules a supreme roost in contradiction of its primal nature.


11.  How the Lie must be exposed, challenged, and done away with, so that the People may democratically crawl out from under the crushing burden of the church and state conspiracy of contemporary Western insanity and turn towards the light of Truth which shines from beyond the world in Messianic vein, and has no use for creators or trinities or triangles or inverted values or hyped deities or monotheistic authoritarianisms or bibles or anything else steeped in insanity and posing, falsely and criminally, as truth!


12.  There is only one Truth ultimately, the Truth of the Saved from time to space in time-space subjectivity, the noumenal subjectivity of metaphysical supremacy, and the transcendental meditation which sensibly encourages the Son-like metaphysical ego to plunge, identity-wise, into the Father-like metaphysical will of the lungs to breathe and be borne out by the Holy Spirit of the breath, only to recoil, in self-preservation, more profoundly to self, in and as the Holy Soul of Heaven, than would otherwise have been possible, wherein the Son-Ego is redeemed and experiences that joy which is Truth's - and therefore God's - sublime reward. 


13.  Then the cycle must be repeated, endlessly, for as long as one, as a saved God, a primary God (the Son) utilizing both secondary God (the Father) and Heaven (the Holy Spirit) towards a heavenly redemption which is primary (the Holy Soul), chooses or is able to meditate.  There is no other Truth, ultimately, than this, and its joy is eternal testimony to the reign of genuine transcendentalism.


14.  For genuine Transcendentalism has nothing to do with 'first movers' or 'creators' or the cosmic noumenal regarded universally, nor even with the 'fallen-angel' fall guy for slag which characterizes 'once born' and particularly male reality in cursed under-plane subservience to a blessed female hegemony, but, on the contrary, is the salvation from that enslaved reality to the over-plane deliverance in metaphysical sensibility which, more organically, has been identified with the lungs, and hence with awareness of breathing through transcendental meditation in the context of spaced space.


15.  The genuine or, more accurately, saved Transcendentalist is a transcendental meditator, and in meditating he or, rather, He (for he is noumenal, and hence upper class in his godly disposition) brings His inner metaphysical ego to that redemption - and resurrection - which is commensurate with joyful experience of the Holy Soul of Heaven, a reality which transcends the limitations of trinitarian thinking in respect of that which is at the core of genuinely religious commitment - namely, self-transcendence (of the metaphysical ego) through the metaphysical soul, the soul-of-souls or soul per se, which is nothing less than the self brought to a deeper and finer pitch of inner being.