1.   The notion that supreme being could or should be associated with the Cosmos, say the stellar plane, is, I contend, totally false and delusory.  For that which is associated with the Cosmos, the starry universe, can only be primal, given its inorganic, and therefore negative, properties.


2.   Neither does the Cosmos begin with primal being but, rather, with primal doing, as germane to the stellar plane and therefore to that which precedes, in anterior space, the solar plane, with its primal being.


3.   In such fashion Jehovah precedes Satan, the 'Creator of the Universe' or 'First Mover' vis-à-vis the 'Fallen Angel', as primal doing preceding primal being, stellar primacy in spatial space vis-à-vis solar primacy in sequential time, and does so, moreover, as a negative Devil preceding a negative God, the sensual Antidevil vis-à-vis the sensual Antigod.


4.   In such fashion, too, it must be said that woman precedes man, the superfeminine plane of spatial space preceding the submasculine plane of sequential time, and long before (lower-class) women and men on the comparatively phenomenal planes of mass and volume.


5.   Thus religions based on the false belief of God preceding the Devil, of man preceding woman, and the even falser belief of supremacy attaching to such a God, are fundamentally delusory, and deserve to be consigned to the rubbish heap of history - as, hopefully, will democratically transpire in 'Kingdom Come', the time and society of the Second Coming, or ultimate Messiah.


6.   For not until such delusory obstacles to religious progress have been done away with in due democratic fashion, and people cease to be subject to Biblical falsehood and the utterly preposterous claims to which the Bible too often lays claim, can there be scope for the expansion of supreme being from sensual to sensible planes within the context of 'Kingdom Come', as outlined by me in previous texts.


7.   And supreme being, whether sensual or sensible, has nothing whatsoever to do with the Cosmos or, for that matter, the Solar System, least of all in terms of a superior creature deemed responsible for Creation, but is purely organic and affiliated to the metaphysical soul, the soul-of-souls.


8.   Only, however, in the sensible metaphysics of the lung-centred 'kingdom within' is the highest and profoundest supreme being to be found, and he who advocates it at the expense of the ear-centred sensual metaphysics of the 'kingdom without' is truly a Second Coming equivalence, for whom sensibility takes precedence over sensuality not on physical terms (as with Christ, or the 'First Coming', the lower-class messiah), but on metaphysical terms, such that portend an ultimate 'kingdom within'.


9.   I say to you that metaphysical salvation, quite apart from other types of salvation, is from sensuality to sensibility, so that one rises from the aural sensuality of sequential time to the respiratory sensibility of spaced space, as from ears to lungs, the airwaves to the breath, and finds therein the most profound being and supremacy.


10.  But only such men as are already effectively gods of aural sensuality can truly be saved to respiratory sensibility, abandoning the spirituality of the airwaves for that of the breath.  This is not the salvation of men in Christ from phallus to brain, nor is it intended for women and devils, or all those who pertain (in lower- and upper-class terms) to the female side of life.  My salvation of gods entails the damnation of devils, as from eyes to heart, spatial space to repetitive time.


11.  But it also entails, on lower tiers of what, in previous texts, I have called a triadic Beyond, the salvation of (lower-class) men and the damnation of (lower-class) women, as from sensuality to sensibility on both physical and chemical axes of mass and volume.


12.  For to rise diagonally from sensuality to sensibility through two planes is to gravitate from vice to virtue, thereby achieving salvation, whereas to fall diagonally from sensuality to sensibility through two planes is to gravitate from virtue to vice, thereby undergoing damnation.  Only when males do the former does the latter come to pass for females.  In the meantime, males will continue to be 'fall guys for slag' in true Biblical fashion, as the 'First Mover' continues to play God at the expense of the 'Fallen Angel'.