1.   The notion of God being 'up above' is simply reflective, it seems to me, of a lower-class point of view, whereby somebody who more generally relates, as a man, to vegetative (earthly) criteria ... will be  disposed to considering that which pertains, in metaphysical vein, to air or airiness ... to be 'up above'.


2.   Such could also be said, albeit from a contrary point of view, of the notion of the Devil (more usually identified, in typical Biblical vein, with God) being 'up above', since anybody who, having a chemical bias, more generally relates, as a woman, to watery criteria ... will be disposed to considering that which pertains, in metachemical vein, to fire or fieriness to be 'up above'.


3.   Thus both men and women, the generality of persons of a largely physical or chemical disposition, are logically entitled to posit God and the Devil, or gods and devils, as existing 'up above', since those who correspond to either a metaphysical (divine) or a metachemical (diabolic) disposition or lifestyle, being effectively 'upper class', really do live 'up above', on what amount to higher planes.


4.   Of course, they don't live 'up above' all the time; for no-one, not even the most determinedly upper-class person, can live on either a fiery or an airy basis to the total exclusion of water and vegetation!  But one can certainly live in such a fashion that one becomes identifiable, on properly upper-class terms, with either a fiery or an airy disposition and/or vocation, as germane to the noumenal planes of time and space.


5.   And being identifiable with either a metachemical or a metaphysical orientation, such upper-class persons, corresponding to devils and gods, are entitled to regard that which typifies the human mean, the generality of watery women and vegetative men, as existing 'down below'.


6.   For those who correspond, in watery or vegetative fashion, to either a chemical (womanly) or a physical (manly) disposition, being lower class, really do exist 'down below', in what amounts, from an upper-class standpoint, to the lower planes of volume and mass.


7.   Thus whether one's upper-class affiliation be to space-time devolution or to time-space evolution, noumenal objectivity or noumenal subjectivity, one lives 'up above' from a lower-class point of view, the points of view, more specifically, of average women and men.


8.   And whether one's lower-class affiliation be to volume-mass devolution or to mass-volume evolution, phenomenal objectivity or phenomenal subjectivity, one lives 'down below' from an upper-class standpoint, the standpoints, if genuine, of devils and gods.


9.   So it is that those who live 'up above' are immortal in their metachemical and metaphysical dispositions, whereas those living 'down below' are merely mortal in what amount to chemical and physical dispositions.


10.  'The overworld' towers above 'the world', like Hell and Heaven above purgatory and the earth, and those who are of the former can only look down upon the latter.


11.  Conversely, 'the world' exists below 'the overworld', like purgatory and the earth below Hell and Heaven, and those who are of the former can only look up to the latter.


12.  Rarely is it that mortals change places with immortals or vice versa, since the majority of women and men are fated to remain mortal and not become devils or gods, abandoning chemistry for metachemistry in the one case and physics for metaphysics in the other.


13.  The reasons for this are many and complex, but genetic factors are of no small consequence in determining ... class, even if class cuts both ways where gender is concerned, albeit on antithetical terms.


14.  Social Transcendentalism, the ideological philosophy to which I subscribe, does not believe in squeezing everybody or everyone into a single class, but is determined to allow for class differentiation on the basis of the three-tier hierarchy of what has been called the triadic Beyond, with the strength of women, the knowledge of men, and the truth of gods being served, from the standpoint of 'Kingdom Come', by the beauty, albeit most refined and sublimated, of those chosen devils whose administrative acts will allow giving, taking, and (especially) being to flourish as never before.