1.   To distinguish between progressive evolution from the id-self to the not-self and selflessness and regressive evolution from the not-self and selflessness to the soul-self, as between that which leads from the alpha paradise to the world, including the ego-self, and that which leads from the latter to the omega paradise in relation to natural/synthetic orders of not-self and selflessness.


2.   To distinguish between regressive devolution from the not-self and selflessness to the id-self and progressive devolution from the not-self and selflessness to the soul-self, as between that which leads away from the world, including the ego-self, to the alpha paradise and that which leads away from the world to the omega paradise in relation to natural/synthetic orders of self.


3.   Hence to further distinguish, on the one hand, between progressive evolution and regressive devolution, as between the development of not-self and selflessness at the expense of the id-self and the rejection of not-self and selflessness in favour of the id-self.


4.   Hence to further distinguish, on the other hand, between regressive evolution and progressive devolution, as between the rejection of not-self and selflessness in relation to naturalistic criteria and the development of the soul-self.


5.   That which progresses and regresses in relation to naturalistic criteria does so both from the alpha paradise to the world and from the world to the alpha paradise, whereas that which progresses and regresses in relation to synthetic criteria does so only from the world to the omega paradise, not from the omega paradise to the world.


6.   Regressive evolution from the world is designed, in its synthetic transmutation of naturalistic criteria in relation to the not-self and selflessness, to serve progressive devolution from the ego-self to the soul-self.


7.   Regressive devolution from the world has the effect, in rejecting the not-self and selflessness from the standpoint of the id-self, of countering progressive evolution from the id-self to the ego-self.


8.   Thus whereas regressive evolution from the world would manifest in the synthetic transmutation of not-self and selflessness in the interests of the soul-self, regressive devolution from the world manifests in the rejection of not-self and selflessness in the interests of the id-self.


9.   That which returns us to 'the Garden', viz. the alpha paradise, is a very different proposition from that which would advance us towards the post-Human Millennium, viz. the omega paradise.  The former operates within naturalistic criteria and the rejection of artificiality, the latter in relation to synthetic criteria that are designed to operate in harmony with the self, and are not therefore at artificial variance with it.


10.  It is in relation to regressive evolution/progressive devolution that one should view Social Transcendentalism, the religious basis (so far as I am concerned) of 'Kingdom Come', which is therefore antithetical to all forms of neo-primitivism, including fascism, but is not on that account communist, i.e. worldly on a socialist/proletarian basis, and hence no more than a more exclusively democratic attenuation of the world.  Social Transcendentalism has nothing less than world-overcoming as its raison d'être, for it is that which leads beyond the world to the omega paradise of 'Kingdom Come'.


11.  It fully accepts, however, that such world-overcoming as would lead to a new order of society in which, for example, religious sovereignty was the norm can only be achieved by using the means of the world, viz. democracy, to advance beyond the world, so that the final decision as to whether the world is overcome in relation to the development of 'Kingdom Come' rests with the People, the electorate, themselves, and is not and never could be something imposed upon them from above.


12.  For the People must demonstrate a willingness to entertain salvation from the world to the otherworldly context of 'Kingdom Come' if the latter is authentically and legally to come to pass, and to come to pass in relation to a specific politico-religious structure which has been named Social Transcendentalism and which appeals, initially, to peoples of Gaelic descent living first and foremost in Ireland (North and South), but also, in the longer term, in countries like Scotland and Wales, not to mention islands like the Isle of Man, so that the end-result would be a Gaelic federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in which not political sovereignty but religious sovereignty was the appropriate mode of sovereignty for peoples who had democratically elected - in judgmental vein - to be delivered from the world, with its sins and/or punishments, to the omega paradise in its inceptive manifestation.