1.   People can often be heard saying that such and such a person - almost invariably a man - is a 'tramp' or that such and such a person is a 'bum', but, in reality, no-one who fits such a pejorative description is or ever can be exclusively the one thing or the other.


2.   In reality, those who approximate to what the generality of people think of as 'tramps' or 'bums' are both 'tramps' and 'bums', since it is as impossible to tramp about all day as to spend one's entire time sitting on one's 'bum', i.e. backside, when common sense alone dictates that one alternates, in one degree or another, between the two contexts, the context of walking around and the context of sitting down.


3.   Consequently there are no 'tramps' and no 'bums', since those so described (whether relatively fairly or unfairly) are, in reality, both 'tramps' and 'bums' and thus, effectively, 'tramps/bums'.


4.   But the generality of people, who after all are comparatively unthinking, will persist in imagining the contrary, simply because they have never bothered to think about the situation very deeply or comprehensively, whether through laziness or because they have no real experience of being 'tramps' and/or 'bums' themselves.


5.   Consequently they continue to delude themselves that such and such a person is a 'tramp' or a 'bum' when, in point of fact, that is only half of the overall picture in relation to what is perceived at the time.


6.   Were they less dependent on their eyes for information and more capable of independent thought, such of course would not be the case, but the great majority of people, being psychologically commonplace, are incapable of detaching their minds from what they see, and consequently what they see conditions what they think.


7.   In reality, those who are so dominated by their eyes, their sight, that they almost invariably allow what they see to condition their thinking, often while they are actually seeing it, are not just fundamentally evil - for all people are that in greater or lesser degree - but openly or unashamedly evil, whether through ignorance or wilful intent.


8.   They make no attempt to disguise their lust for sight-conditioned thought and would, one fancies, be quite incapable of not thinking about anything their eyes latch upon were they put to the test, so much does thinking - and usually negatively - about what they see seem to them a perfectly natural and acceptable occurrence.


9.   Those of us who can detach our minds from what we see, who don't invariably comment derogatorily upon what crosses our field of vision, particularly where other people are concerned, will not have too high an opinion of the type of people described above, but will rather tend to despise them for the openly evil and superficial idiots they actually are!


10.  If one doesn't wish to allow one's eyes to condition one's thinking, particularly in the manner described, it is because one knows the eyes to be fundamentally evil in their metachemical disposition and not something to give free rein to in consequence, least of all to an extent that the mind becomes dominated by them in patently heathenistic and - let's face it - female fashion.


11.  It is also because one prefers peace of mind to a troubled and angry mind, and can see no reason why the mind should be allowed to succumb to the influence of sight to such an extent that it is no longer a noble thing but a grossly aggressive and aggrieved thing that would be more of a burden than a help.


12.  Let them keep their petty little vulgar and negative minds if that's what they want or, more to the point, is all they are capable of, because being able to surmount the dominating influence of their eyes would be beyond their limited capabilities.


13.  And let us nobler types continue to turn away from the ignoble mob, as from all mob types, lest we become corrupted by their psychic poison and lose what self-possessed integrity we have managed to secure for ourselves in the face, so often, of their superficial provocation.


14.  For the mob is a nasty thing, evil to the core and unconcerned with higher values, and all those who follow the ways of the mob will sooner or later succumb to mob values at the expense of what is true and noble, casting stones of 'tramp' or 'bum' upon those who deserve better but will never get it from the aggressively superficial.