1.   The preachers of equality have nothing in common with the bringer of religious sovereignty and advocate of 'Kingdom Come'; for they reduce everything to the lowest-common-denominator of worldly 'mud', wherein the mob bogs down in its own punishment and sin, whereas he opens up the prospect, for salvation-minded Gaels, of a triadic Beyond in which persons of Puritan, Anglican, and Roman Catholic denominational background would find a tier, duly subdivided along tripartite lines, according with their moral and elemental entitlement.


2.   In other words, there is no equality between so-called men in 'Kingdom Come' except it be the equality of Social Transcendentalism and an end, in consequence, to worldly schisms.  Rather is there a distinction between the chemical, the physical, and the metaphysical, as between women, men, and gods.


3.   He who identifies his destiny with a Second Coming, a Messiah who saves Catholics to a higher order of sensibility than that to which Christ would have related, while yet maintaining or insisting on new orders of phenomenal salvation (for Anglicans) and damnation (for Puritans), as, in general terms, for men and women under gods, has nothing in common with those who reduce everyone to 'man' and insist that all are equal before God.


4.   On the contrary, not even men and women are equal to one another, never mind either of the phenomenal commonality of lower-class persons to those who stand above them as either devils or gods, noumenal elites of upper-class persons who have as much in common with them as beauty or truth with strength or knowledge or, in emotional terms, love or joy with pride or pleasure.


5.   To preach the equality of all is to fly in the face of elemental reality and do a disservice not only to devils but to gods as well, seeking, as far as possible, to exclude them from anything like a bona fide existence as, in the event of not being able to completely exclude beauty and truth, one twists beauty and truth out of all recognition to what they would be in societies that did justice to either the one or the other, in an attempt to accommodate them to the hegemony of strength and/or knowledge, as the case may be.


6.   Thus with everything and everyone reduced to the world, to the mud of a mobocracy of woman and/or man hype, depending by and large on whether feminine or masculine, Protestant or Catholic values are paramount, the preachers of equality can live safely in the lie that all are equal before God, and that God created all men equal!


7.   Quite apart from the absurdly primitivistic and superstitious nature of their concept of God, which no self-respecting meditator would ever allow himself to even remotely identify with, such unthinking and profoundly subversive people are really the enemies of God, as of the Devil, since nothing genuinely godly or devilish can flourish where the criteria of men and women, whether with a masculine bias for mankind or a feminine bias for mankind, are sacrosanct, as they tend to be in the mud-slavering world of both the Christian democratic and anti-Christian democratic mobs.


8.   Whether sensible or sensual, Catholic or Protestant, republican or parliamentary, such preachers of and believers in equality are nonetheless less than convinced of their own equality with one another, as recent history attests, and are more inclined to preach the equality of all Catholics or of all Protestants or of all republicans or of all parliamentarians than of Catholics with Protestants or vice versa, or of republicans with parliamentarians or vice versa.


9.   For in reality men and women are no more equal to one another than, say, devils and gods, and even when you have effectively excluded devils or gods from your worldview or, failing that, even when you have a grudging bias for devils over gods or for gods over devils, depending on the type of worldly system, still the inequality of men and women, as of masculine and feminine, sin and punishment, knowledge and strength, pleasure and pride, remains, and no amount of lying or self-deceiving baloney can alter what is an inexorable fact!


10.  Even the preachers of equality find it difficult to be completely convinced of their doctrine; for no-one is entirely bereft of leanings which owe something, though not everything, to the opposite sex, never mind to devils or gods, and both strength and knowledge are obliged to bow before a perverse concept of each other from the standpoint of their respective partisans, as well as embrace an even more perverse concept of beauty and/or truth.


11.  I have no time for the swinish preachers of equality and their swamp of worldly mud, in which they would have all mankind, and not a few other kinds, bog down for Christian or democratic, ecclesiastical or secular good; for they are enemies of the People who demean the People by casting them in images of earthly or purgatorial equality which lead to stagnation and bad feelings and not a few bad smells, to boot!


12.  The true deliverer of the People from such class enemies has no time for equalitarian nonsense and the mealy-mouthed hypocrisy which so often accompanies it; for he knows that the People are more heterogeneous than these belittling swine who preach equality could possibly imagine or would want to admit, and that only when the People are delivered from the equalitarian class enemy will they be able to live with one another on the unequal basis of women, men, and gods that the triadic Beyond would be determined to advance, to the greater advantage not merely of strength and knowledge but, more especially, of truth, without which there can be no hope for the liberating future and no escape from the crippling past!