1.   I recently saw a television recording of a well-known Northern Ireland cleric talking about the salvation of Ulster, but, in reality, you can't save an abstraction, like the six counties to which the cleric was referring.


2.   You can only save or damn that which is animate and capable of rising or falling, in consequence, from sensuality to sensibility within the class and gender parameters of a given elemental axis, be it fiery and metachemical, watery and chemical, vegetative and physical, or airy and metaphysical.


3.   Consequently to speak of the salvation of Ulster, that statelet of Northern Ireland, is nonsense; for Ulster cannot rise from sensuality to sensibility, any more than it can fall from sensuality to sensibility.  Only the People of Ulster can rise or fall, as the case may be, and to rise on the one side of the gender fence, namely male, is to fall on the other side, namely female, so that there could be no wholesale salvation of people in Ulster or, for that matter, anywhere else when the inexorable rule of salvation for males entails the damnation of females, whether in the phenomenal contexts of mass/volume Christianity or in the noumenal context of time/space Social Transcendentalism, as germane, so I teach, to 'Kingdom Come'.


4.   Another irony not wasted on me was that the cleric to whom I allude above was not a Catholic but a Protestant, and consequently not someone who would relate, in Catholic vein, to the phenomenal salvation of males from mass to volume, as, in vegetation, from phallus to brain, and to the phenomenal damnation of females from volume to mass, as, in water, from tongue to womb - the former through Christ and the latter its Marian corollary.


5.   On the contrary, Protestantism in the British Isles, and Ulster not least of all, is divisible between the blessed hegemony of Presbyterians and Puritans in volumetric volume and the cursed under-position, as it were, of Anglicans in massive mass, the former affiliated to the tongue in watery sensuality and the latter to the flesh (including the phallus) in vegetative sensuality, neither of them germane to contexts of salvation or damnation in consequence of their 'once-born' standings within what amounts to an inverted triangle.


6.   Consequently not only can you not save or damn an abstraction like Ulster, but you cannot save or damn Protestants within the clerical parameters of Presbyterian/Puritan anti-Christianity and Anglican pseudo-Christianity, since both salvation and damnation presuppose an advancement from sensuality to sensibility, the 'once-born' outer to the 're-born' inner, and require a Catholic resolve, in consequence, to keep the norms of brain and womb sensibly in place, in what is effectively a non-triangular framework.


7.   Of course, there is less sensibility to Roman Catholicism these days and more sensuality, as befitting the age, an age of heathenistic criteria, but of the type of sensuality that is germane to the ears and thus to a 'once-born' order of metaphysics in what has been generally described as 'the Father'.


8.   Therefore both Protestants and Catholics exist, by and large, in contexts of sensuality, of blessed or cursed Heathenism in which 'once-born' criteria are effectively, if not officially, paramount, and one gets tongue over phallus in the one case, that of Protestants, and eyes over ears in the other case, that of Catholics - the former in each case germane to the female aspect of things and the latter to its male aspect.


9.   Hence both Protestants and Catholics can be saved and/or damned from sensuality to sensibility in relation to what I have described as the triadic Beyond of 'Kingdom Come', wherein the Presbyterian/Puritan 'first' shall be bottom-tier Social Transcendental 'lower last' and the Anglican 'last' shall be middle-tier Social Transcendental 'lower first', and Catholics shall be top-tier Social Transcendental 'upper first' if sufficiently airy and metaphysical, but administrative-aside Social Transcendental 'upper last' if habitually more fiery and metachemical.


10.  For just as the phenomenal corollary of rising to brain from phallus  in vegetative sensibility is falling to womb from tongue in watery sensibility, so the noumenal corollary of rising to lungs from ears in airy sensibility is falling to heart from eyes in fiery sensibility, and the latter would be very much germane to the administrative aside that serves the triadic Beyond, though always with a noumenal bias that ensures that truth remains hegemonic over both knowledge and strength, and people of Catholic descent consequently remain religiously above those of Protestant descent, who will be divided between the bottom two tiers of our triadic structure.


11.  But structure we have, not utopian 'pie in the sky' or 'castles in the air' or overly partisan concepts of the Beyond such that would exclude a 'new purgatory' and a 'new earth' from what with me becomes, in the triadic Beyond, a 'new heaven' in metaphysics over both physics and chemistry.


12.  Yet the latter would not be a rehash of Catholic tradition, the sort of tradition which aural decadence would seem, in any case, to have left in its wake, but rather strength and knowledge, womb and brain, conditioned by inner truth, by lungs, and therefore coloured by factors which had not existed before, since Catholicism falls back on the ears, a sensual and outer mode of truth and godliness which is precisely that from which one must be saved, if one wishes to achieve an accommodation with metaphysical sensibility.


13.  But if the Catholic Father vis-à-vis the Catholic Christ and Virgin Mary is a kind of New Testament reality, it must be said that clerical sleight-of-hand easily accommodates the Old Testament, and thus the rule, within a pyramidal triangle, of Jehovah over Satan, of stellar over solar, with a peripheral Venusian parallel to complete the heathenistic structure in which female criteria are hegemonic over male criteria, whose Satanesque solar 'fallen angel' is accordingly 'fall guy for slag'.


14.  Such, however, is the 'once-born' rule for the negativity of inorganic primacy, wherein ugliness and hatred dominate falsity and woe, in typically cosmic fashion.


15.  The 'once-born' rule for the positivity of organic supremacy, on the other hand, is beauty and love dominating truth and joy, like eyes over ears, and perhaps here we should be talking rather more in terms of, say, Moses or, rather, Saul and David than of Jehovah and Satan.


16.  Be that as it may, Catholicism is no less disposed, at bottom, than Protestantism to falling back on heathenistic criteria of a 'once-born' and therefore sensual nature, and it is for this reason that Risen-Virgin fundamentalism often gets the jump, so to speak, on Fatheresque transcendentalism, as the eyes pull upper-plane rank on the ears, spatial space over sequential time, like the sensuality of framed painting over the sensuality of scored music.


17.  I do not 'buy' and have never 'bought' such a heathenistic situation, and that is why I am against Catholicism no less than Protestantism and anxious to save and/or damn both Catholics and Protestants to the triadic Beyond of 'Kingdom Come', wherein the 'rebirth' of sensibility is paramount and one can infer a male hegemony over the female side of life in saved consequence! 


18.  With Social Transcendentalism there would be no falling back on Biblical falsehoods and hypocrisies, but an end, once and for all, to the lies that have held people back from the truth and which continue so to do, regarding as supreme being that which, in reality, is germane to primal doing in the cosmic realm of inorganic primacy, which is negative, and to supreme doing in the universal realm of organic supremacy, which is positive. 


19.  Either way, that which is germane to being becomes 'fall guy for slag', i.e. Satanic and/or Davidian 'Devil', and a taboo on the notion of a counter-Cupidian axis is consequently maintained, to the exclusion of metaphysical salvation (as from sensuality to sensibility, ears to lungs in organic supremacy).


20.  I have exposed the lie, the great delusion and crime at the roots of Bible-inspired religion, and it is for the People to judge of the veracity of what I have written in due course and, hopefully, to act accordingly, voting, when the time is ripe, for religious sovereignty and deliverance, in consequence, not only from 'sins and/or punishments' (depending on one's ethnicity) of the world, but, no less importantly, from the type of Biblical falsehoods and primitivistic limitations that continue to identify the concept of God with Creator, and with a cosmic 'first mover' moreover, so that that which in reality is metachemical and diabolic gets to play that which is metaphysical and divine, and all within the necessarily heathenistic and un-Christian parameters of 'once-born' antinot-selves, as germane, in particular, to the cosmos-slavering Old Testament.


21.  One cannot be saved from the Old Testament 'Father', since that is on an axis which falls from sensuality to sensibility, as from stellar to Venusian, Jehovah to (I would guess) Allah, and even to be saved from solar to Saturnian, rising from negative sensuality to sensibility, would be less than organic, and therefore something less concerned with truth and joy than with falsity and woe.  No, one can only be saved from ears to lungs in organic supremacy, rising from sensual truth and joy in the not-self/selflessness of ears and airwaves to sensible truth and joy in the not-self/selflessness of lungs and breath, wherein the positivity of supreme being is at its profoundest peak.


22.  Thus the metaphysically Saved must turn away from the Ear Father and the Airwaves Holy Spirit of Heaven if they are to embrace the ultimate Holy Soul of Heaven via both the Lung Father and the Breath Holy Spirit of Heaven, achieving the transcendence of inner Ego Son in due process of soulful resurrection.


23.  Such is the doctrine that speaks to the metaphysically Cursed, seeking their deliverance from sensuality to sensibility and an end, for them, to the spatial upper-plane hegemony of the metachemically Blessed, all those fire-devils who nonetheless pass for gods in the realm of Risen-Virgin fundamentalism. 


24.  This doctrine of the Social Transcendentalist way to 'Kingdom Come' also speaks to the physically Cursed, that they may turn away from the volumetric upper-plane hegemony of the chemically Blessed and cease, in consequence, to live under a feminine shadow and the heathenistic freedoms which are permitted to the blessed Free.


25.  For until those affiliated to the male side of life take a lead in opting from sensuality to sensibility, there will be no damnation of those affiliated to its female side from sensuality to sensibility, and no end to the hegemony of heathenistic criteria in consequence! 


26.  Let the People mark my words well; for the 'Day of Judgement', in which they must judge me and via me themselves, is at hand, and nothing short of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty can or will deliver the peoples concerned (see 'The Justice of Judgement' above) from the blessed freedoms and/or cursed enslavements, according to gender, of the 'once born' to the saved bindings and/or damned constraints of the 'reborn'.