1.   To contrast the first-rate power of the will to do metachemically through not-selfish, i.e. of the not-self, beauty with the fourth-rate power of the will to do metaphysically through not-selfish truth, and each of these noumenal absolutes with the phenomenal relativity of the second-rate power of the will to do chemically through not-selfish strength and the third-rate power of the will to do physically through not-selfish knowledge.


2.   To contrast the first-rate glory of the spirit to give chemically through not-selfish, i.e. of the not-self, pride with the fourth-rate glory of the spirit to give physically through not-selfish pleasure, and each of these phenomenal relativities with the noumenal absolutism of the second-rate glory of the spirit to give metachemically through not-selfish love and the third-rate glory of the spirit to give metaphysically through not-selfish joy.


3.   To contrast the first-rate form of the ego to take physically through selfish, i.e. of the self, knowledge with the fourth-rate form of the ego to take chemically through selfish strength, and each of these phenomenal relativities with the noumenal absolutism of the second-rate form of the ego to take metaphysically through selfish truth and the third-rate form of the ego to take metachemically through selfish beauty.


4.   To contrast the first-rate contentment of the soul to be metaphysically through selfish, i.e. of the self, joy with the fourth-rate contentment of the soul to be metachemically through selfish love, and each of these noumenal absolutes with the phenomenal relativity of the second-rate contentment of the soul to be physically through selfish pleasure and the third-rate contentment of the soul to be chemically through selfish pride.


5.   That which, as will, does, always does apparently, from the most apparent context of the metachemical will to the least apparent context of the metaphysical will via the more (relative to most) apparent context of the chemical will and the less (relative to least) apparent context of the physical will.  For the will, being affiliated to elemental particles, is ever a thing of appearances.


6.   That which, as spirit, gives, always gives quantitatively, from the most quantitative context of the chemical spirit to the least quantitative context of the physical spirit via the more (relative to most) quantitative context of the metachemical spirit and the less (relative to least) quantitative context of the metaphysical spirit.  For the spirit, being affiliated to molecular particles, is ever a thing of quantities.


7.   That which, as ego, takes, always takes qualitatively, from the most qualitative context of the physical ego to the least qualitative context of the chemical ego via the more (relative to most) qualitative context of the metaphysical ego and the less (relative to least) qualitative context of the metachemical ego.  For the ego, being affiliated to molecular wavicles, is ever a thing of qualities.


8.   That which, as soul, is, always is essentially, from the most essential context of the metaphysical soul to the least essential context of the metachemical soul via the more (relative to most) essential context of the physical soul and the less (relative to least) essential context of the chemical soul.  For the soul, being affiliated to elemental wavicles, is ever a thing of essences.


9.   To do in relation to beauty, strength, knowledge, and truth, descending, as it were, from first- to fourth-rate orders of power.


10.  To give in relation to pride, love, joy, and pleasure, descending from first- to fourth-rate orders of glory.


11.  To take in relation to knowledge, truth, beauty, and strength, descending from first- to fourth-rate orders of form.


12.  To be in relation to joy, pleasure, pride, and love, descending from first- to fourth-rate orders of contentment.


13.  To combine, in the fiery devility of metachemistry, a first-rate power with a second-rate glory, a third-rate form and a fourth-rate contentment, thereby descending from will to soul via spirit and ego.


14.  To combine, in the watery femininity of chemistry, a first-rate glory with a second-rate power, a third-rate contentment and a fourth-rate form, thereby descending from spirit to ego via will and soul.


15.  To combine, in the vegetative masculinity of physics, a first-rate form with a second-rate contentment, a third-rate power and a fourth-rate glory, thereby descending from ego to spirit via soul and will.


16.  To combine, in the airy divinity of metaphysics, a first-rate contentment with a second-rate form, a third-rate glory and a fourth-rate power, thereby descending from soul to will via ego and spirit.


17.  Metachemistry, being of the will per se, is the context of powerful appearances par excellence, and hence of beauty.


18.  Chemistry, being of the spirit per se, is the context of glorious quantities par excellence, and hence of pride.


19.  Physics, being of the ego per se, is the context of formal qualities par excellence, and hence of knowledge.


20.  Metaphysics, being of the soul per se, is the context of contented essences par excellence, and hence of joy.