1.   What is evil?  That which is free in blessed hegemony over the male side of life, whether metachemically or chemically, absolutely or relatively, in relation to the noumenal objectivity of spatial space or to the phenomenal objectivity of volumetric volume.


2.   And what is good?  That which has been brought low from a blessed hegemony in objective sensuality to a damned constraint (upon not-self) in objective sensibility, passing from spatial space to repetitive time in the noumenal context of metachemistry and from volumetric volume to massed mass in the phenomenal context of chemistry.


3.   Therefore whereas evil is free and 'once born', goodness is constrained and 'reborn', though both alike appertain to the female side of life in either absolute (and metachemical) or relative (and chemical) terms.


4.   What is folly?  That which is enslaved in cursed subservience to a female hegemony, whether metaphysically or physically, absolutely or relatively, in relation to the noumenal subjectivity of sequential time or to the phenomenal subjectivity of massive mass.


5.   And what is wise?  That which has been raised up from a cursed enslavement in subjective sensuality to a saved binding (to self) in subjective sensibility, passing from sequential time to spaced space in the noumenal context of metaphysics and from massive mass to voluminous volume in the phenomenal context of physics.


6.   Therefore whereas folly is enslaved and 'once born', wisdom is bound and 'reborn', though both alike appertain to the male side of life in absolute (and metaphysical) or relative (and physical) terms.


7.   No less than evil is inextricably linked to freedom (of not-self) for female sensuality to dominate male sensuality in either eyes (noumenal) or tongue (phenomenal), goodness is just as inextricably linked to constraints upon the freedom (for not-self) of female sensibility in either heart (noumenal) or womb (phenomenal).


8.   And no less than folly is inextricably linked to enslavement (of self) by male sensuality in either ears (noumenal) or phallus (phenomenal), wisdom is just as inextricably linked to binding (to self) for male sensibility in either lungs (noumenal) or brain (phenomenal).


9.   Now whereas the 'free female' is evil and the 'enslaved male' a fool, the 'constrained female' is good and the 'bound male' wise.


10.  Whereas 'the evil' are blessed with the hegemonic position of unconstrained freedom over males, 'the good' are damned by constrained freedom to a subservient position under males.


11.  And whereas 'the foolish' are cursed with the subservient position of enslaved binding under females, 'the wise' are saved by the hegemonic position of unenslaved binding over females.


12.  What is right and what is wrong?  Clearly it is right for males that they should be delivered from sensuality to sensibility, rising diagonally through two planes in either lower-class (phenomenal) or upper-class (noumenal) terms, so that they are no longer foolishly enslaved but wisely saved from such a curse, which is wrong for them.


13.  Clearly it is right, from a male standpoint, that females should be delivered from sensuality to sensibility, falling diagonally through two planes in either upper-class (noumenal) or lower-class (phenomenal) terms, so that they are no longer evilly free but goodly damned from such a blessing, which is wrong for males.


14.  Thus whereas both evil and folly are wrong, since heathenistically outer, goodness and wisdom are right, since non-heathenistically inner, and therefore less a matter of sensuality than of sensibility.


15.  One has to be gender partisan, for it is obvious, on a utilitarian basis, that evil is and can be 'right' for females and goodness 'wrong' for them.  But, in moral reality, it is necessary to differentiate between the wrongness of sensuality and the rightness of sensibility, since it would be a poor kind of philosopher who accorded rightness to evil and wrongness to goodness or, alternatively, rightness to folly and wrongness to wisdom. 


16.  The damned female is alone good, whether absolutely in metachemistry or relatively in chemistry, and therefore right from a male standpoint, whereas the saved male is alone wise, whether relatively in physics or absolutely in metaphysics, and therefore inherently right.