by John O’Loughlin of Centretruths Digital Media


The files of which can be accessed via the remarks below:–


This further title in my ever-advancing oeuvre achieves a more comprehensive understanding and delineation of both the convolutional realities of female hegemonic contexts, regarded as vicious circles, and the involutional realities or, rather, idealities of male hegemonic contexts, regarded as virtuous circles, and therefore as bearing upon the title in terms of a positive alternative to and solution of  the problem, from a male standpoint, of the vicious circles which are established whenever somatic freedoms take precedence over their psychic counterparts, as in all heathenistic or secular societies.  It is also subtler in its understanding of the distinctions between binding and pseudo-freedom as a precondition of genuine freedom, whether for better, in respect of psyche, or worse, in respect of soma.  There is also a certain religiously-oriented terminological comprehensiveness, mirroring the above-mentioned circles, which does maximum justice to the various metaphors which are convenient shorthand for gender and class realities and idealities in both sensuality and sensibility, thereby leaving absolutely no room for doubt as to the significance and status of such metaphorical terms, irrespective as to which stage of life, from cosmic to suprahuman (cyborg), they can be variously applied.  Therefore with careful study there should be no doubt as to the applicability or significance of these definitions, or how to distinguish between them on an underlying descriptive basis.  In that respect, The Virtuous Circles achieves a logical definitiveness which it would be difficult if not impossible to improve upon, and may justifiably be regarded as the intellectual culmination-point of my philosophical oeuvre to-date. – John O’Loughlin.




Aphs. 1–25

Aphs. 26–50

Aphs. 51–75

Aphs. 76–100

Aphs. 101–106


Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin



The Virtuous Circles (PDF-derived Kindle paperback)

Centretruths on Wordpress

The Centretruths eBook Catalogue
John O'Loughlin eBooks on Lulu


Email: john-oloughlin@centretruths.com





John O’Loughlin was born in Salthill, Galway, the Republic of Ireland, of mixed Irish- and British-born parents in 1952. Following a parental split he was brought to England by his mother and grandmother (who had initially returned to Ireland with her Aldershot-born daughter upon the death of her husband) in the mid-50s and subsequently attended schools in Aldershot (Hampshire) and with an enforced change of denomination from Catholic to Protestant in consequence of having been sent to a children's home by his mother following the death and repatriation of his ethnically-protective grandmother, Carshalton (Surrey). Leaving Carshalton High School for Boys in pre-GCSE era 1970 with an assortment of CSEs (Certificate of Secondary Education) and GCEs (General Certificate of Education), including history and music, he moved to London and went on, via two short-lived jobs, to work at the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, in Bedford Square, WC1, where he eventually became responsible for booking ABRSM examination venues throughout Britain and Ireland. After a brief flirtation with further education at Redhill Technical College back in Surrey, where he had enrolled to do English and History A Levels, he returned to his former job in the West End but, due to a combination of factors, quit the Associated Board in 1976 and began to pursue a literary vocation which, despite a brief spell as a computer and office-skills tutor at Hornsey YMCA in the late '80s and early '90s, he has steadfastly continued with ever since. His novels include Changing Worlds (1976), An Interview Reviewed (1979), Secret Exchanges (1980), Sublimated Relations (1981), and Deceptive Motives (1981). Since the mid-80s John O'Loughlin has increasingly dedicated himself to philosophy, which he regards as his true literary vocation, and has penned numerous titles of a philosophical nature, including Devil and God (1985–6), Towards the Supernoumenon (1987), Elemental Spectra (1988–9), Philosophical Truth (1991–2) and, more recently, The Best of All Possible Worlds (2008), The Centre of Truth (2009), Insane but not Mad (2011) and Philosophic Flights of Poetic Fancy (2012).


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John O'Loughlin

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