THE VIRTUOUS CIRCLES: This further text in my ever-advancing oeuvre achieves a more comprehensive understanding and delineation of both the convolutional realities of female hegemonic contexts, regarded as vicious circles, and the involutional realities or, rather, idealities of male hegemonic contexts, regarded as virtuous circles, and therefore as bearing upon the title in terms of a positive alternative to and solution of  the problem, from a male standpoint, of the vicious circles which are established whenever somatic freedoms take precedence over their psychic counterparts, as in all heathenistic or secular societies.  It is also subtler in its understanding of the distinctions between binding and pseudo-freedom as a precondition of genuine freedom, whether for better, in respect of psyche, or for worse, in respect of soma.  There is also a certain religiously-oriented terminological comprehensiveness, mirroring the above-mentioned circles, which does maximum justice to the various metaphors which are convenient shorthand for gender and class realities and idealities in both sensuality and sensibility, thereby leaving absolutely no room for doubt as to the significance and status of such metaphorical terms, irrespective as to which stage of life, from cosmic to suprahuman (cyborg), they can be variously applied.  Therefore with careful study there should be no doubt as to the applicability or significance of these definitions, or how to distinguish between them on an underlying descriptive basis.  In that respect, this text achieves a logical definitiveness which it would be difficult if not impossible to improve upon, and may justifiably be regarded as the intellectual culmination-point of my philosophical oeuvre to-date.


THE STRUGGLE FOR ULTIMATE FREEDOM: I ought by now to have learnt my lesson in regard to the sort of claim made above about definitive texts but, frankly, some further philosophical progress has been made, if in regard to a revaluation - evaluating and revaluating being germane to the cyclical structures of my work - of a quite long-standing evaluation concerning devolution, which only confirms that intellectual progress happens by degrees and is a long and often tortuous process during the course of which new insights and logical configurations come to light which enable one to readdress an old contention or, in this case, bone of contention, to a more satisfactory resolution.... Which does not mean that progress towards some definitive position is not possible or is simply a delusion, as some would have us believe; but it takes time and involves many rethinks and revaluations along the way such that only a very brave and honest type of person, more likely male and not overly concerned with commercial viability or attractiveness, would be capable of undertaking, given all the complexities involved.  Nevertheless further progress, or perhaps I should say redress, has emerged here, in this well-nigh definitive text, and it is to my cyclical credit that I have been able to recycle old material and thereby fashion something new, not least in respect of a more developed concept of religious freedom which will require the ideological subordination and even democratic supersession of political freedoms if globalization is ultimately to emerge in a more credibly universal guise - a contention which, although touched upon before, here achieves something like a definitive presentation.


APOTHEOSIS OF THE GNOSIS: If anything seems like a definitive text it is this one, which enabled me to draw the various strands of my philosophy together and to enunciate my worldview with such a logical consistency and comprehensive exactitude ... that I felt as though nothing significant had been overlooked and there was even room for one or two long-standing grudges and resentments to be aired in the interests of enhanced credibility.  This, to me, is akin to a Seventh Heaven; for it is in actuality the seventh text in the series of similarly-structured aphoristic works stemming from ETHNIC UNIVERSALITY, the titular independence of all of which is designed to maintain a sense of and commitment to individualism in the wake of the rather more closely-collectivized texts which came to a head with the four books of TOTAL TRUTH.   What has come to a head here, however, is a sense of freedom which owes more to theocracy than to democracy but could not materialize, in any ultimate form, without the assistance of democracy.  That, in itself, is not new to my work, but the way it has been described and the extent to which I have exposed the penalties of not embracing psychic freedom more absolutely is really quite something else, not least in respect of the covert subversion of male virtues by female moralities in sensibility which is the price to be paid in the absence of a more complete freedom.


ESCHATOLOGY OR SCATOLOGY - 'Judgement at the Crossroads': One can take humble or vulgar means, including slang or casual obscenity, and seek to develop them philosophically in such a way that things come to light that would otherwise probably have remained buried and hidden from view.  Sometimes it were better that such things did remain buried, but if one can bear to contemplate them and grow to understand them better, then the reward is not insubstantial,1 but arguably well-worth the trouble.  So it has been here, and in this final individualized instalment of homogeneously-structured aphoristic texts I have come full-circle, as it were, and highlighted a significant distinction between the two types of people's radicalism which all those of an unworldly persuasion have to choose between, often unconsciously and according to the kind of society or civilization in which they find themselves or to which they relate - namely the Social Theocracy of the highroad and the Social Democracy of the low road, the former incontrovertibly determined to bring one aspect of the world to Heaven, the latter just as incontrovertibly determined, so far as I am concerned, to bring a neo-diabolic mode of Hell to the other aspect of the world; though to find out which is which you will have to read this text and thus undertake a journey the likes of which you will never have taken before, one which may even overtake your prior expectations and leave you marvelling at the situation in which you then find yourself, for better or worse.


Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin