



1.   'All men are equal before God' - what does this really mean?  Precisely that, so far as the central star of the Galaxy is concerned, one man is pretty much the same as another, and simply because that star isn't in the least aware of the existence of human beings.


2.   To imagine that the Creator, conceived as the theological, or figurative, aspect of the central star of the Galaxy, wishes to see men fulfil a divine purpose ... is the height of nonsense!  The subatomic absolute has no desire to encourage the formation of a supra-atomic absolute, for it exists within the strict confines of its own subatomic integrity.


3.   Progress towards a Supreme Creation only happens in spite of and without the consent of the Primal Creator.  Man struggles towards the supra-atomic absolutism of 'the Holy Spirit' by pitting himself against the subatomic absolutism of 'the Father' and what stems, as nature, from it.


4.   To the extent that the subatomic absolute may be said to have a plan for man, that plan would never extend beyond sensual indulgence in adherence to naturalistic criteria.


5.   Fulfilling the Creator's plan would simply mean living in harmony with nature in pursuit of sensual ends.


6.   But there is a superior plan to that, which may be described as fulfilling atomic man's (Christ's) plan and intermittently transcending nature by rebelling against it and aspiring towards the supernatural at least as much or as often as one lives in harmony with it.


7.   Yet there is a superior plan to that, which may be described as fulfilling post-atomic man's (the Second Coming's) plan and transcending nature by rebelling against it and aspiring towards the supernatural as much or as often as possible, until, in one degree or another, one actually attains to the supernatural!


8.   This plan would be transcendentalist as opposed to Christian, a plan in which man turns exclusively towards creating the supra-atomic absolute, as signified by transcendent spirit.


9.   Man, however, couldn't directly attain to the full-blown Supernaturalism of the supra-atomic absolute, but only to the lesser Supernaturalism of the Superman in the first phase of the post-Human Millennium - a time in which, if all goes according to plan, human brains will be artificially supported and sustained in communal contexts.


10.  The ensuing new-brain collectivizations of the second phase of the post-Human Millennium - the transcendental phase-proper - will constitute an evolutionary stage immediately preceding transcendence, and thus the attainment of the superbeingful life of the Superbeings to the supra-atomic absolute of ... Spiritual Globes converging towards total unity in the heavenly Beyond.


11.  Thus it is the Superbeing rather than man who attains to definitive salvation in the supra-atomic absolute, man being but a link in the evolutionary chain stretching from alpha to omega, or the cosmos to transcendent spirit.


12.  Evolution begins with the numerous beauties of the alpha absolute  and culminates in the one truth of the omega absolute.  It progresses from maximum appearance to maximum essence, from the proton-proton reactions of stars to the electron-electron attractions of transcendent spirit.


13.  Post-atomic man does not cease being atomic, that is to say, a largely materialistic entity.  He simply ceases to regard an atomic integrity with complacency and aspires, instead, more keenly towards the supra-atomic.


14.  Pre-atomic, or Judaic, man was conscious of a 'fall' (from the absolute beauty of the stars to the relative beauty of man), but not of an aspiration towards the absolute truth of transcendent spirit.  He lived negatively - in guilt.


15.  Atomic, or Christian, man remained conscious of a 'fall' (from the absolute beauty of the stars to the relative beauty of man), but also became conscious of an aspiration towards the absolute truth of transcendent spirit.  He lived both negatively and positively - in dualistic compromise.


16.  Post-atomic, or transcendental, man will not be conscious of a 'fall' (from the absolute beauty of the stars to the relative beauty of man), but only of an aspiration towards the absolute truth of transcendent spirit.  He will live positively - in joy.


17.  The pre-atomic mentality of the Judaic mind persists into the modern age in many Jews who, not having converted to Christianity, are still more conscious of a 'fall' (from absolute beauty) than of anything else.  Witness Kafka, who affords us a poignant example of Judaic guilt in the face of baffling and potentially hostile societal changes.


18.  Leonard Bernstein's Kaddish symphony provides us, in both libretto and music, with a no-less poignant example of Judaic guilt and bemusement in a world turning against the Creator, in defiance of natural beauty.


19.  But the post-atomic man of the third and final level of human civilization will not be concerned with beauty, either in its absolute or relative manifestations, but solely with the cultivation of truth, and so much so that, should he have a girlfriend or female companion, she will be at best ugly, at worst merely attractive.  A beautiful woman would not appeal to him - assuming any such women were still to be found in the world.


20.  For it cannot be denied that beauty appertains, in the main, to the bourgeois and aristocratic classes, who directly stem from the beauty of the stars in largely natural environments ... rather than indirectly aspire towards the truth of transcendent spirit from an artificial environment, such as the city.


21.  The fact that the proletariat only indirectly aspire towards the truth of transcendent spirit in the twentieth century has to do with their being less civilized than barbarous, and therefore beneath conscious transcendental commitment.  This is so in both the capitalist West, where they constitute an 'internal proletariat' (Toynbee), and the socialist East where, from the Western viewpoint, they exist in the context of an 'external proletariat'.


22.  Only when the proletariat are made conscious of Transcendentalism (not to be confounded with petty-bourgeois Orientalism), and thus become truly civilized, will they directly aspire towards the truth of transcendent spirit.  But that won't be before the next and ultimate human civilization gets properly under way.