YANG AND ANTI-YIN: After a brief flirtation with numerology and a kind of oblique debunking of the esoteric or occult significance of triple-digit figures, this text quickly sets about its main task, which was to explore in more detail the dialectics of Yang and Anti-Yin, as already intimated at in previous texts, and bring to a conclusion matters which, in respect of noumenal sensibility, had been pending a more definitive resolution such that, as often in my work, could not but spill over into a more general resolution of other factors which had still not reached that definitive comprehensiveness which has been my goal all along and which, once reached, would confirm and enhance the truth of what most specifically pertains to the Truth, as an exemplification of godly resolve.  But for every advance in the development and, ultimately, achievement of such a definitive working-out of all the parts in all the right places, there must come a corresponding advance to one's commitment of what most constitutes Truth, and a willingness to illustrate or exemplify it in terms of an appropriate textural presentation, one that cannot be merely phenomenal and 'human all too human', but must first acknowledge and then scale and finally conquer the heights of a presentation of Truth that is incontestably godly and thus the only apt vehicle for what would traditionally have been called 'the Word of God', but which I, fearing worshipful devotion, shall simply call 'godly word' and leave for others to approach according to their abilities or capacities for the noumenally sensible heights, whether on a metaphysical or, indeed, an antimetachemical basis, as explained, together with so much more, in this definitive presentation of my philosophy, which summarizes and brings to a conclusive resolution what in previous texts had still been in a formative stage of logical development and by no means as categorical a statement of Truth, together with what is less than and contrary to Truth, as is to be found on the pages of Yang and Anti-Yin, the End and Anti-Beginning of all philosophizing.


LAMB AND ANTI-LION: Taking its thematic structure from the previous text, this work delves deeper into noumenal sensibility and its full gender and ideological implications, taking the biblical metaphors of ‘lamb’ and ‘lion’ to their ultimate conclusions in what becomes an exact parallel to the ‘yang’ and ‘anti-yin’ of our metaphysical and antimetachemical elemental positions.  But these elements are also investigated in greater detail, and provide ample scope for the enhancement or clarification of certain terms, including those with other elemental affinities than that with which we are chiefly concerned here.  Thus a broadening-out from the central and core position of my philosophy is once again to the fore, and other positions are accordingly revaluated and modified in the light of my principal contentions.  Also modified, in this respect, are theories concerning life-after-death, which are now shown in a new light, not least in relation to my philosophy of history and the subdivisions which accrue to each of the three principal stages of civilization.  I think this is one of the factors which, in this text, has made it possible for me to be tougher on the Catholic Church than ever before and to demonstrate, logically and rationally, that the destiny of globalization can only be independent of both Western and Eastern traditions, since the full-flowering of noumenal sensibility is beyond the scope of any tradition rooted in its noumenal antithesis, no matter how obliquely.


CELESTIAL CITY AND ANTI-VANITY FAIR: Like its two textural predecessors, this text takes what I had been building towards in the previous works to its ultimate logical conclusion and establishes, categorically and without equivocation, a definitive presentation of my work such that reaffirms the gender distinctions that exist at all points of what I am rather metaphorically wont to call our ‘axial compass’, and underlines the importance of taking such distinctions to their logical conclusions in the interests of philosophical certitude and, where noumenal sensibility is concerned, enhanced credibility in respect of godly truth.  For anything short of this logical distinction between the various gender positions, not least in relation to metaphysics and antimetachemistry, will betray Truth and render it difficult if not impossible to realize.  I hope others will agree with me, when they come to read this text, that it is the crowning achievement of my philosophy and the product of one who is in no doubt as to what Truth is and of just how difficult it will be, even with the best of ideological wills, to grant it its proper place in the edifice of religious progress and, what’s more, to keep it there at the expense of everything else, not least that which appertains, in one way or another, to beauty.  Difficult, yes, but not impossible!  For this is the summation of reason, which is mind utilized in the interests of a beingfulness so supreme as to be heavenly and nothing short of the resolution of godly intent.


JESUS – A SUMMING UP! (of supreme theosophical genius): As suggested by the title, this is my final text and one that brings my philosophizing-cum-theosophizing, if not philologizing-cum-theologizing, to a cumulative head, as I restate some of the conclusive Social Theocratic theories of my previous work and modify, expand, and refine upon various of the more characteristic theories of the recent past.  Also, not altogether usual for me, I have allowed these theories to be invaded by a degree of autobiography which I needed to get out of my system and which, in any case, provided a springboard, as it were, to an enhanced approach to my more regular approach to writing and thinking. As also noted in this text, much of the writing is more weblog-like than has usually been the case, and that doubtless owes something to the fact that I now blog on the Internet and regard blogging as the electronic successor to my e-books or, rather, e-scrolls, since I prefer HTML files to, say, Adobe files if only because there is a scroll-like continuity involved which takes text to an altogether different place on the axial compass, so to speak, from where it would otherwise be, and one, I am sure, which does more justice to universality in relation to global civilization than must any electronic extrapolation from books which, to my mind, are simply more Western in character.  However that may be, blogging is gradually taking over from book and/or scroll writing in my literary predilections, and therefore it is fitting if my conclusive text happens to be more blog-like than book-like.  Also, now that I have so many web sites, I find it laborious, to the point of exasperating, to add a new short text to each directory, especially since this requires an updating if not replacement of any lists and synopses which may already be there in order to incorporate the new work.  Frankly, even my synopses are now something of a major work in their own right!  But, that said, I am first and foremost a writer of literary texts and have progressed, over the years, from philology to theology and philosophy to theosophy, sacrificing knowledge to truth and pleasure to joy.  My work is its own vindication, and anyone with enough intelligence who reads it will sooner or later come to the conclusion that it both adds up to and provides a basis or blueprint for what has been colloquially described as ‘Kingdom Come’, a radically progressive alternative to either regressive or sensually-based structures of society that should lead, among other things, to the salvation of the world, as defined in this and other texts, and to eternal peace (for males) in the transcendent Beyond which it has been the privilege of this self-styled theologist and theosophist to delineate for the benefit of those who come after him and may well inherit, if all goes according to plan, the ‘Kingdom of God’ in question, such a ‘Kingdom’ being anything but a kingdom in the usual autocratic sense but, in actuality, the theocratic antithesis to anything monarchic.



Copyright © 2012 John O'Loughlin