126.   Those who can understand and level with this are capable of truth or, at the very least, of respecting truth.  Those who can't understand it but shy away from it in shock or disbelief will be incapable of truth and could not be expected to respect it in consequence - something for which one must have the necessary width and depth of mind as occasioned by a bias for freedom conceived in psychic as opposed to somatic terms.


127.   I have no doubt that those who are instrumental in upholding both autocratic-democratic state hegemonies and aristocratic-plutocratic church subordinations to such hegemonies, being materialistically and naturalistically genuine in not-self or fundamentalistically and humanistically false to self, will be incapable of appreciating or respecting such conclusions and would be likely, in defence of vested interests or the status quo, to ignore or reject them.


128.   On the other hand, I am quietly optimistic that those who are instrumental in upholding both bureaucratic-theocratic church hegemonies and meritocratic-technocratic state subordinations to such hegemonies, being nonconformistically and transcendentalistically true to self or realistically and idealistically false in not-self, will be capable of appreciating and respecting such conclusions and would be likely, in the interests of genuine progress, to accept and further them.


129.   Therefore the judgement, to all intents and purposes, has already been made; for it is as unlikely that those who uphold a hegemonic state would encourage a vote for religious sovereignty as it is that those who are habituated to a hegemonic church would seek to extend political sovereignty at its expense or, more to the point, oppose the concept and promise of religious sovereignty, which is what would alone guarantee, in the event of a majority mandate, the legitimacy and institutional development of 'Kingdom Come' as a context characterized by such sovereignty and by the rights that would accrue to it, including the right to expand godliness and heavenliness independently not only of cosmic impedimenta, whether genuinely godly/heavenly or (more usually) otherwise, but also of natural and human impedimenta, thereby bringing metaphysical sensibility to a peak of evolution not only at the expense of earlier stages of its evolution in relation to the Cosmos, nature, or man, but at the expense of everything less than or contrary to such sensibility, which includes, aside from the physical, such sensually hegemonic factors as typify, in free will and/or spirit, both metachemical and chemical realities.


130.   For, ultimately, we who strive for 'Kingdom Come' are concerned less with free will, free spirit, or free ego than with bound will, bound spirit, free ego, and, above all, free soul, which can only be truly free when everything else is subordinated to its lead, not least in the metaphysically sensible context itself, which requires that such free ego as truthfully exists in relation to God the Father should subordinate itself to the timeless joy (bliss) of free soul in Heaven the Holy Soul via the bound will of the Son of God and the bound spirit of the Holy Spirit of Heaven, whose truthful approach to beauty and joyful approach to love in bound soma should ensure that the correlative beauty and love of Antidevil the Antimother and Antihell the Unclear Spirit will permit of a beautiful approach to truth on the part of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil and a loving approach to joy on the part of the Unclear Soul of Antihell as the secondary free psychic complements to the primary psychic freedom of truth and joy which proclaims the lead of God and Heaven for all eternity in what, increasingly, will be synthetically artificial contexts of transcendentalism and antifundamentalism which will tower above what remains of humanism, duly modified, and antinonconformism until such time as, with the dawn of a more perfect totalitarianism, nothing but God in Heaven remains to proclaim the Blissful Oneness not merely of a Beingfulness Supreme but of the Most Supreme Beingfulness there could ever be - the Beingfulness of Ultimate Universality.


131.   For there is no more merely one mode of supreme being than one mode of primal being, or antibeing, but stages of supreme being which evolve with metaphysical sensibility from cosmic heaven to cyborg heaven via natural and human heavens, as from the least universal supreme being of Heaven the Holy Soul in the Cosmos to the most universal supreme being of Heaven the Holy Soul in the Cyborg via the less (relative to least) universal supreme being of Heaven the Holy Soul in nature and the more (relative to most) universal supreme being of Heaven the Holy Soul in humankind, as beingful supremacy evolves through successive stages of heavenly unfolding towards a synthetically artificial peak which is not compromised by polyversal primacy (analytic naturalness), impersonal primacy (synthetic naturalness), or personal supremacy (analytic artificiality) to anything like the same extent as before, but is able to assert its own universal supremacy - a value always characterizing the metaphysically sensible - independently of either polyversally powerful, impersonally glorious, or personally formal obstacles to universal contentment.  In such circumstances, supreme being would be truly supreme!



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)