51.  Therefore the British will fly from Continental pressures into the arms of their reigning monarch, the free autocracy which, despite constitutional ties to parliament, both noble and plebeian, is free in the sense of independent of bureaucratic constraints emanating from the Roman Catholic Church which, ever led by theocracy, enjoins the 'faithful' to penitential contrition in the interests of grace, and thus precludes that outright criminality which, I have to say, typifies the sort of autocratic state stemming from Henry VIII which concocted its own subordinate church in the form of the Anglican Church, a church I have previously characterized as pseudo-graceful in relation to the genuine crime of the freely autocratic state, to which the punishment of the parliamentary state pays heed even at the cost of a pseudo-sinful subordinate church corollary in the guise of Puritanism, as also noted in a previous text.


52.  Be that as it may, the reigning fulcrum of things British is not democratic and parliamentary but autocratic and monarchic, and therefore the British exemplify a fatality, as subjects of a monarchy, towards the autocratic which flies in the face of their more bureaucratically-prone Continental counterparts, whose democracy is never very far from either bureaucracy or theocracy, and rarely, if ever, genuinely Social Democratic in consequence!


53.  And yet in fleeing from the Continent, the British only rush into the arms of a more active and contemporary form of autocracy, the pluralistic autocracy of the United States of America, which has the ability, in its cultural and financial allure, to overshadow the British monarchy and to provide an additional excuse why Britain should not accept further European integration. 


54.  For it seems to many British people - and not without justification - that they have more in common with America, some of which was once a British colony, than ever they do with the Continent, bearing in mind its largely Catholic traditions and the fact, by contrast, that America was founded by Puritans escaping Anglican persecution who would henceforward give to the American nation a profoundly Protestant stamp, the sort of stamp which enables America to boast of its democratic credentials even when its actions betray, as they so often do, an autocratic bias commensurate with the culture, as I like to phrase it, of perpendicular triangularity, the sort of trianguarlity which, with its fries, burgers and coke, or jazz, blues and so-called soul, or gridiron, baseball and basketball, or even electric chair, gas chamber and lethal injection, is quintessentially autocratic in respect of a metachemical hegemony in which freedom is superficially conceived in terms of will and a sort of pro-notself somatic licence that makes a god out of fire and worships God in terms, necessarily fundamentalist, of the Old Testament, thereby drawing closer to Judaism and even, in some respects, to Hinduism, with its polytheistic (sic) fundamentalism anterior even to Jewish monotheism (sic).


55.  Certainly the Jewish and Indian influences are even more characteristic of America than of Britain, though Britain has its own fatality towards the older forms of cosmic fundamentalism which owes not a little to its free autocratic traditions and overlaps with Anglicanism, the rather more Creator-oriented form of Protestantism which looks down from a pseudo-graceful patrician nose, as it were, upon the pseudo-sinful Puritans and their rather plebeian bias for the New Testament which in overall terms is no less subordinate to parliamentary freedom of expression than Anglicanism to such freedom of royalist impression as characterizes the monarchy and its non-executive arm in parliament.


56.  Whether perpendicular triangularity is cosmic, and characterized in stellar-solar-Venusian vein by Jehovah, Satan, and Allah of Middle Eastern conservatism, or natural, and characterized in tree blossom-fruit-berry vein by Saul, David, and Mohammed of Middle Eastern liberalism, or human, and characterized in eyes-ears-heart vein by the so-called Risen Virgin, the so-called Father, and the so-called Sacred Heart of the Risen Christ of Catholic decadence, or superficially cyborg, and characterized in camera-microphone-pacemaker vein by what most typifies contemporary American civilization in terms of a secular mode of synthetic artificiality, it is ever that in which Devil the Mother rules the roost at the expense of what in other texts I have defined as the Antison of Antigod (not to be confused with the Devil!) and Antidevil the Antimother - the antimetachemical manifestation of soma which stands somewhat sensibly aloof from the freer manifestations of soma characterizing the metachemical and antimetaphysical positions more typifying the sensual bias of perpendicular triangularity as that in which the fundamentalism and/or materialism of a noumenally objective female hegemony is 'top dog' and able to prosecute free will at the expense of bound soul, whether in relation to itself or in relation to the noumenally subjective 'fall guy' of an antitranscendentalist and/or anti-idealist gender-inverted disposition.


57.  That this 'top dog', which is commensurate with Devil the Mother at successive devolutionary stages which are either most freely somatic in cosmic metachemical sensuality, more (relative to most) freely somatic in natural metachemical sensuality, less (relative to least) freely somatic in human metachemical sensuality, or least freely somatic in cyborg metachemical sensuality, has been scripturally identified, in respect more especially of a cosmic and/or natural 'first mover', with God ... I am only too well aware.  But while that is perhaps, if regrettably, only to be expected from a primitive and even light-bewitched environmental standpoint, it is nonetheless as far removed from what God is as it's possible to be or, rather, get!


58.  For God has nothing to do with metachemical sensuality, whether cosmic, natural, human, or cyborg, and everything to do with metaphysical sensibility, whether at a least evolved manifestation of it in Saturn or some Saturn-like ringed (haloed) planet in the correlative mode of cosmic sensibility, at a less (relative to least) evolved manifestation of it in winged seed-pods on trees, or certain taller trees, in the correlative mode of natural sensibility, at a more (relative to most) evolved manifestation of it in transcendental meditation in the correlative mode of human sensibility, or (to anticipate the future) at a most evolved - and therefore arguably per se - manifestation of it in the synthetically artificial transcendentalism of the correlative mode of cyborg sensibility, as one ranges from a least freely psychic manifestation of metaphysical sensibility to its most freely psychic manifestation via less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) freely psychic manifestations of such godly sensibility, a sensibility of ultimate egotistical taking that has one motive and one motive alone, and that is to transcend ego in soul and achieve a heavenly redemption of the self in the supreme beingfulness of timeless bliss.


59.  Therefore the idea that God somehow has something to do with creating the world and all the planets and everything in the Galaxy and even the Universe (to use a term that takes a godly, or universal, actuality into a realm where, even when it exists, it is vastly overshadowed by what pertains, stellar-wise, to Devil the Mother and thus to metachemical sensuality as more typifying what is, in fact, the polyversal nature of the cosmos in general) is so pathetically far from the truth of what God is and how He evolves through successive life stages or actualities (from cosmic and natural to human and cyborg) as to be a crime against religion and, hence, God.  It is the original crime that the Jews not least did to religion by putting a cosmically sensual first mover in the role of God and extrapolating the false and pernicious notion of Creation from that root cause, so that everything refers back and is subordinated to the stellar Lie, including, needless to say, the solar 'fallen angel' which, as Satan or Lucifer, became 'fall guy' for denigration as the Devil.


60.  People who have bothered to read my texts will know that I am as contrary to that Lie as it is supra-humanly possible to be, and that wherever perpendicular triangularity exists, no matter in what stage of devolution, there, too, exists the Lie of the original crime against Truth or at least, with due respect to the comparative paucity or fragility of truth in terms of cosmic and/or natural modes of metaphysical sensibility ever compromised by an objective predominance in the Cosmos and Nature as a whole, to the possibility of Truth.


61.  So, of course, the Lie exists not only in relation to Hinduism and Judaism, its polytheistic (sic) and monotheistic (sic) manifestations, but, by extrapolation, in all forms of Christian fundamentalism and post-Christian materialism, of which the American variety is not the least salient in the contemporary world.


62.  And in all cases the lie of this original crime against the possibility of truth, which sensually pegs metaphysics to an antimetaphysical inversion of itself in secondary free soma as 'fall guy for slag' which I have described as the Antison of Antigod, effectively places a taboo on what I have elsewhere in my texts called an anti-cupidian thrust from the sensuality of time (sequential) to the sensibility of space (spaced), so that, disowning the god-over-devil delusion of the original crime, one opts for salvation or, at any rate, deliverance from metaphysical sensuality to metaphysical sensibility, as from the Antison of Antigod to God the Father, secondary free soma to primary free psyche, and thus for the possibility of Heaven the Holy Soul as the salvation, or redemption, of God as and when ego is eclipsed by soul in respect of the divine consciousness having opted to merge itself into the bound will and bound spirit of the metaphysically sensible not-selves of the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven, viz. lungs and breath at the human stage of metaphysical evolution (though the actual context of 'Kingdom Come' would be rather more synthetically artificial and therefore sensibly cyborg in character), only to recoil from the threat of self-annihilation posed by the out-breath of holy spirit ... to self more profoundly ... as holy soul.


63.  That (to jump over the cosmic and natural stages of godly behaviour in respect of objectively-compromised metaphysical sensibility), is what happens on the human level, a necessarily upper-class (divine) male level of religious devotion not characteristic of either the Middle East or the West traditionally, and therefore if not beyond both, then certainly above and posterior or contrary to whatever worshipful subversion or negation of God has elsewhere prevailed.


64.  But in England, where the Church, necessarily false in its want of bureaucratic-theocratic axial orientation, is either Puritan and subordinate to the parliamentary state or Anglican and subordinate to the monarchic state, both of which more typify the autocratic-democratic axis, state values, not surprisingly, have tended to eclipse religious ones, and therefore Britain, under English control, has tended to recoil from anything genuinely religious in the interests of state freedom, the sort of freedom which, when it doesn't take a democratic turn, is manifestly autocratic in character and apt to defer, in consequence, to the more actively autocratic forms of secularity typifying contemporary America as the secular form of perpendicular triangularity par excellence.


65.  In such fashion is Britain's native reluctance to be drawn further into Europe granted an additional incentive to distance itself from what its conservative spokesmen like to regard as a Social Democratic threat to British liberal democratic interests, but what is really a bureaucratic-theocratic threat to an axis that, with the exception of America, is almost uniquely British and ill-qualified, in consequence of its empirical bent, to take a road that may well lead, eventually, to the enhanced rationalistic subjectivity - or, in plain parlance, truth - of 'Kingdom Come'.


66.  Therefore Britain uses America as an excuse to maintain its distance, psychologically and socially, from Europe, including Eire (which is usually ignored as though it, together with its uniquely metaphysical culture, didn't exist), and so long as Britain is typified by an autocratic conditioning and control of democracy it is difficult to the point of impossible to see any alternative behaviour on the part of Britain, which, even without American influence, would be at cultural loggerheads with most of Europe.


67.  Unfortunately, such autocratic-democratic opposition to Europe as Britain displays in any case is reinforced by the democratic autocracy, the dualistic autocracy of America, and thus further complicated, rendering Britain even more reactionary and partial to criteria having more to do with perpendicular triangularity than even with its own inverted triangularity, never mind the non-triangular self-oriented axial orientations of church hegemonic societies, in which psyche counts for more than soma.


68.  Therefore, the only solution to the problem of Britain or, more correctly, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from a European standpoint, including that of Eire, is the development of a civilization which is not only commensurate with 'Kingdom Come' but which regards such an aspiration in the concrete terms, initially, of a Gaelic federation ... of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man, as described in previous texts, which is conceived not only with a view to developing a new and better religion than Christianity, but with a view to achieving a united Ireland on the basis of a federation of Ireland and Scotland and the Celtic, or Gaelic, countries in general, so that Irish unity is premised upon a new union in the British Isles which has the effect, bit by bit, country by country, of dismantling the United Kingdom, democratically and peaceably, and undermining the need or desirability of monarchy in proportion as a presidentially executive 'godkingship' is, so to speak, bureaucratically established in what becomes, following Judgement, or the paradoxical utilization of the state to a religiously sovereign end, a federation ... of Ireland, Scotland, etc., and the basis of both British opposition to the Continent and British fascination with America is proportionately undermined, if not entirely eradicated.


69.  For so long as Britain remains autocratically-democratically intact, it will not, whatever it says, be able to escape the implications of its state freedom and enter into partnership with those who would be capable of subordinating the State to the Church in what, with 'Kingdom Come', would be a Social-Theocratic development beyond bureaucratic-theocratic tradition and thus be the People's counterpart and ideological alternative to anything Social Democratic, which would be as hell on earth to the heavenly kingdom in which a religiously sovereign People - destined for ongoing cyborgization out of a post-human(ist) urban precondition - held sway for all eternity.


70.  Therefore it is not just for the sake of a united Ireland that I have conceived of a Gaelic federation, or even - though this is crucial - for the sake of ending the Catholic/Protestant distrust and antagonism which has schismatically bedevilled Christendom these past centuries, and ending it on the honourable basis of a religion which transcends both Protestantism and Catholicism alike without being simply a rehash of anything Eastern, but with the corollary of the democratic dismantlement of the United Kingdom as Ireland, both North and South, opts to put its differences behind it and join with Scotland and, hopefully, the Isle of Man and even Wales in the formation of a federation which will both enable the Celts to escape the autocratic-democratic clutches of England (the autocratic control of democracy always more characteristic of England than of anywhere else in the British Isles), and lead to the rejection of monarchy in England as its justification becomes increasingly tenuous in the absence of some or all of the Celtic countries, now federated, with good reason, along ideologically homogeneous lines.


71.  Thus, left to itself, England would have little choice, sooner or later, but to reject monarchism in favour of a republic, albeit a republic that was likely to form closer ties with the Roman Catholic Church and in which a newly disestablished Anglican Church would effectively draw closer to Rome and cease to live in the shadow of autocratic freedom, such bureaucratic freedom or, rather, paradoxical binding (to theocracy) as then obtained serving both to restrain democracy from the pitfalls of Social Democracy and to offer hope of theocratic redemption as and when the People drew closer to a bureaucratic-theocratic mean as the necessary precondition of Social Theocracy, whether in relation to our prospective Gaelic federation or, certain pro-Celtic parts of a devolved England notwithstanding, to the European Union in general, towards which England would inexorably be drawn as the obstacles to closer European integration 'withered away' in proportion to the decline and fall of autocracy - as much to be desired in respect of loosening, if not severing, ties with America as in forging closer ties with Europe.


72.  For as long as Britain remains characterized by a constitutional monarchy presiding over a parliamentary democracy, there is no prospect of that country escaping the malign influence of American autocracy and no likelihood of its accepting closer European integration.  Therefore it is crucial to progress both within these Isles and vis-à-vis Europe as a whole that Social Theocracy should democratically come to pass in Eire as a precondition of a Gaelic federation ... of Ireland, Scotland, etc., so that the way is prepared for the eventual dismantlement of the United Kingdom and an end to its autocratic subversion of the Gaels, whom England, having first divided, then contrived to rule in its own perverse interests.


73.  For democracy and autocracy hang together as two aspects of the same church-defying system, a system which, in Britain, resists true progress in the interests of an autocratically-based status quo from which democracy is a regression diagonally down an axis that allows for the punishment of crime but does not call the reality and right to existence of crime into question, least of all in respect of the freely autocratic state! 


74.  Only those who, esteeming neither Henry VIII nor Cromwell, do not subscribe to this moral and social aberration to anything like an English extent can be expected to join with the more overly bureaucratic-theocratic people of Eire in a struggle to liberate these islands of that very aberration which even now makes Britain a recalcitrant problem to her continental partners in the European Union and keeps her deferential to the United States, anxious, it may be, to resist Social Democracy but in no position to accept Social Theocracy and return from the state-hegemonic perversions of not-self to the church-hegemonic conversions to self.


75.  As noted earlier, whereas the autocratic-democratic axis which diagonally descends from crime to punishment is more about physical work and psychical work as manifestations of pro-notself and anti-notself behaviour, the bureaucratic-theocratic axis which diagonally ascends from sin to grace is more about physical play and psychical play as manifestations of anti-self and pro-self behaviour.