1.   The will, when sensually hegemonic, devalues life from a standpoint rooted in the noumenal objectivity of spatial space as that which, in most particles/least wavicles, is absolutely somatically free.  It is the matter, quite literally, of the Devil, of Devil-the-Evil-Mother, and is metachemically negative in terms of ugliness and, where its spiritual concomitant is concerned, hatred, the hatred of Hell-the-Clear-Spirit.


2.   The spirit, when sensually hegemonic, revalues life from a standpoint rooted in the phenomenal objectivity of volumetric volume as that which, in more (relative to most) particles/less (relative to least) wavicles, is relatively somatically free.  It is the matter, quite literally, of Purgatory, of Purgatory-the-Clear-Spirit, and is chemically negative in terms of humility and, where its instinctual concomitant is concerned, weakness, the weakness of Woman-the-Evil-Mother.


3.   By contrast, the ego, when sensibly hegemonic, evaluates life from a standpoint centred in the phenomenal subjectivity of voluminous volume as that which, in more (relative to most) wavicles/less (relative to least) particles, is relatively psychically free.  It is the mind, quite literally, of Man, of Man-the-Wise-Father, and is physically positive in terms of knowledge and, where its psychocentric concomitant is concerned, pleasure, the pleasure of Earth-the-Holy-Soul.


4.   The soul, when sensibly hegemonic, transvaluates life from a standpoint centred in the noumenal subjectivity of spaced space as that which, in most wavicles/least particles, is absolutely psychically free.  It is the mind, quite literally, of Heaven, of Heaven-the-Holy-Soul, and is metaphysically positive in terms of joy and, where its egocentric concomitant is concerned, truth, the truth of God-the-Wise-Father.


5.   Thus can the somatic freedoms of primary manifestations of devaluation and revaluation be contrasted with the psychic freedoms of primary manifestations of evaluation and transvaluation, as one would contrast sensual fire and water with sensible vegetation (earth) and air, or, in ideological terms, materialism and realism with humanism and transcendentalism.


6.   On the other hand, when the soul, under pressure of somatic subversion from the id, becomes sensually subordinate to free will, it acquiesces in the devaluation of life from a standpoint rooted in the noumenal subjectivity of sequential time as that which, in least particles/most wavicles, is absolutely psychically bound.  It is the   antimind, quite literally, of Antiheaven, of Antiheaven-the-Unholy-Soul, and is metaphysically negative in terms of woe and, where its ego-eccentric concomitant is concerned, falsity, the falsity of Antigod-the-Unwise-Father.


7.   Likewise when the ego, under pressure of somatic subversion from the superego, becomes sensually subordinate to free spirit, it acquiesces in the revaluation of life from a standpoint rooted in the phenomenal subjectivity of massive mass as that which, in less (relative to least) particles/more (relative to most) wavicles, is relatively psychically bound.  It is the antimind, quite literally, of Antiman, of Antiman-the-Unwise-Father, and is physically negative in terms of ignorance and, where its psycho-eccentric concomitant is concerned, pain, the pain of Antiearth-the-Unholy-Soul.


8.   By contrast, when the will, under pressure of psychic subversion from natural will (natwill) becomes sensibly subordinate to free ego, it acquiesces in the evaluation of life from a standpoint centred in the phenomenal objectivity of massed mass as that which, in less (relative to least) wavicles/more (relative to most) particles, is relatively somatically bound.  It is the antimatter, quite literally, of Antiwoman, of Antiwoman-the-Unevil-Mother, and is chemically positive in terms of strength and, where its spiritually-concentric concomitant is concerned, pride, the pride of Antipurgatory-the-Unclear-Spirit.


9.   Similarly when the spirit, under pressure of psychic subversion from subnatural spirit (subspirit), becomes sensibly subordinate to free soul, it acquiesces in the transvaluation of life from a standpoint centred in the noumenal objectivity of repetitive time as that which, in least wavicles/most particles, is absolutely somatically bound.  It is the antimatter, quite literally, of Antihell, of Antihell-the-Unclear-Spirit, and is metachemically positive in terms of love and, where its instinctually-concentric concomitant is concerned, beauty, the beauty of Antidevil-the-Unevil-Mother.


10.  Thus can the psychic bindings of secondary manifestations of devaluation and revaluation be contrasted with the somatic bindings of secondary manifestations of evaluation and transvaluation, as one would contrast sensual air and vegetation with sensible water and fire, or, in ideological terms, idealism and naturalism with nonconformism and fundamentalism.


11.  A hegemonic materialism always presupposes a subordinate idealism and a hegemonic realism a subordinate naturalism, for primary soma can only freely prevail when it is not hamstrung by psyche but, free to determine psychic binding after its own image, can rely upon the acquiescence of secondary soma in response to the undermining of primary psyche.


12.  Conversely a hegemonic humanism always presupposes a subordinate nonconformism and a hegemonic transcendentalism a subordinate fundamentalism, for primary psyche can only freely prevail when it is not hamstrung by soma but, free to determine somatic binding after its own image, can rely upon the acquiescence of secondary psyche in response to the undermining of primary soma.


13.  Just as metaphysical idealism only comes properly to pass in subordination to metachemical materialism, and physical naturalism in subordination to chemical realism, so chemical nonconformism only comes properly to pass in subordination to physical humanism, and metachemical fundamentalism in subordination to metaphysical transcendentalism.


14.  Thus sensual manifestations of nonconformism and fundamentalism are no more genuine vis-à-vis the prevailing realism and materialism of free soma than ... sensible manifestations of naturalism and idealism are genuine vis-à-vis the prevailing humanism and transcendentalism of free psyche.  Such nonconformism and fundamentalism as accrue to  objective psyche in sensuality are soon rendered quasi-realist and quasi-materialist through psychic determinism hailing from free soma, while such naturalism and idealism as accrue to subjective soma in sensibility are soon rendered quasi-humanist and quasi-transcendentalist through somatic determinism hailing from free psyche.


15.  In the case of somatic freedoms, the darknesses of materialism and idealism in respect of space/time and of realism and naturalism in respect of volume/mass.  In the case of psychic freedoms, by contrast, the lights of nonconformism and humanism in respect of mass/volume and of fundamentalism and transcendentalism in respect of time/space.


16.  One could say that in the case of somatic freedoms, either the sensualities of eyes over ears in respect of spatial space/sequential time or of tongue over phallus in respect of volumetric volume/massive mass.  In the case, by contrast, of psychic freedoms, either the sensibilities of womb under brain in respect of massed mass/voluminous volume or of heart under lungs in respect of repetitive time/spaced space, though, in truth, these latter contexts would be better characterized, in self, by the psychic prevalence of either brain stem or spinal cord at the expense of the respective not-selves rather than, as in sensuality, the other way around.


17.  Be that as it may, the dominance of male soul by female will and of male ego by female spirit in sensuality is contradicted by the dominance of female will by male ego and of female spirit by male soul in sensibility, as somatic alpha (will) outflanks psychic omega  (soul) and somatic omega-in-the-alpha (spirit) outflanks psychic alpha-in-the-omega (ego) in the one case, but psychic alpha-in-the-omega (ego) inflanks somatic alpha (will) and psychic omega (soul) inflanks somatic omega-in-the-alpha (spirit) in the other case.  Such are the paradoxes, one could say, of the gender struggle between darkness and light, soma and psyche, not-self and self.