1.   Males are saved from secondary cursedness/pseudo-cursedness in free soma/bound psyche to primary blessedness/quasi-blessedness in free psyche/bound soma, as they rise diagonally from either massive mass to voluminous volume in the vegetativeness of mass-volume subjectivity, as from phallus to brain, or sequential time to spaced space in the airiness of time-space subjectivity, as from ears to lungs, thereby abandoning the darkness of philistinism and sin for the light of culture and grace on either relative (physical) or absolute (metaphysical) terms - the former masculine and the latter divine.


2.   Females, by contrast, are saved from primary cursedness/quasi-cursedness in free soma/bound psyche to secondary blessedness/pseudo-blessedness in free psyche/bound soma, as they fall diagonally from either spatial space to repetitive time in the fieriness of space-time objectivity, as from eyes to heart, or volumetric volume to massed mass in the wateriness of volume-mass objectivity, as from tongue to womb, thereby abandoning the darkness of barbarity and crime for the light of civility and punishment on either absolute (metachemical) or relative (chemical) terms - the former diabolic and the latter feminine.


3.   But to rise from secondary damnation/cursedness to primary salvation/blessedness is one thing, to fall from primary damnation/cursedness to secondary salvation/blessedness is quite another, and few females could really be said to be better off, from a strictly female standpoint, in sensibility than in sensuality, given the fictionally insane paradoxes of an emphasis upon free psyche under male psychic pressures for a gender whose reality is somatic predominance in response to the precedence of psyche by soma in both the metachemical and chemical elements of what is properly female on the particle-based, or objective, side of life, a side which hails from a vacuum and is characterized by an XX chromosomal negativity, whether with a photonic upper-class female bias or with an electronic lower-class female bias, the former diabolic, the latter feminine.


4.   But if females are not necessarily better off from their gender standpoint in sensibility, then it can hardly be said of males that they would be better off in sensuality, given the illusorily insane paradoxes of an emphasis upon free soma under female somatic pressures for a gender whose reality is psychic predominance in response to the precedence of soma by psyche in both the physical and metaphysical elements of what is properly male on the wavicle-centred, or subjective, side of life, a side which hails from a plenum and is characterized by an XY chromosomal positivity (give and take a certain neutral aspect), whether with a neutronic, not to say neuronic, lower-class male bias or with a protonic upper-class male bias, the former masculine, the latter divine.


5.   Thus it is that the evolutionary drive towards salvation/blessedness is largely, if not exclusively, a male prerogative, since it is in the interests of males to achieve psychic freedom if they are to be in harmony with the positivity of their gender reality, and such moral freedom can only be achieved at the expense of females in what, for males, becomes a context of hegemonic sensibility, be it physical and vegetative or metaphysical and airy, manly or godly, earthly or heavenly.


6.   If and when males are insufficiently wise and holy, after their respective class or elemental fashions, they risk being dragged back and down, in counter-evolutionary fashion, to the unwisdom (folly) and unholiness (profanity) of somatic freedom coupled, in pseudo-cursed vein, to psychic binding, because females will not remain at cross-purposes with their gender reality in either unevil (goodness) or unclearness (humility) for long if males, beholden to hegemonic psychic pressures which favour culture and grace at the expense of civility and punishment, are not sincerely committed to enforcing such a paradoxical procedure, but will return, in devolutionary fashion, to the evil and clearness, barbarity and crime, of free soma, from the immorally free hegemonic vantage-point of which they will dominate males after their elemental fashions.


7.   Therefore either males vanquish females in hegemonic sensibility, or females will vanquish males in hegemonic sensuality, the net result of this latter procedure being the loss of culture and civility, grace and punishment, to the vicious immoralities of barbarism and philistinism, criminality and sinfulness, from which, short of a sensible conversion on the part of contrite males, there is no way back! 


8.   For females will not gladly or voluntarily relinquish their hold on males once they have them securely in their evil/clear grasp, but will continue to toy with them to their own somatic advantage, the protection of factual sanity from the threat of illusory insanity on the part of males being part of the equation but by no means all of it, since the maintenance of illusory insanity is also important to females if males are not to grow disillusioned with their paradoxical predicament and seek salvation in the form and/or contentment of some truthful sanity which, if ever it became the norm, would not merely subvert but undermine and deliver females from factual sanity to fictional insanity, the secondary blessed complement to the truthful sanity of free psyche on the part of saved/blessed males.


9.   Despite the inevitable toing and froing between sensuality and sensibility that goes on between the genders, for the most part unofficially and informally, a recognizable dichotomy in life is still evident between societies which favour freedom on predominantly female terms and societies, by contrast, whose freedom is predominantly male - in short, between somatically-biased factual/illusory and psychically-biased truthful/fictional societies, with corresponding philosophical distinctions between empiricism and rationalism, sensuality and sensibility, freedom of the fiery press/and or watery speech on the one hand, and freedom of vegetative thought and/or airy conscience on the other hand.


10.  No society is, of course, completely one thing or the other, for even predominantly somatic societies, which tend in the West to be of Protestant antecedents, have sizeable Catholic minorities and, conversely, there are significant Protestant minorities in most countries which profess to a rationalistic bias for free psyche in Catholic vein.  But even given such a distinction, it has to be admitted that, due in the main to Anglo-American and even Anglo-French pressures, the West of the early twenty-first century is more characterized by somatic freedom than by psychic freedom, and that even predominantly Catholic nations have felt the influence of their somatic counterparts to an extent which has rendered them more open to secular influences than was formerly, or would otherwise be, the case.


11.  The decadence or, if you prefer, degeneration of Western civilization from its Catholic heritage, through Protestant schism and opposition, to outright secularity has led to a situation in which both Catholics and Protestants, or those nominally identifiable as such, find themselves under the evil/clear domination and/or foolish/unholy subservience of somatic freedoms in what I have previously described as the perpendicular and inverted triangular realities of the secular present, since sensibility is rather the exception to the rule in societies so under the sway of media rooted in sensuality and objectively relaying video and audio information to them on a round-the-clock basis.


12.  Not only is the vegetative phallus under the sway of the watery forked tongue in what is, by and large, the Protestant reality of inverted triangularity, with Anglicans under Nonconformists of one persuasion or another, but the airy ears are under the sway of the fiery eyes in the decadent Catholic counterpart to that, in what amounts to the more upper-class sensual context of perpendicular triangularity, where it could be said that the Risen Mother (not Virgin) is somatically hegemonic over the Father or, more correctly, Antison, given the somatically free corollary of male subservience to a female hegemony, and that Devil-the-Evil-Mother and Hell-the-Clear-Spirit accordingly rule the somatic roost at the expense of Antigod-the-Unwise-Son and Antiheaven-the-Unholy-Spirit, neither of which have much to do with the traditional lower-class Catholic sensibilities of Man-the-quasiwise-Son (vis-à-vis Man-the-Wise-Father, Who should take precedence) and Antiwoman-the-pseudogood-Mother (vis-à-vis Antiwoman-the-Good-Daughter, viz. 'Virgin', Who should take precedence).


13.  But if that seems a little too complicated, let us at any rate remember that God and Heaven only obtain as such in metaphysical sensibility in hegemonic relationship to Antidevil and Antihell, their metachemical counterparts, and that when this is reversed in sensuality we get the Devil and Hell hegemonic over Antigod and Antiheaven.  Likewise Man and the Earth only obtain as such in physical sensibility in hegemonic relationship to Antiwoman and Antipurgatory, their chemical counterparts, and when this is reversed in sensuality we get Woman and Purgatory hegemonic over Antiman and the Anti-earth.


14.  Now that is precisely the reality of the respective triangles of the somatically free Western present, except that the so-called Sacred Heart of the Risen Christ has to be added to the perpendicular one of Catholic decadence, when in reality it is a kind of sensibly metachemical reality that, deprived of active metaphysical sensibility above it, in the guise of God-the-Wise-Father, is probably closer to what could be called a pseudo-Antimother than to anything recognizably male and properly of the Son.


15.  However that may be, the West is so far gone in somatic decadence that only a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in some paradoxical election designed to pave the way for 'Kingdom Come' could possibly deliver either tradition from the psychic perdition of the present to a future in which psyche is once again free, only this time on the much higher basis, for those who are entitled to it (see previous texts), of metaphysical sensibility, with specific reference to transcendental meditation and the practice of ego redemption of God-the-Wise-Father, on the part of its divine practitioners, in Heaven-the-Holy-Soul via utilization of God-the-quasiwise-Son and Heaven-the-quasiholy-Spirit, viz. the lungs and the breath, with particular reference to the out-breath, as the quasi-saved and quasi-blessed modification of metaphysical soma through natural will and subnatural spirit enabled free metaphysical psyche to have its heaven-oriented way, cyclical eternity without end, as the ego achieved self-transcendence in the soul, that ultimate manifestation of the self, and the brain stem gladly let itself be upstaged, so to speak, by the spinal cord.


16.  All that - and so much else besides - is or could be something for the future.  But the peoples of the decadent West, with reference to those whom I have previously earmarked as initially being most likely to seriously entertain the prospect of 'Kingdom Come', viz. the Gaels of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and the Isle of Man, would have to democratically reject the sins and/or crimes of the foolish and evil realities of the triangular present before any such deliverance could reasonably and institutionally be expected to come properly to pass, and for that there would be need, as I have already stressed, of a means whereby the peoples concerned could vote for religious sovereignty in a paradoxical election that, in the event of a majority mandate for the said sovereignty, would enable them to secure deliverance from the secular follies and evils of the decadent present through the development, thereafter, of 'Kingdom Come', as previously defined by me in terms of the triadic Beyond to which Anglicans, Nonconformists, and Catholics would be eligible, whilst others took responsibility for serving it in an administrative aside that would become the focus, as it were, of economic, political, and even scientific power, presuming upon a majority mandate for religious sovereignty and the fobbing off, by the relevant electorates, of secular sovereignties upon the Social Transcendentalist Saviour and his closest followers in return for the rights accruing to the new and in many ways ultimate sovereignty, not least of which would be the right to religious self-determination (for males) in contexts no longer subject, as before, to external gods and first movers, whether cosmic or natural or, indeed, human, but completely independent of all Bible-inspired Creatorism, with its metachemical fatality for somatic freedom in both the Cosmos and Nature.


17.  That is indeed a big step forward, but it is a step that will have to be taken if the peoples concerned - and eventually others like them - are not to remain the victims of folly and evil, unholiness and clearness, philistinism and barbarism, sin and crime, falsity and ugliness, woe and hatred ... world-without-negative-end!  For as long as the somatic freedoms of the present continue to prevail, there can be no psychic freedom, and thus no wisdom and goodness, holiness and unclearness, culture and civility, grace and punishment, truth and beauty, joy and love ... otherworld-without-positive-end. 


18. That is the choice confronting people, and that is the judgement that will have to be made come the paradoxical election to which I allude, an election to decide whether the People move beyond the immoral failings of democracy or remain somatically bogged down in them, to their lasting psychic disadvantage.