1.   When we consider the difference between a materialist hegemony over idealism in sensuality and a transcendentalist hegemony over fundamentalism in sensibility, we find that the Devil and Hell of metachemically free soma prevail over the Antigod and Antiheaven of metaphysically free soma in the one case, that of the noumenally free state in primary and secondary modes, but that the God and Heaven of metaphysically free psyche prevail over the Antidevil and Antihell of metachemically free psyche in the other case, that of the noumenally free church in primary and secondary modes. 


2.   When, on the other hand, we consider the difference between a realist hegemony over naturalism in sensuality and a humanist hegemony over nonconformism in sensibility, we find that the Woman and Purgatory of chemically free soma prevail over the Antiman and Anti-earth of physically free soma in the one case, that of the phenomenally free state in primary and secondary modes, but that the Man and Earth of physically free psyche prevail over the Antiwoman and Antipurgatory of chemically free psyche in the other case, that of the phenomenally free church in primary and secondary modes. 


3.   But the emphasis upon free will in materialism, which is the  metachemical context of somatic freedom, ensures that the Devil takes precedence over Hell and that Devil-the-Evil-Mother is accordingly more important than Hell-the-Clear-Spirit, in consequence of which the influence of the will upon male soul via the id of psychic determinism is more metachemically significant than the correlative somatic influence of the spirit upon male ego via the superego of such determinism, so that idealism, that metaphysical mode of somatic freedom stemming from psychic enslavement, becomes characterized by an emphasis upon Antigod-the-Unwise-Son at the expense of Antiheaven-the-Unholy-Spirit, since metaphysical soma comes to reflect the principal influence upon psyche which, in this case, is of the metachemical will acting upon the soul through the intermediate agency of the id, or instinctualized soul, the paradoxical outcome of which is to make metaphysical soul less subconsciously soulful and more unconsciously acquiescent, by contrast, in metaphysically free will, which we have characterized as pertaining to Antigod-the-Unwise-Son.


4.   Likewise the emphasis upon free spirit in realism, which is the chemical context of somatic freedom, ensures that Purgatory takes precedence over Woman and that Purgatory-the-Clear-Spirit is accordingly more important than Woman-the-Evil-Mother, in consequence of which the influence of the spirit upon male ego via the superego of psychic determinism is more chemically significant than the correlative somatic influence of the will upon male soul via the id of such determinism, so that naturalism, that physical mode of somatic freedom stemming from psychic enslavement, becomes characterized by an emphasis upon Antiearth-the-Unholy-Spirit at the expense of Antiman-the-Unwise-Son, since physical soma comes to reflect the principal influence upon psyche which, in this case, is of the chemical spirit acting upon the ego through the intermediate agency of the superego, or spiritualized ego, the paradoxical outcome of which is to make the physical ego less consciously intellectual and more superconsciously acquiescent, by contrast, in physically free spirit, which we have characterized as pertaining to Antiearth-the-Unholy-Spirit.


5.   Contrariwise, the emphasis upon free ego in humanism, which is the  physical context of psychic freedom, ensures that Man takes precedence over the Earth and that Man-the-Wise-Father is accordingly more important than Earth-the-Holy-Soul, in consequence of which the influence of the ego upon female will via the natural will (natwill) of somatic determinism is more physically significant than the correlative psychic influence of the soul upon female spirit via the subnatural spirit (subspirit) of such determinism, so that nonconformism, that chemical mode of psychic freedom stemming from somatic binding, becomes characterized by an emphasis upon Antiwoman-the-Unevil-Daughter at the expense of Antipurgatory-the-Unclear-Soul, since chemical psyche comes to reflect the principal influence upon soma which, in this case, is of the physical ego acting upon the will through the intermediate agency of natural will, or intellectualized will, the paradoxical outcome of which is to make the chemical will less unnaturally instinctual and more naturally acquiescent, in consequence, in chemically free ego, which we have characterized as pertaining to Antiwoman-the-Unevil-Daughter.


6.   Similarly, the emphasis upon free soul in transcendentalism, which is the metaphysical context of psychic freedom, ensures that Heaven takes precedence over God and that Heaven-the-Holy-Soul is accordingly more important than God-the-Wise-Father, in consequence of which the influence of the soul upon female spirit via the subspirit of somatic determinism is more metaphysically significant than the correlative psychic influence of ego upon female will via the natwill, so to speak, of such determinism, so that fundamentalism, that metachemical mode of psychic freedom stemming from somatic binding, becomes characterized by an emphasis upon Antihell-the-Unclear-Soul at the expense of Antidevil-the-Unevil-Daughter, since metachemical psyche comes to reflect the principal influence upon soma which, in this case, is of the metaphysical soul acting upon the spirit through the intermediate agency of subnatural spirit, or emotionalized spirit, the paradoxical outcome of which is to make the metachemical spirit less supernaturally spiritual and more subnaturally acquiescent, in consequence, in metachemically free soul, which we have characterized as pertaining to Antihell-the-Unclear-Soul.


7.   A fuller picture to each of the above elemental positions would give the psychic complement to somatic freedom and, conversely, the somatic complement to psychic freedom, on both primary and secondary terms.  For no more than soma can exist without psyche in the one context ... can psyche exist without soma in the other, soma preceding and predominating over psyche where the female elements of metachemistry and chemistry are concerned; psyche preceding and predominating over soma where the male elements of physics and metaphysics are concerned, each of these realities paradoxically twisted to a contrary emphasis when one or other of them falls under the hegemonic influence of the opposite sex, males emphasizing soma, contrary to their gender reality, in the somatic naturalism and idealism of sensuality, females emphasizing psyche, contrary to their gender reality, in the psychic nonconformism and fundamentalism of sensibility, neither of which are guaranteed to be at their best, or most representative, in consequence.


8.   For the genders reflect the sensuality and sensibility of life, as of the Cosmos, Nature, Civilization, and any future cyborg-like outcome to the march of history which will bring the fourth element, air, to its epochal summation, and though the ratio of sensuality to sensibility or vice versa can be modified in the course of time and according to the nature and/or nurture of the age, it cannot be entirely eradicated. 


9.   There are the female realities of free will and free spirit conditioning shadow forms of free will and free spirit in soma on the one hand, and the male realities of free ego and free soul conditioning shadow forms of free ego and free soul in psyche on the other hand.  Free will and free spirit may be undesirable from a male standpoint, since affiliated to the free state and thus to somatic negativities to which females are structurally more suited, but free ego and free soul are just as likely to be undesirable from a female point of view, since affiliated to the free church and thus to all manner of psychic positivities to which males are structurally more suited. 


10.  Short of drastically being able to change the terms of life through its extensive and intensive modification under technological and pharmacological methodologies of a very sophisticated order, something which may one day prove possible, even to the extent of enabling the cyborg-oriented authorities of the future to determine the gender priorities of artificial reproduction towards a stable population with no further need to reproduce, we have to allow for some relativity in the matter of gender differentiation and admit that even in the best of systems, which, as a male, I would logically contend to be those which encourage sensibility at the expense of sensuality and thus culture and civility at the expense of their opposites, some unofficial allowance has to be made for backslidings from the ideals for both males and, particularly, females; though that would still be a far cry from actively encouraging reactionary tendencies and openly allowing people to be evil and/or foolish contrary to the rule of wisdom and/or goodness, a rule which, one has to admit, will be rather more satisfactory to males than to females, given the gender ratio differentials, according with class, between male psychic predominance and female somatic predominance conditioned, however, to a common moral end in the salvation/blessedness of primary and secondary orders of psychic freedom.