1.   When we consider the distinction in psyche between ego and soul, form and contentment, we are inclined to allot parallel terms to them like God and Heaven, or truth and joy, or wisdom and holiness, or taking and being, or even - and this is my current conviction - culture and grace, not to mention salvation and blessedness, or the fact or, rather, truth of the ego context of, at any rate, metaphysics being saved by God and of the soul context thereof being blessed with Heaven.


2.   Likewise, dropping from metaphysics to physics, as from air to vegetation, one could admit of the ego and soul, the wisdom and holiness, of free psyche there being equivalent to man and the earth, or knowledge and pleasure, or relative culture and relative grace, with the ego context significant of being saved by man and the soul context significant of being blessed with the earth, the physical equivalent of Heaven.


3.   For salvation and blessedness are just as germane to the ego and soul of free psyche as culture and grace, or wisdom and holiness, albeit we have to distinguish between their physical manifestations in man and the earth, which are relative, and their metaphysical manifestations in God and Heaven, which are absolute.  Therefore the relative taking and being of knowledge and pleasure in man and the earth, as opposed to the absolute taking and being of truth and joy in God and Heaven, the former physical, the latter metaphysical.


4.   When, on the other side of the gender fence, we consider the distinction in soma between will and spirit, power and glory, we are enabled to allot parallel terms to them like the Devil and Hell, or ugliness and hatred, or evil and clearness, or doing and giving, or even - and this is my current conviction - barbarity and crime, not to mention damnation and cursedness, or the truth or, rather, fact of the will context of, at any rate, metachemistry being damned by the Devil and of the spirit context thereof being cursed with Hell.


5.   Likewise, dropping from metachemistry to chemistry, as from fire to water, one could admit of the will and spirit, the evil and clearness, of free soma there being equivalent to woman and purgatory, or weakness and humility, or relative barbarity and relative crime, with the will context significant of being damned by woman and the spirit context significant of being cursed with purgatory, the chemical equivalent of Hell.


6.   For damnation and cursedness are just as germane to the will and spirit of free soma as barbarity and crime, or evil and clearness, albeit we have to distinguish between their chemical manifestations in woman and purgatory, which are relative, and their metachemical manifestations in the Devil and Hell, which are absolute.  Therefore the relative doing and giving of weakness and humility in woman and purgatory, as opposed to the absolute doing and giving of ugliness and hatred in the Devil and Hell, the former chemical, the latter metachemical.


7.   Males are saved from a bound psyche subordinate to free soma under a female hegemony in sensuality to a free psyche conditioning bound soma over a female subservience in sensibility, as from the philistinism and sin, folly (unwisdom) and unholiness, of physical and/or metaphysical damnation and cursedness to the culture and grace, wisdom and holiness, of physical and/or metaphysical salvation and blessedness, passing diagonally up through two contiguous class planes from the realm of either antiman and anti-earth or antigod and antiheaven, depending on the element, to that of either man and earth or god and heaven.


8.   Females are saved from a free soma conditioning bound psyche over a male subservience in sensuality to a bound soma subordinate to free psyche under a male hegemony in sensibility, as from the barbarity and crime, evil and clearness, of metachemical and/or chemical damnation and cursedness to the civilization or, rather, civility and punishment, goodness (unevil) and unclearness, of metachemical and/or chemical salvation and blessedness, passing diagonally down through two contiguous class planes from the realm of either devil and hell or woman and purgatory, depending on the element, to that of either antidevil and antihell or antiwoman and antipurgatory.


9.   Therefore males pass, according to elemental class, from the sensuality of antiman and anti-earth in physics (mass/volume) or of antigod and antiheaven in metaphysics (time/space) to the sensibility of man and earth or god and heaven, while females pass, in like manner, from the sensuality of devil and hell in metachemistry (space/time) or woman and purgatory in chemistry (volume/mass) to the sensibility of antidevil and antihell or antiwoman and antipurgatory, as the case may be.


10.  Put differently, this means that physical males pass from ignorance and pain to knowledge and pleasure as they depart the realm of antiman and anti-earth for that of man and earth, while metaphysical males, their upper-class counterparts, pass from falsity and woe to truth and joy as they depart the realm of antigod and antiheaven for that of god and heaven, with the emphasis, in each case, shifting from a bound psyche subordinate to a free soma, to a free psyche hegemonic over a bound soma, the secondary damned/cursed emphasis being on soma, and the primary saved/blessed emphasis being on psyche.


11.  In the case of metachemical females, however, salvation/blessedness for them is rather from ugliness and hatred to beauty and love as they depart the realm of devil and hell for that of antidevil and antihell, while chemical females, their lower-class counterparts, pass from weakness and humility to strength and pride as they depart the realm of woman and purgatory for that of antiwoman and antipurgatory, with the emphasis, in each case, shifting from a free soma hegemonic over a bound psyche to a bound soma subordinate to a free psyche, the primary damned/cursed emphasis being on soma, and the secondary saved/blessed emphasis being on psyche.


12.  For damnation and cursedness are always associated with sensual freedom, whether in primary (female) or secondary (male) terms, whereas salvation and blessedness are always associated with sensible freedom, whether in primary (male) or secondary (female) terms.  It is precisely because females are soma-over-psyche, however, that damnation/cursedness for them is primary and a matter of barbarity and crime rather than philistinism and sin.  With males, on the other hand, the precedence of soma by psyche ensures that salvation/blessedness for them is primary and a matter of culture and grace rather than civility and punishment.


13.  Therefore barbarity and crime, corresponding to objective free will and spirit, the former evil and the latter clear, are ever hegemonic over philistinism and sin, corresponding to subjective free will and spirit, the former foolish and the latter unholy, because females are more naturally disposed to soma than males, given the ratios of most particles/least wavicles in metachemistry and more (relative to most) particles/less (relative to least) wavicles in chemistry that put them at a somatic advantage to the less (relative to least) particles/more (relative to most) wavicles of physics and the least particles/most wavicles of metaphysics, the reversed order of male wavicle/particle ratio characterizing the somatic emphases of sensuality.


14.  By contrast, culture and grace, corresponding to subjective free ego and soul, the former wise and the latter holy, are ever hegemonic over civility and punishment, corresponding to objective free ego and soul, because males are more naturally disposed to psyche than females, given the ratios of more (relative to most) wavicles/less (relative to least) particles in physics and most wavicles/least particles in metaphysics that put them at a psychic advantage to the less (relative to least) wavicles/more (relative to most) particles of chemistry and the least wavicles/most particles of metachemistry, the reversed order of female particle/wavicle ratio characterizing the psychic emphases of sensibility.


15.  Consequently whereas the darkness of soma calls the tune at psyche's expense in sensuality, the light of psyche calls the tune at soma's expense in sensibility, with antithetical consequences.  Either males are damned/cursed with secondary somatic freedom in subjectivity to the primary somatic freedom in objectivity of females, or females are saved/blessed with secondary psychic freedom in objectivity to the primary psychic freedom in subjectivity of males.  Either philistinism and sin 'ride out' under the hegemonic sway of barbarity and crime, or civility and punishment 'ride in' under the hegemonic sway of culture and grace - whether in relative or absolute, phenomenal or noumenal, terms.


16.  In such fashion does the antiman and anti-earth of physical sensuality defer to the woman and purgatory of chemical sensuality and/or the antigod and antiheaven of metaphysical sensuality defer to the devil and hell of metachemical sensuality, like an antison (unwise will) and antispirit (unholy spirit) to a mother and spirit, while, in sensible contrast, does the antiwoman and antipurgatory of chemical sensibility defer to the man and earth of physical sensibility and/or the antidevil and antihell of metachemical sensibility defer to the god and heaven of metaphysical sensibility, like an antidaughter (unevil ego) and antisoul (unclear soul) to a father and soul.