1.   The only alternative to not struggling forward in an evolutionary manner towards an omega-oriented summation of psychic freedom is worldly amorality, hypocrisy, confusion, androgyny, cant, instability, mediocrity, godlessness, and lethargy coupled to state freedom in a somatically-dark society which, besides succumbing to dwindling natural resources in an ever-more demanding consumerist environment, is becoming increasingly populous and over-populated with co-operative or, more prevalently these days, collectivized slaves to competitive frenzy, the somatic barbarity of which rains down in fiery thunderbolts of metachemical licence from 'on high', and makes the alternative possibility 'on high' of individual freedom of conscience in metaphysical self-confidence all but impossible.


2.   And this of a civilization which, in its burgeoning urban intensification, has the capacity to 'go within' and develop a more sensible alternative to the rampant sensualities of the secular present, including the almost certain criminal devaluation of afterlife sanctity for males in agonizing annihilation of the self in the various crematoria that would probably not have materialized without the state freedoms of somatic negativity in response to a female hegemony of outright barbarity, soma returning darkly to soma without concern, seemingly, for the male reality of psyche returning brightly to psyche, whether in equivocal or unequivocal vein.


3.   A lot has to be done to get civilization back on moral tracks, to deliver it from the immoral clutches of the vicious beasts of contemporary barbarism and crime, but it is achievable and only requires the co-operation of people in countries such as Ireland to ensure that the future belongs not to the metachemically somatic freedom of Devil-the-Evil-Mother and Hell-the-Clear-Spirit coupled, in directly bound psyche, to Devil-the-Evil-Daughter and Hell-the-Clear-Soul, but to the metachemically psychic freedom of Antidevil-the-Unevil-Daughter and Antihell-the-Unclear-Soul coupled, in indirectly bound soma, to Antidevil-the-Unevil-Mother and Antihell-the-Unclear-Spirit.


4.   And that the future belongs not to the chemically somatic freedom of Woman-the-Evil-Mother and Purgatory-the-Clear-Spirit coupled, in directly bound psyche, to Woman-the-Evil-Daughter and Purgatory-the-Clear-Soul, but to the chemically psychic freedom of Antiwoman-the-Unevil-Daughter and Antipurgatory-the-Unclear-Soul coupled, in indirectly bound soma, to Antiwoman-the-Unevil-Mother and Antipurgatory-the-Unclear-Spirit.


5.   And that, on the other side of the gender fence, the future belongs not to the physically somatic freedom of Antiman-the-Unwise-Son and Antiearth-the-Unholy-Spirit coupled, in indirectly bound psyche, to Antiman-the-Unwise-Father and Antiearth-the-Unholy-Soul, but to the physically psychic freedom of Man-the-Wise-Father and Earth-the-Holy-Soul coupled, in directly bound soma, to Man-the-Wise-Son and Earth-the-Holy-Spirit.


6.   As well, more importantly, as that the future belongs not to the metaphysically somatic freedom of Antigod-the-Unwise-Son and Antiheaven-the-Unholy-Spirit coupled, in indirectly bound psyche, to Antigod-the-Unwise-Father and Antiheaven-the-Unholy Soul, but to the metaphysically psychic freedom of God-the-Wise-Father and Heaven-the-Holy-Soul coupled, in directly bound soma, to God-the-Wise-Son and Heaven-the-Holy-Spirit.


7.   For only on such a sensible basis will modern civilization come into its wise and good, holy and unclear, maturity, and leave its youthful evils and follies, clearnesses and unholinesses, behind on the rubbish heap of a somatically dark history, too disposed to the positive benefits accruing to psychic light to ever wish to return to the negative attributes of a freedom interpreted in relation to the State rather than to the Church, to nation-state nationals rather than to universal-church brethren, to soma rather than to psyche, to female hegemonies rather than to their male counterparts, to will and spirit rather than to ego and soul, to power and glory rather than to form and contentment, to appearance and quantity rather than to quality and essence, to doing and giving rather than to taking and being, to factual sanity coupled to illusory insanity rather than to truthful sanity coupled to fictional insanity, and, in philosophy, to fact-slavering empiricism rather than to truth-affirming rationalism.


8.   Society is approaching, if not virtually at, the cross-roads and must soon make the decision as to whether to remain bogged down in worldly mire or, disdaining crime and sin, evil and folly, barbarism and philistinism, clearness and unholiness, to democratically seek deliverance from such a bog via a paradoxical election for religious sovereignty and the rights accruing to it, including, not least of all, deliverance, in the event of a majority mandate for the said sovereignty, from all religious primitivity and Bible-based Creatorism and/or Creationism, the great first-mover obstacle in cosmic materialism to true religion and a more genuine concept of and relationship to God and Heaven in consequence, the God of the metaphysical self attuned to what is properly universal as He achieves redemption, via the metaphysical not-self of the lungs/breath, of God-the-Wise-Son/Heaven-the-Holy-Spirit, in the Heaven of the metaphysical self, God-the-Wise-Father into Heaven-the-Holy-Soul, as the transcendental meditator passes indirectly from the brain stem to the spinal cord and achieves his fulfilment in that transvaluation which is commensurate with the soul per se, ego vindicated in that ultimate resurrection of the self which, for the male metaphysical individual, is its final end and ultimate justification, God of little account without a Heaven in which to be redeemed and sanctified.


9.   Quite unlike, it has to be said, Man, who is effectively his own, necessarily false, end in the ego of finite truth or, as is usually said, knowledge, with but a peripheral commitment to soul in the necessarily 'bovaryized' guise of pleasure, or finite joy - the spinal cord secondary to the brain stem in the physical context in which Man - provided he has not been foolishly upended or even evilly bent - has his humanistic throne.


10.  When we look for a technological parallel to each of the above, to God as secondary to Heaven, the metaphysical brain stem to the metaphysical spinal cord, and of the Earth as secondary to Man, the physical spinal cord to the physical brain stem, air as different from vegetation (earth) as essence from quality, or contentment from form, or soul from ego, or joy from knowledge, or being from taking, it is not long before we come-up with an interesting paradigm - to wit, the distinction between music DVDs and music CDs in the one case, that of metaphysical ego and soul, and spoken-word CDs and filmic DVDs in the other case, that of physical soul and ego, with a contrast between the psychocentric emphasis on contentment of the former pair and the egocentric emphasis on form of the latter pair, music DVDs logically secondary to music CDs, like the metaphysical brain stem to the metaphysical spinal cord, godly ego to heavenly soul, but, in contrast to this, spoken-word CDs logically secondary to filmic DVDs, like the physical spinal cord to the physical brain stem, earthly soul to manly ego.


11.  Therefore while the metaphysical individual, a sort of heaven-oriented god, will prefer both music DVDs and CDs to their filmic or speech-oriented counterparts, his bias within metaphysics will be towards CDs as the soulful parallel in a context where the soul rightly takes precedence over the ego, and visionary experience is accordingly subordinated to what Huxley would have called unitive knowledge, meaning a connection with the spinal cord at the expense of the brain stem, the soul at the expense of ego.


12.  But, in complete male contrast, the physical individual, always more prone, in his ego-besotted manliness, to vegetative collectivization than to airy individualization, should logically prefer filmic DVDs and spoken-word CDs to their musical counterparts, his bias within physics being towards DVDs as the egocentric parallel in a context where the ego rightly takes precedence over the soul, and any prospect of unitive knowledge is accordingly subordinated to visionary experience, meaning a connection with the brain stem at the expense of the spinal cord, the ego at the expense of soul.


13.  Laser technology used in these contexts, particularly in relation to properly subjectivistic DVD- and CD-playing media like personal computers and stand-alone (as opposed to radio-linked) CD players,  provides a paradigm, it seems to me, with the self, the brain stem and spinal cord, but the emphasis is very different in each case, and where the genuinely Metaphysical are concerned it is unlikely that they will take much interest in filmic DVDs but, rather, use music DVDs as a subordinate complement to music CDs, laser technology providing an artificial parallel to the more sensibly significant - and deeper - redemption of the self in the form-eclipsing contentment of the soul, as the brain stem makes way for the spinal cord as the final end of life for those who are entitled, on both class and gender terms, to experience it through the practice of transcendental meditation, albeit a practice that becomes increasingly integrated, as time goes by, into the march of technological progress and can be sharply differentiated, in consequence, from any more 'naturalistic' and/or traditional approach to TM. 


14.  For contemporary civilization can only become more synthetically artificial, not return to a less technologically sophisticated past, if it is to attain to the maximum of its potential for evolutionary development.