1.   Saved to free psyche via hegemonic male psychic freedom in sensibility, females become civil and punishing as opposed to remaining barbarous and criminal, but nevertheless are only good (unevil) and unclear because of male pressures, not because it suits their gender-nature to emphasize the positivity of psyche, whether metachemical or chemical, at the expense of the negativity of soma.


2.   Contrariwise, damned to free soma via hegemonic female somatic freedom in sensuality, males become philistine and sinful as opposed to remaining cultural and graceful, but nevertheless are only foolish (unwise) and unholy because of female pressures, not because it suits their gender-nature to emphasize the negativity of soma, whether physical or metaphysical, at the expense of the positivity of psyche.


3.   For females and males are not capable, given their contrary gender structures, of affirming or sharing the same agenda, and what best suits the one gender will eventually prove less than suitable to the other.  Males will grow restive with a somatic emphasis in view of their psychic predominance in physics and metaphysics through the precedence of soma by psyche in ratios of either 2½:1½, viz. more (relative to most) wavicles/less (relative to least) particles, or 3:1, viz. most wavicles/least particles, while, conversely, females will grow restive with a psychic emphasis in view of their somatic predominance in metachemistry and chemistry through the precedence of psyche by soma in ratios of either 3:1, viz. most particles/least wavicles, or 2½:1½, viz. more (relative to most) particles/less (relative to least) wavicles.


4.   Therefore just as males will strive to diagonally rise, through salvation and blessedness, back from unwisdom (folly) and unholiness to wisdom and holiness, somatic darkness to psychic light, so females will strive to diagonally counter-rise, through damnation and cursedness, back from unevil (goodness) and unclearness to evil and clearness, psychic light to somatic darkness, because they are no more capable of a sustained commitment to a context at cross-purposes, in psychic freedom, with their gender constitution in somatic precedence of psyche than would be the generality of males with a context at cross-purposes, in somatic freedom, with what corresponds to their gender constitution in psychic precedence of soma.  Consequently the genders deceive and dupe one another under pretext of compliance; for neither can stand the company or criteria of the other for very long.


5.   This is the crux, in effect, of the 'sex war', which is a tug-of-war, so to speak, between contrary gender agendas, the somatic freedom in sensuality of females necessitating the psychic binding (or enslavement of psyche to free soma) of males, and, conversely, the psychic freedom in sensibility of males necessitating the somatic binding (or enslavement of soma to free psyche) of females, with the latter only likely to succeed to any significant extent provided the requisite religious and moral structures have been put in place and society is willing, in civility (female) and culture (male), not to mention their corollaries of punishment and grace, to embrace the institutional upholding of sensible ideals - not least in relation to an environmentally sensible precondition in suburban or, higher, urban development.


6.   For sensibility, and therefore culture and civility, the former hegemonic in male sensibility over the latter, only thrives in environmental contexts which, because of their internalization or encouragement of a largely indoor lifestyle, reflect, in evolutionary fashion, the sensible development of society in general, not in overly sensual or rural-type environments which, by contrast, pander to outdoor lifestyles.  Now while the traditional Christian sensibilities of relative culture and civility, epitomized by lower-class allegiances to the vegetative sensibility of the brain and the watery sensibility of the womb, would seem to have reflected a suburban environmental mean, the coming post-Christian, or Social Transcendentalist, sensibilities of absolute culture and civility, epitomized by upper-class allegiances to the airy sensibility of the lungs and the fiery sensibility of the heart, can only thrive on the basis of an urban environmental mean, the sort of mean in which both metachemical (square) and metaphysical (round) manifestations of urban development tower above anything chemical (rectangular) or physical (elliptical), as the administrative aside to the triadic Beyond and the Beyond in question itself - with particular reference to its top, or metaphysical, tier - would tower above the world of democratic profanity in otherworldly commitment to the sanctity of religious sovereignty, as germane to 'Kingdom Come'.


7.   Now in this otherworldly context of 'Kingdom Come', the 'sex war' would doubtless continue, albeit on modified terms, with an institutionalized backing for the hegemonies of male sensibility over their female counterparts, so that the boot, so to speak, would be on the other foot, and females would no longer be free, in soma, to dominate males to their evil and clear satisfaction, but would have been blessedly saved, pending a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, from the primary damnation and cursedness of the barbarous and criminal hegemonies of the somatically secular present to the civilized and punishing subordinations of the psychically ecclesiastic future, their male counterparts having also elected, it is sincerely to be hoped, for blessed salvation from the secondary damnation and cursedness of the philistine and sinful subordinations of the secular present to the cultural and graceful hegemonies of an ecclesiastic future in which knowledge will be renewed and reformed in relation to the enthronement, for the first time in Western history, of genuine truth, not merely of sensibly physical knowledge hyped, through Christianity, as truth nor, indeed, of falsity posing as truth in metaphysical sensuality, the context of the antigod (with particular reference, in free soma, to the antison), or, worse, of ugliness posing as truth in metachemical sensuality, the context, when not overly Old Testament, of the Risen Virgin or, rather, Mother, but, rather, that truth which is totally sensible in character and commensurate with the practice, for those who are entitled to it (see earlier texts), of transcendental meditation, a sort of Buddhism without the Cosmos.


8.   For if one thing more than any other has put Christian Western people off Buddhism and kindred Eastern religions in the past, it is its connection to the Cosmos and inability, due to primitive historical circumstances, to disentangle, unequivocally, the universal from the cosmic, airy monism from fiery pluralism.  Disdaining the Cosmos as a focus of religious worship, the Christian West has scorned Buddhism as unworthy of its partly liberated achievements, in the world, and only likely, no matter how attractive certain meditative aspects of it may be, to set the clocks back, in fact, as far back as the beginnings of time and the somatic rule, to a near absolute degree, of cosmic negativity.


9.   For Christ was conceived - and even perceived - as a rejection of such negativity, not only in relation to the Cosmos, but also in relation to objective nature, to the watery monism of a context dominated not by ugliness and hatred but by weakness and humility, and even, where the strictly masculine is concerned, in relation to subjective nature, to the vegetative pluralism of a context which, if not granted adequate respect from a sensible standpoint, the Catholic standpoint of humanism dominating naturalism, can so easily wind up subordinate, in sensual naturalism, to realism, and thus to an Anglican or even Rousseauesque fatality, at the foot of inverted triangularity, towards ignorance and pain at the expense of knowledge and pleasure, with the inevitability of an empirical paradox that, in its inversion of rationalism, can only trail resentfully behind the realism and materialism of empiricism-proper in relation to the more overly female hegemonies of Western decadence.


10.  Latterly the decadence of Western civilization, its openness not merely to philistinism but to the secular objectivities of barbarism, both realistic and materialistic, has rendered Eastern religions, with their cosmic primitivity and Creatoresque limitations, more attractive or, at any rate, less unattractive than hitherto.  But the great majority of Western people still cling, no matter how tenuously, to a belief in the desirability of freedom from cosmic tyranny, even when they are effectively part of some triangular reality, be it inverted (and Protestant) or perpendicular (and Catholic), and look forward, in consequence, to a better age, an age no longer subject to the barbarous and philistine, criminal and sinful, realities of the decadent present, but beholden to a new and altogether superior order of culture and civility, centred upon, though not exclusively characterized by, transcendental meditation, albeit a meditation whose universality is decidedly airy and monist, and has no truck whatsoever with the polyversality of the fiery cosmos, nor indeed with optical vacuity in contemplative inanity. 


11.  If the harbinger of this new order of civility and culture is Social Transcendentalism, as I incline to believe, then Social Transcendentalism is not only infinitely preferable to Christianity, to the Roman Catholic tradition of Christianity-proper, with its brain-over-womb phenomenal sensibilities, but infinitely preferable to all religions rooted, due to their antiquity, in the Cosmos and betraying a somatic fatality towards the darkness of materialism and the tyranny, in consequence, of Creatoresque primitivity. 


12.  Social Transcendentalism is, in effect, the only way for the world to move forward, for East and West to overcome their differences and join together in a meditative transcendence of the Cosmos.  For until they do, the darkness, whether absolute or relative, noumenal or phenomenal, cosmic or natural, will continue to reign over the world in power-besotted glory and to poison all prospects of lasting form and contentment, peace and happiness.