102.  To say that the Father created the world is as illogical as to say that the Son or the Mother did.  Creation stems not from the Father, who is a plus, but from the Antispirit (Jehovah), which is a minus, the electron-particle minus of, in all probability, the central star of the Galaxy, from which, we can only assume, the sun and other components of the Solar System fell, in devolutionary stages from the solar to the lunar via the planar, viz. in theological terms, from the Antifather to the Antison via the Antimother, in proton-particle, atomic-particle, and neutron-particle collectives of secular antagonisms.  It was from such a negative basis that the positivity of religious alternatives eventually arose, a 'Blessed Trinity' and 'Blessed Mother' of wavicle individualism which, corresponding to divine, diabolic, purgatorial, and worldly options, would thenceforth be in positive competition with one another for the hearts and minds of men.  Hence, whether one's preferred deity was spiritual, soulful, intellectual, or wilful, it would correspond to an omega, or wavicle, position ... in contrast to the alpha, or particle, positions of the antideities, with the negative competitiveness of their secular collectives.  It was not that the alpha positions were diabolic and the omega positions divine (although a superficial estimation of such a scientific/religious dichotomy might suggest as much), but that the alpha could be divine or diabolic, depending on whether we had the spiritual or the soulful in mind, light or heat, electrons or protons, the Antispirit (Jehovah) or the Antisoul (Satan).  Yet what applies to the alpha positions applies no less to the omega ones, where the Holy Spirit, appertaining to the light spectrum, is divine, but the Father, appertaining to the heat spectrum underneath, is diabolic or, if you prefer, superdiabolic, considering that strength and pride are attributes of positive rather than negative fire.  Hence a divine/superdivine dichotomy between Jehovah and the Holy Spirit, but a diabolic/superdiabolic dichotomy between the Devil and the Father - the former dichotomy appertaining to electrons, both particle and wavicle, the latter to protons, both particle and wavicle.  To think of this dichotomy otherwise, in terms, say, of a diabolic/divine antithesis between particles and wavicles, would be to succumb to the illogicality of having to speak of, say, either a diabolic Heaven (Jehovah) or a divine Hell (the Father).  But how can Heaven (light) be diabolic or Hell (heat) divine?  Heaven can only be divine and Hell diabolic, for the divine has to do with God and the diabolic with the Devil.  There is no such thing as divine heat or diabolic light.  Light can only be divine, but on either a negative (particle) or a positive (wavicle) basis, depending on whether we are referring to speed or lightness, the Antispirit or the Holy Spirit.  Now what applies to light applies no less to heat, that diabolic attribute, where we have a negative (particle) and a positive (wavicle) dichotomy between slowness and heaviness, the Antifather and the Father.  That is why, whenever I have used the T-like diagram in the past, I have had no misgivings about regarding the Father in a diabolical light, as below:-













since the divine spectrum, as it were, is always occupied by the Holy Spirit, spirit according with the divine no less than soul with the diabolic, while intellect accords with the purgatorial, and will with the mundane - air, fire, water, and earth, with electron, proton, neutron, and atomic implications respectively.


103.  The doing of the Father, the sentience of the Mother, the existence of the Son, and the being of the Holy Spirit.  Proton doing, atomic sentience, neutron existence, electron being; fire, earth, water, and air.  Since the Father corresponds to the outer light, one could speak of the noumenal doing (soul) of the outer light; since the Mother corresponds to the outer darkness, one could speak of the phenomenal doing (will) of the outer darkness; since the Son corresponds to the inner darkness, one could speak of the phenomenal being (intellect) of the inner darkness; and since the Holy Spirit corresponds to the inner light, one could speak of the noumenal being (spirit) of the inner light.  Phenomenal doing, which corresponds to the world, can only be saved by noumenal being, not only from itself but, even more importantly, from noumenal doing and phenomenal being.  A working class that are under the control of either or both the upper class and the middle class will not be in a position to become classless.  But a working class which have achieved freedom from both the upper and the middle classes, and therefore exist in a People's Republic, will be in a position to be saved from itself, and thus achieve the noumenal being of classless redemption.  A Catholic republic is effectively a People's Republic because Catholicism is the mode of Christianity which most accords with phenomenal doing, in contrast to the bias for phenomenal being which accrues to Protestantism.  In fact, a Protestant republic (like America) is effectively a bourgeois republic, with a more capitalist economic bias.


104.  To distinguish (relatively speaking) between upper-class, middle-class, working-class, and classless jazz on the following basis: viz. that upper-class jazz will be vocals orientated, middle-class jazz keyboards orientated, working-class jazz guitar orientated, and classless jazz wind orientated.  Since jazz is primarily an idealistic  and therefore pitch-oriented kind of music, it follows that jazz will be most true to itself in the classless context of a wind orientation, but least true to itself in the upper-class context of a vocals orientation ... which, given the soulful nature of the human voice, is closer to soul.  Of the two kinds of jazz in between these alpha/omega extremes, guitar-oriented jazz is the closer to classless, or true, jazz, while keyboards-oriented jazz, adrift in a middle-class limbo, can usually do no better than approach pitch from a melodic, and therefore intellectual, point of view.  One might say that it remains democratically aloof from the guitar harmonies of its working-class antithesis, as capitalism from socialism, and that when it extends beyond a keyboards - usually piano - bias to a compromise with wind, especially the trumpet, the ensuing jazz is rather more nazi than parliamentary, as though symptomatic of an extreme right-wing democratic equivalence, which is quite distinct from the theocratic or, rather, Social Transcendentalist equivalence of guitar/sax jazz, the jazz, more usually, of the will to classless truth.


105.  When a middle-class person or, rather, person in a middle-class context like parliament, or in a middle-class profession like politics, expresses a classless self-image, it would seem that, wittingly or unwittingly, he is identifying himself with an extreme right-wing democratic position, analogous to Nazism, which is relatively classless in relation to parliamentary democracy.  Yet, in relation to the classlessness of a theocratic position, it is decidedly bogus, the bogus classlessness of an extreme lunar orientation that finds its musical analogy, it seems to me, in keyboards/wind jazz.  Thus the self-proclaimed 'classless' parliamentarian is really a nazi, and his 'classlessness' appertains to the bogus inner light, affiliated to the parliamentary inner darkness, of a lunar materialism.  It is not the inner light of a computer (theocratic), nor even of a compact disc affiliated to midi (bureaucratic), but the inner light of a compact disc affiliated to a radio-cassette player, and it stands marooned in the lunar dead-end of a purgatorial limbo.


106.  The solar-planar-lunar vicious circle of Western civilization may have eclipsed the stellar light of Eastern civilization, but the vicious circle, in which lunar bourgeoisie and solar aristocracy collude with one another at the People's expense, shall one day be broken by the omega-oriented light of true religion, which will replace Western civilization by a global civilization superior even to the Eastern civilization of fundamentalist antiquity - namely, the Social Transcendentalist civilization of supertheocratic futurity.


107.  Since the Devil tends to be regarded, in the West, as God, meaning the Father, it is not to be wondered at if God, meaning the Holy Spirit, tends to be regarded as the Devil, and cynically disparaged in consequence.  The same sort of class-bound mentality, appertaining to the (aforementioned) vicious circle (of solar Father - planar Mother - lunar Son) which regards the classless as 'bums', regards God as the Devil, since whatever is perceived as being in opposition to the Western status quo is subjectively dismissed as evil, a sort of Antichristic threat to Christian liberalism which, despite the fact that it ruthlessly oppresses the world, is alone regarded as good, a good, however, which (no matter how narrowly true such a view may be) falls woefully short of the Truth, and thus of the joyful liberation of mankind, meaning the People, from the oppression in question.  No, God cannot expect justice from the Devil, but he can at least anticipate loyalty from those who are capable of recognizing what God is and of identifying with it, against those who are manifestly incapable of such an achievement because they remain too enslaved to the false gods of the diabolic Father and the purgatorial Christ, those solar and lunar falsehoods, to have any notion of divine freedom.


108.  If art is the illustration of religious goals, and ethics the intellectual formulation of a spiritual end, then art stands to ethics as the Blessed Virgin to the Son, viz. as inner will to inner intellect, realism to materialism, sentience to existentialism.  However, in contrast to what we may call the vertical axis of art and ethics, is to be found the horizontal axis, stretching from alpha to omega, of ritual and devotion, with ritual, embodying the ceremonial illustration of religious facts, standing to devotion, the self-realizing expression of spirituality, as the Father to the Holy Spirit, viz. soul to spirit, naturalism to idealism, doing to being.  Thus whereas art corresponds to atomic wavicles and ethics to neutron wavicles in a worldly/purgatorial polarity, ritual corresponds to proton wavicles and devotion to electron wavicles in a diabolic/divine polarity.  The more art, the less ethics.  The more ritual, the less devotion.  Conversely, the more ethics, the less art.  The more devotion, the less ritual.


109i.     If art corresponds to the Blessed Virgin (Catholicism), then art is bureaucratic and fundamentally of inner earth, with beauty and pleasure as its attributes.

      ii.     If ethics corresponds to the Son (Protestantism), then ethics is democratic and essentially of inner water, with goodness and love as its attributes.

      iii.    If ritual corresponds to the Father (Fundamentalism), then ritual is autocratic and fundamentally of inner fire, with strength and pride as its attributes.

      iv.    If devotion corresponds to the Holy Spirit (Transcendentalism), then devotion is theocratic and essentially of inner air, with truth and joy as its attributes.


110.  To illustrate the above, one could use the T-like diagram thus:-



(The Father)(The Son)(The Holy Spirit)








(The Mother)



or, more subjectively, the V-like diagram  thus:-


  RITUAL               ETHICS              DEVOTION

   (The Father)          (The Son)       (The Holy Spirit)

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(The Mother)


thereby distinguishing the alpha nature (in fire) of ritual as against the omega nature (in air) of devotion, with the worldly nature (in earth) of art, and the purgatorial nature (in water) of ethics ... standing in-between, as planar and lunar parallels to a solar/stellar antithesis between the Father and the Holy Spirit.


111.  If technology is the illustration of physical facts, and biology the intellectual study and documentation of such facts, then biology stands to technology as the Antimother to the Antison, viz. as outer will to outer intellect, antirealism to antimaterialism, antisentience to anti-existence.  However, in contrast to the vertical axis of technology and biology, we shall find the horizontal axis of physics and chemistry, with physics, which embodies the physical illustration of natural laws, standing to chemistry, the expression of a chemical resolution, as the Antifather to the Antispirit, viz. outer soul to outer spirit, antinaturalism to anti-idealism, antidoing to antibeing.  Thus whereas biology corresponds to atomic particles and technology to neutron particles in an antiworldly/antipurgatorial polarity, physics corresponds to proton particles and chemistry to electron particles in an antidiabolic/antidivine polarity.  The more biology, the less technology.  The more physics, the less chemistry.  Conversely, the more technology, the less biology.  The more chemistry, the less physics.


112i.     If biology corresponds to the Antimother (Republicanism), then biology is bureaucratic and of the outer earth, with ugliness and pain as its attributes.

      ii.     If technology corresponds to the Antison (Liberalism), then technology is democratic and of the outer water, with evil and hatred as its attributes.

      iii.    If physics corresponds to the Antifather (Bolshevism), then physics is autocratic and of the outer fire, with weakness and humiliation as its attributes.

      iv. If chemistry corresponds to the Antispirit (Fascism), then chemistry is theocratic and of the outer air, with illusion and woe as its attributes.


113.  Again, one can illustrate the above either with the T-like diagram, thus:-



(The Antifather)(The Antison)(The Antispirit)








(The Antimother)



or, more subjectively, with the V-like diagram, thus:-



(The Antifather)       (The Antison)         (The Antispirit)

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(The Antimother)


thereby illustrating the anti-alpha nature (in outer fire) of physics as against the anti-omega nature (in outer air) of chemistry, with the antiworldly nature (in outer earth) of biology and the antipurgatorial nature (in outer water) of technology ... coming in-between, as negative planar and lunar parallels to a negative solar/stellar antithesis between the Antifather and the Antispirit.  Clearly, whereas wavicles are positive, and hence subjective, particles are negative (anti), and hence objective, the former corresponding more specifically to the V-like diagram and the latter to the T-like diagram in a sort of individualistic/collectivistic distinction between alpha and omega, the physical alpha-of-alphas and the devotional omega-of-omegas.


114i.     To distinguish between theocratic and meritocratic on the basis of a particle/wavicle dichotomy with regard to electrons - the theocratic alpha of the Antispirit (Jehovah) vis-à-vis the meritocratic omega of the Holy Spirit (Omega Point).

      ii.     To distinguish between autocratic and aristocratic on the basis of a particle/wavicle dichotomy with regard to protons - the autocratic alpha of the Antifather (Satan) vis-à-vis the aristocratic omega of the Father.

      iii.    To distinguish between democratic and plutocratic on the basis of a particle/wavicle dichotomy with regard to neutrons - the democratic alpha of the Antichrist vis-à-vis the plutocratic omega of the Son (Christ).

      iv.    To distinguish, finally, between bureaucratic and technocratic on the basis of a particle/wavicle dichotomy with regard to atoms - the bureaucratic alpha of the Antimother vis-à-vis the technocratic omega of the Mother.


115i.     Hence, in regard to the divine spectrum (air), the objective nature of outer-light theocracy vis-à-vis the subjective nature of inner-light meritocracy.

      ii.     In regard to the diabolic spectrum (fire), the objective nature of outer-heat autocracy vis-à-vis the subjective nature of inner-heat aristocracy.

      iii.    In regard to the purgatorial spectrum (water), the objective nature of outer-coldness democracy vis-à-vis the subjective nature of inner-coldness plutocracy.

      iv.    In regard to the worldly spectrum (earth), the objective nature of outer-darkness bureaucracy vis-à-vis the subjective nature of inner-darkness technocracy.


116.  Thus whereas theocracy, autocracy, democracy, and bureaucracy are objective, and hence particle equivalents, meritocracy, aristocracy, plutocracy, and technocracy are subjective, and hence wavicle equivalents.  This means that whereas the former are aligned with the centrifugal anti-ideologies of the State, the latters' alignment, by contrast, will be with the centripetal ideological positions of the Church.  Hence a direct correlation can be inferred to exist between theocracy and chemistry, autocracy and physics, democracy and technology, and bureaucracy and biology, since each of these pairs exists on a corresponding pole of their respective spectra, as illustrated below:-



(The Antifather)(The Antison)(The Antispirit)








(The Antimother)




(The Antifather)(The Antison)(The Antispirit)








(The Antimother)


with physics and autocracy corresponding, in their proton-particle essence, to the Antifather; technology and democracy corresponding, in their neutron-particle essence, to the Antison; biology and bureaucracy corresponding, in their atomic-particle essence, to the Antimother; and chemistry and theocracy corresponding, in their electron-particle essence, to the Antispirit.


117.  As regards the positive, or wavicle, positions, we have a direct correlation between meritocracy and devotion, aristocracy and ritual, plutocracy and ethics, and technocracy and art, since these pairs also exist on parallel poles of their respective spectra, as follows:-


RITUAL              ETHICS              DEVOTION

(The Father)          (The Son)      (The Holy Spirit)

*                 |                 *

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(The Mother)





  (The Father)          (The Son)      (The Holy Spirit)

*                 |                 *

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(The Mother)


with ritual and aristocracy corresponding, in their proton-wavicle essence, to the Father; ethics and plutocracy corresponding, in their neutron-wavicle essence, to the Son; art and technocracy corresponding, in their atomic-wavicle essence, to the Mother; and devotion and meritocracy corresponding, in their electron-wavicle essence, to the Holy Spirit.


118.  Sport stands to war as the civilized subjective to the barbarous objective, e.g. as ethics to technology, art to biology, ritual to physics, or devotion to chemistry.  Sport is thus akin to the (wavicle) Church as opposed to the (particle) State.  However, we should distinguish between blood sports and modern sports on the basis of an old-brain/new-brain dichotomy, with blood sports, e.g. hunting, appertaining to the old brain and modern sport to the new brain, albeit, in each case, on the wavicle, and hence subjective (psychic),  side.  Likewise, a distinction between traditional manual war and modern automated warfare can be drawn on the basis of a particle objectivity with regard to, in the one case, the old brain and, in the other case, the new brain, and, like sport, at all levels of the antispectra, from electrons to atoms.


119.  In fact, I would further like to distinguish between proton backbrain and electron forebrain, with the left brain classified as atomic and the right brain as neutron, the proton backbrain and atomic left brain as subdivisions of the old brain, but the neutron right brain and electron forebrain as subdivisions of the new brain.  Hence whereas protons and atoms preponderate in the old brain, neutrons and electrons will preponderate in the new brain, whether as particles or wavicles (though especially, I would contend, as particles in the old brain and as wavicles in the new brain).  Now with such a fourfold division of the brain, it seems that we can speak of the autocratic nature of the backbrain as opposed to the theocratic nature of the forebrain ... where protons and electrons are concerned, as well as of the bureaucratic nature of the left brain as opposed to the democratic nature of the right brain ... where atoms and neutrons are concerned.  Now if, transferring from the particle side of our atomic spectra to their wavicle side, we identify wavicles in the backbrain with the unconscious, wavicles in the forebrain with the superconscious, wavicles in the left brain with the subconscious, and wavicles in the right brain with the conscious, we can speak of the aristocratic essence of the unconscious as opposed to the meritocratic essence of the superconscious, with regard to protons and electrons respectively, but the technocratic essence of the subconscious as opposed to the plutocratic essence of the conscious, with regard to atoms and neutrons respectively.  Hence whereas autocracy and aristocracy, corresponding to protons, and bureaucracy and technocracy, corresponding to atoms, are traceable to the old brain, whether backbrain/unconscious in the one case, or left brain/subconscious in the other, democracy and plutocracy, corresponding to neutrons, and theocracy and meritocracy, corresponding to electrons, are traceable to the new brain, whether right brain/conscious in the one case, or forebrain/superconscious in the other.  Put crudely, this means that whereas the Devil, whether negative or positive, and the world are traceable to the old brain, purgatory and God are traceable to the new brain.  In fact, to revert to our science/religion dichotomy of some pages ago, we could argue that physics and ritual, corresponding to proton particles and wavicles, are traceable to the old brain, the former to the backbrain subdivision thereof and the latter to the unconscious, whereas chemistry and devotion, corresponding to electron particles and wavicles, are traceable to the new brain, the former to the forebrain subdivision thereof and the latter to the superconscious.  Likewise, we may contend that biology and art, corresponding to atomic particles and wavicles, are traceable to the old brain, the former to the left-brain subdivision thereof and the latter to the subconscious, whereas technology and ethics, corresponding to neutron particles and wavicles, are traceable to the new brain, the former to the right-brain subdivision thereof and the latter to the conscious.  Hence whereas physics and ritual on the one hand and chemistry and devotion on the other hand confirm a solar/stellar polarity between the Devil and God, whether negatively (with regard to particles) or positively (with regard to wavicles), biology and art on the one hand and technology and ethics on the other hand confirm a planar/lunar polarity between the world and purgatory, whether negatively (with regard to particles) or positively (with regard to wavicles).


120.  Thus at the risk of repeating what I have already established, we shall find physics standing to ritual, its proton-wavicle counterpart, as the Antifather (negative Hell) to the Father (positive Hell), but chemistry standing to devotion, its electron-wavicle counterpart, as the Antispirit (negative Heaven) to the Holy Spirit (positive Heaven).  Similarly, we shall find biology standing to art, its atomic-wavicle counterpart, as the Antimother (negative world) to the Mother (positive world), but technology standing to ethics, its neutron-wavicle counterpart, as the Antison (negative purgatory) to the Son (positive purgatory).  Clearly, the more one wishes to develop the wavicle aspect of things ... the less can the particle aspect be allowed to develop, and vice versa, so that development of the one side to any appreciable extent tends to be at the expense of the other side.


121.  Traditionally it is the East which has developed the wavicle aspect of life, and hence ritual, art, ethics, and devotion, while the West has favoured its particle aspect to a degree which has resulted in a quite extensive development of physics, biology, technology, and chemistry, thereby confirming an objective/subjective dichotomy which would suggest that where the East was civilized, the West, by contrast, was barbarous, and that the particle bias, as it were, of the West developed quite naturally from a barbarous predisposition rather than from conscious choice (considering that only a fool would cold-bloodedly choose to develop, say, technology at the expense of ethics, or chemistry at the expense of devotion), thereby indicating a particle, and hence objective, preference.)  Nevertheless, whilst a particle/wavicle dichotomy has traditionally been the norm where West/East divisions are concerned, it would be an oversimplification of the issue to contend that all spectra, whatever their elemental significance, were developed equally on either a particle or a wavicle basis in both the East and the West.  For it seems to me that both devolutionary and evolutionary factors have to be accounted for in regard to any particular spectrum, and that while physics and ritual will characterize an earlier, more devolved phase of any given society, be it barbarous (and physical) or civilized (and metaphysical), subjects like chemistry and devotion take rather longer to arrive at, being characteristic of a degree of evolutionary development which, appertaining to the forebrain and superconscious respectively, is only likely to materialize to any significant extent in the wake of everything else.  Hence whilst (centrifugal) objectivity achieves its omega in the form of chemistry, the omega of (centripetal) subjectivity takes the form of devotion, and chemistry and devotion thereupon enter into a mortal struggle the way, in an earlier age, technology and ethics did, or, earlier still, biology and art, or, right back at the very beginning, physics and ritual ... for control of society (assuming the bias isn't so marked as to be a foregone conclusion).  Well, these days, it would seem that the old struggle between technology and ethics has been eclipsed by a struggle between chemistry and devotion for control of our lives, with drugs figuring prominently on the side of chemistry, and yoga and meditation on the side of devotion, and, if the results of the technology/ethics struggle are anything to judge by, it would seem that, in the West, chemistry is getting the upper hand of devotion and forcing electron wavicles onto the defensive.  Of course, we cannot expect things to be entirely one way, not even in the East (where biology and technology are far from unheard of, despite their general subordination, traditionally, to art and ethics), but it would seem that wherever the State predominates over the Church, as in England, the particle aspect of things will be preponderant over the wavicle aspect ... to the detriment of civilized subjectivity.  The cause of devotion may not be a lost one, but I fear that the battle against chemistry, and by implication drugs, will not be won so long as the State remains in the ascendant and barbarous objectivity accordingly prevails.  If devotion is to triumph over chemistry, if only relatively at first, then the State will have to be superseded by the Centre, and under the banner of Social Transcendentalism (which alone can guarantee the People religious sovereignty) the emphasis duly be placed on the development, through yoga and transcendental meditation, of electron wavicles at the expense of electron particles, devotion at the expense of chemistry, and thus civilization of the highest order at the expense of what would appear, in its current guise, to be the highest and final order of barbarism - namely the availability, in increasing quantities, of synthetic drugs, as appertaining to the Antispirit.  Even under the best conditions, those of a Social Transcendentalist transformation, the struggle with chemistry would continue, and compromises then, as before, with the objective side of life would have to be made.  But at least, with Centrism officially in place, the preconditions for a devotional triumph over chemistry would be there, and a wavicle bias could accordingly be developed, and developed not simply for the fun of it but to the greater glory of the Holy Spirit, the devotional goal of all evolution.  For unless the Antispirit is defeated and relegated to a distinctly subordinate status (before being transcended altogether), the Holy Spirit will not and cannot come to pass, and salvation from the Antispirit, viz. chemistry, will remain no more than a vague hope of those who, favouring devotion, lack the key that unlocks the door into a better and wiser world.  That key is Social Transcendentalism, and through it one can enter the Centre and, in religious sovereignty, achieve the electron-wavicle salvation of ultimate truth.  For in that better world it will not be devotion but chemistry that is on the defensive, and, together with technology, biology, and physics, it will eventually be consigned to the rubbish heap of particle history, the philistine history of barbarous objectivity.


122.  Fast/slow; loud/quiet; heavy/light; rough/smooth: these antithetical qualities correspond, in a descending order, to air, fire, water, and earth, and whereas the first quality of any given antithesis is alpha, and hence relative to the particle aspect of an atomic integrity, the second quality is omega, and therefore relative to the wavicle aspect of such an integrity.


123i.     Air can be either fast (tempestuous) or slow (calm), alpha or omega, but when fast it corresponds to the outer light (antispirit) of electron particles, whereas when slow it corresponds to the inner light (spirit) of electron wavicles.

      ii.     Fire can be either loud (raging) or quiet (contained), alpha or omega, but when loud it corresponds to the outer heat (antisoul) of proton particles, whereas when quiet it corresponds to the inner heat (soul) of proton wavicles.

      iii.    Water can be either heavy (turbulent) or light (placid), alpha or omega, but when heavy it corresponds to the outer coldness (anti-intellect) of neutron particles, whereas when light it corresponds to the inner coldness (intellect) of neutron wavicles.

      iv.    Earth can be either rough (hard) or smooth (soft), alpha or omega, but when rough it corresponds to the outer darkness (antiwill) of atomic particles, whereas when smooth it corresponds to the inner darkness (will) of atomic wavicles.


124.  To distinguish not only between physical, biological, technological, and chemical science on the one hand, and ritualistic, aesthetic, ethical, and devotional religion on the other hand, but also between science as alpha and religion as omega on the basis of an objective/subjective antithesis which has fourfold subdivisions along the aforementioned lines.  Thus although we can generalize on the basis of a proton/electron noumenal antithesis between science and religion, we are obliged to accept that the subdivisions of both science and religion range across the entire spectra of elements from protons on, as it were, the Far Left to electrons on the Far Right, with particle and wavicle distinctions in each case.  Clearly the phenomenal begins where the particle objectivity of the outer noumenal ends and ends where the wavicle subjectivity of the inner noumenal begins, which brings us to the two contexts in between science and religion - namely, economics and politics.