125.  Again, to subdivide each context into its main components, we can speak of feudal, socialist, capitalist, and corporate economics on the one hand, but of authoritarian, republican, parliamentary, and totalitarian politics on the other hand, with economics broadly categorized in terms of the atomic subjectivity of the outer phenomenal, and politics, by contrast, in terms of the neutron objectivity of the inner phenomenal, neither context being strictly particle nor wavicle but a phenomenal combination of each, even though, where the subdivisions are concerned, this combination embraces all elements.  Thus to illustrate our respective contexts, as before, we shall find economics, the more subjective context, divisible as follows:-



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with feudalism corresponding to the proton-biased atomicity of what may be called the Outer Father, socialism corresponding to the atomic atomicity of the Outer Mother, capitalism corresponding to the neutron-biased atomicity of the Outer Son, and corporatism (including what I customarily describe as Centre trusteeship, or Centrism) corresponding to the electron-biased atomicity of the Outer Spirit, all of which descriptions rather contrast with the noumenal subjectivity of the religious context, whether in regard to the proton wavicles of the Father, viz. ritual; the atomic wavicles of the Mother, viz. art; the neutron wavicles of the Son, viz. ethics; or the electron wavicles of the Holy Spirit, viz. devotion.  However, where the more objective context of politics is concerned, we shall have the following subdivisions:-











with authoritarianism corresponding to the proton-biased neutron phenomenality of what may be called the Inner Antifather, republicanism corresponding to the atomic neutron phenomenality of the Inner Antimother, parliamentarianism corresponding to the neutron phenomenality of the Inner Antison, and totalitarianism corresponding to the electron-biased neutron phenomenality of the Inner Antispirit, all of which descriptions rather contrast with the noumenal objectivity of the scientific context, whether in regard to the proton particles of the Antifather, viz. physics; the atomic particles of the Antimother, viz. biology; the neutron particles of the Antison, viz. technology; or the electron particles of the Antispirit, viz. chemistry.  For a direct correlation does in fact exist between authoritarianism and physics, republicanism and biology, parliamentarianism and technology, and totalitarianism and chemistry, albeit at the elemental distance, as it were, of a proton/neutron divide, no less than the correlations between feudalism and ritual, socialism and art, capitalism and ethics, and corporatism and devotion exist at the like-distance of an atomic/electron divide, the subdivision in each context subverting, though not transmuting, the basic elemental constituent thereof, so that the atomic bias of biology within the context of science does not attain to the atomic purism of, say, socialism within the economic context, but remains rooted in the proton, as germane to the noumenal objectivity of science.  Conversely, the neutron bias of ethics within the religious context is not commensurate with the neutron purism of parliamentarianism within the political one, since rooted in the electron, as befitting a subdivision of the context in question.  Therefore no less than science is broadly related to the proton and religion, by contrast, to the electron, we find that politics, for all its subdivisions, is broadly related to the neutron and economics, by contrast, no less broadly related to the atom, given the phenomenal context of each context in relation to the noumenal extremes, alpha and omega, of science and religion.  Politics may assume an alpha bias with authoritarianism, but such an alpha bias, relative to the proton, remains at a neutron remove from the proton particles of physics, the Antifather a good deal more inherently autocratic than the Inner Antifather of the subdivision of politics to which I allude.  Likewise, although politics may assume an omega bias with totalitarianism, such a bias, relative to the electron, will remain at a neutron remove from the electron wavicles of devotion, the Holy Spirit a good deal more inherently meritocratic than the Inner Antispirit of the political subdivision in question, not to mention than with regard to the Outer Spirit of corporate economics, where the omega subdivision of the economic quadruplicity is concerned.  Thus it is my view that no more than science can completely transcend the proton or religion completely abandon the electron ... can economics completely transcend the atom or politics completely abandon the neutron.  Politics, whether moderate or extreme, is a neutron phenomenon, no less than economics an atomic phenomenon, and while the one is relative to the lunar, the other appertains to the planar (planetary) in a sort of masculine/feminine polarity.  Likewise, it is my view that whereas science appertains to the solar, religion, by contrast, has to do with the stellar - indeed, in the case of transcendentalism, with the superstellar, which resides within.  Putting it crudely, one could say that while politics is purgatorial and economics worldly, science is diabolic and religion divine, with distinctions, as already noted, between the Inner Antison and the Outer Mother along the former axis, but between the Antifather and the Holy Spirit along the latter axis - an axis not of purgatory and the world but, effectively, of Hell and Heaven, physics at the alpha extreme and devotion at the omega one, with all due proton and electron gradations coming in-between.  Hence for a final diagrammatic summing-up, we shall find the following:-


SCIENCE (protons)



(The Antifather)(The Antison)(The Antispirit)








(The Antimother)






(The Outer Father)   (The Outer Son)    (The Outer Spirit)

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(The Outer Mother)



POLITICS (neutrons)



(The Inner Antifather)(The Inner Antison)(The Inner Antispirit)








(The Inner Antimother)



RELIGION (electrons)


RITUAL               ETHICS              DEVOTION

(The Father)           (The Son)       (The Holy Spirit)

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(The Mother)


with objective/subjective distinctions between the 'T' and 'V' diagrams, the noumenal objectivity of the science 'T' followed by the phenomenal subjectivity of the economic 'V', leading, in due course, to the phenomenal objectivity of the political 'T', before culminating  in the noumenal subjectivity of the religious 'V'.  Not that I wish to imply that history automatically proceeds from the science 'T' to the religious 'V' via the economic 'V' and the political 'T', since that would suggest a concession to objectivity which might lead one to suppose that the inner objectivity of politics automatically led to the inner subjectivity of religion, when, in point of fact, politics and religion are as far apart, or incommensurate, as the lunar and the stellar/superstellar.  No, if the superstellar is to be reached, it can only be from the economic 'V', albeit of a subjectivity transmuted from the outer level to the inner level in accordance with the elemental requirements of Social Transcendentalism, an ideology which will utilize the political at its most earthly level in order to further the religious at its most heavenly level, appealing, specifically, to those whose politics are republican to vote out the mundane in order that the divine may truly come to pass, and things accordingly proceed, in both 'T' and 'V' contexts, from the atomic to the electronic, the world to Heaven, with protons, neutrons and atoms subordinated, ever after, to electrons.  Such, my readers, is the nature of salvation!


126.  The chief distinction between authoritarianism and totalitarianism is that whereas the former appertains to an individual, whether monarchic or military, the latter appertains to a party, whether communist or fascist.  Authoritarianism is therefore a political persuasion of the autocratic alpha, whereas totalitarianism, by contrast, is of the theocratic omega, particularly in its fascist guise.  A military dictatorship is authoritarian rather than totalitarian, and this would be the case even when it wears an ideological mask, suggestive of the totalitarian.


127.  The distinction between Communism and Fascism is not, as I was formerly wont to think, of the Devil and God, alpha and omega, but, rather, of the world and God beyond a lunar or purgatorial materialism.  Hence Communism, despite its traditional red flag and yellow star, is less genuinely autocratic (and authoritarian) than pro-democratic on a totalitarian basis, an ideology of the working class (who are the class, par excellence, of the world ... as opposed to either the solar or lunar upper-class and middle-class allegiances above).  If Communist vanguardism succeeds, then a socialist democracy will eventually come to pass in a People's Republic, and 'the meek', meaning the People, will accordingly have inherited the earth.  Thus for all its apparent authoritarianism, Communism remains an ideology of the world, with the liberation of the worldly class, viz. the proletariat, from solar and/or lunar (though especially the latter) oppression ... its principal objective.  One might therefore argue that the philosophical distinction between Marx and Nietzsche, which parallels the above-mentioned political division, is precisely one of the world and Heaven, and that although the triumph of the world (and hence 'the meek') is a precondition of the achievement, thereafter, of Heaven, there are countries which are more historically predisposed to Heaven than to the world and which will accordingly favour a fascist rather than a communist bias in their pursuit of post-lunar freedom.  Such a country, I believe, is Eire, which, having gained its freedom from British solar/lunar oppression, can now move towards a divine, and hence fascistic, solution to its outstanding problems, seeking superstellar deliverance from soft-line republican worldliness.  Yet the actual freedom struggle against the British was conducted more from a hard-line republican basis in which Marxist criteria were arguably uppermost, and rightly so ... given the nature of the situation in which the Irish people then found themselves.  It is to their moral credit, however, that, with the solar/lunar oppressor removed, the Irish people subsequently abandoned hard-line republican and Marxist ambitions in deference to their religious traditions, thereby gravitating to a soft-line republicanism from which it should be possible to achieve, in due messianic course, a superstellar salvation from the world in the truly divine ideological framework of a superfascist liberation.  Verily, if history is to be vindicated, the true Irish people will embrace Social Transcendentalism and thus abandon the world for God.  And God, in the true guise of the Holy Spirit, is antithetical to the Devil, and thus not to Communism but to authoritarianism, whether monarchic or military.  God it is who will finally 'see off' the Devil.


128.  Sense in which most surnames based on colour would seem to embrace alpha/omega polarities on any given spectrum.  Hence, starting from the ground up, the Brown/Green dichotomy of the realistic, or worldly, spectrum; the Black/White dichotomy of the materialistic, or purgatorial, spectrum; the Re(i)d (or Reed or Read)/Blue dichotomy of the naturalistic, or diabolic, spectrum; and the Gold/Silver dichotomy of the idealistic, or divine, spectrum.  Hence earth, water, fire, and air spectra of colour antitheses with, arguably, objective/subjective implications respectively, as between particles and wavicles, outer and inner, collective and individual.  Brown and Green would appear to be an antithesis of the Antimother/Mother; Black and White an antithesis of the Antison/Son; Re(i)d and Blue an antithesis of the Antifather/Father; and Gold and Silver an antithesis of the Antispirit/Holy Spirit.  Hence while Green is the colour of the Mother, and therefore Catholicism, Silver is the colour of the Holy Spirit, and thus Transcendentalism.  The ideal colour combination for the 'New Earth' and the 'New Heaven' which Social Transcendentalism intends to establish ... would therefore be Green on a Silver ground, the Y-like emblem of the social, or saved people, on the silver ground of Transcendentalism, symbolic of the Holy Spirit.  Clearly, neither the orange nor white parts of the Irish tricolour have any applicability to such an emblem, which is a combination of the atomic and the free-electron.


129.  If ritual is the alpha of religion and devotion the omega, then art and ethics slot in between, like so:-


RELIGION (air/electrons)


RITUAL                ETHICS               DEVOTION

(The Father)            (The Son)        (The Holy Spirit)

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(The Mother)



If physics is the alpha of science and chemistry the omega, then biology and technology slot in between, like so:-


SCIENCE (fire/protons)



(The Antifather)     (The Antison)      (The Antispirit)

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(The Antimother)



If authoritarianism is the alpha of politics and totalitarianism the omega, then republicanism and liberalism slot in between, like so:-


POLITICS (water/neutrons)



(The Inner Antifather)  (The Inner Antison)  (The Inner Antispirit)

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(The Inner Antimother)



If feudalism is the alpha of economics and corporatism the omega, then socialism and capitalism slot in between, like so:-


ECONOMICS (earth/atoms)



(The Inner Father)      (The Inner Son)      (The Inner Spirit)

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(The Outer Mother)



Combining all the alpha positions in one diagram, we shall find:-





(The Antifather) (The Inner Antifather)   (The Father)

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(The Outer Father)



Combining all the worldly positions in one diagram, we shall find:-





(The Antimother)  (The Inner Antimother)   (The Mother)

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(The Outer Mother)



Combining all the purgatorial positions in one diagram, we shall find:-





(The Antison)    (The Inner Antison)     (The Son)

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(The Outer Son)



Combining all the omega positions in one diagram, we shall find:-





(The Antispirit)   (The Inner Antispirit)   (The Holy Spirit)

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(The Outer Spirit)


Thus one can take it as axiomatic that in an autocratic/aristocratic age, physics, feudalism, authoritarianism, and ritual will be the scientific, economic, political, and religious norms respectively, with broadly proton implications, whereas in a bureaucratic/technocratic age those same norms will be biology, socialism, republicanism, and aesthetics, with broadly atomic implications.  Similarly, in a democratic/plutocratic age, technology, capitalism, liberalism, and ethics will be the scientific, economic, political, and religious norms respectively, with broadly neutron implications, whereas in a theocratic/meritocratic age those same norms will be chemistry, corporatism, totalitarianism, and devotion, with broadly electron implications.  The 'Kingdom of Heaven' can only be established on the basis of the latter quadruplicity, and it is my hope that Ireland will be among the countries which take a lead in developing a social theocratic (Social Transcendentalist) society to replace the, by and large, bureaucratic society of its worldly traditions, and at the expense, more fittingly, of the democratic society to which it pays lip service, compliments of historical necessity and the purgatorial legacy of British imperialism.