26.    Broadly one can describe religion which focuses on the Father as autocratic theocracy, religion which focuses on the Mother (Virgin Mary) as bureaucratic theocracy, religion which focuses on the Son (Christ) as democratic theocracy, and religion which focuses on the Holy Spirit as theocratic theocracy, or supertheocracy.  There is a sense in which, in Christendom, Eastern Orthodoxy is the form of Christianity most Father orientated, and hence patriarchal and fundamentalist, corresponding to an autocratic theocracy.  Doubtless this owes something to the fact that the Orthodox East is closer, in geographical terms, to the Islamic East and thus to theocratic fundamentalism, the fundamentalism which is less an autocratic theocracy than a theocratic autocracy (super-autocracy), and therefore rooted in a stellar alpha which effectively precludes the possibility of theocratic evolution through the world ... from a relatively fundamentalist base (in the Father) to an absolutely transcendentalist culmination (in the Holy Spirit), via the outer darkness of the Mother and the inner darkness of the Son.  Now if Eastern Orthodoxy may fundamentally be described as an autocratic theocracy, then it must follow that Roman Catholicism, with its focus on the Blessed Virgin, is a bureaucratic theocracy, a theocracy less of the outer light than of the outer darkness, while Protestantism, the focus of which is largely if not purely Christic, is a democratic theocracy, Christ corresponding to an inner darkness (of the intellect) in relation to the outer darkness (of the will), and hence to his Blessed Mother.  That of course leads to the possibility of a theocratic theocracy, a supertheocracy, and not simply in the sense of Pentecostalism (which is the form of nonconformist Christianity most orientated towards the Holy Ghost) but in the more radical and extreme terms of Social Transcendentalism, which would transcend the Church altogether, and thus effectively the Holy Ghost, as pure spirit was extended beyond Christianity in terms of a universal religion whose institutional focus was the Centre, and the (true) inner light of which contrasted absolutely with the (false) inner light of oriental fundamentalism, its alpha antithesis on the same, or idealistic, spectrum.  For make no mistake: Islamic fundamentalism does not correspond to the outer light in the sense that the Father and thus, by implication, Eastern Orthodoxy does.  Rooted in Allah, it is, like Judaism, a religion of the inner light, but its inner light, derived from the central star of the Galaxy, is only apparently inner.  For while the central star has the appearance of being inner in relation to such peripheral, revolving stars as the sun, its noumenal essence is still in proton-proton reactions (if wavicle rather than particle), and hence it pertains to a noumenal selflessness which is inherently centrifugal.  Thus it is a sad, negative, illusory spirit, a spirit which, from the standpoint of transcendentalism, can only appear false and even immoral when compared or, rather, contrasted to the joyful, positive, truthful essence of true spirit, the noumenal essence of which would be in electron-electron attractions of a wavicle purism such as emerges from a meditative precondition.  Thus the coming of Transcendentalism establishes a polar antithesis with Fundamentalism, the alpha 'inner light' of which can only appear in a bogus light in relation to its own omega inner light, the ultimate and true inner light of a superconscious purism.  Should Islamic Fundamentalism resist the allure of Social Transcendentalism, reacting against supertheocracy on the basis of super-autocratic intransigence, then I fear that there may be no alternative for Social Transcendentalism but to enter into a 'Holy War' with it, as the true inner light strives for globalization at the expense, if necessary, of the false inner light, and in order that all men, whatever their background, may be freed from the tyranny of supernatural determinism, in the interests of the ultimate spiritual salvation of self-realization in a universal brotherhood which will bring the 'Kingdom of Heaven' truly to pass.


27.    If proletarian autocratic sex is masturbatory and/or voyeuristic in relation to porno films, then proletarian democratic sex may broadly be divided into anti-democratic left-wing sexuality in cunnilingus (which is quasi-voyeuristic), a democratic centrist sexuality in male-dominated heterosexuality, and pro-theocratic right-wing sexuality in homosexuality.  Contrasted to which we shall find that proletarian bureaucratic sex, which is akin to the Virgin under Christ (or feminism under masculinism), is likewise divisible into an anti-democratic left-wing sexuality in lesbianism, a bureaucratic centrist sexuality in female-dominated heterosexuality, and a pro-theocratic right-wing sexuality in fellatio (which is quasi-voyeuristic).  Anti-democratic bureaucratic sex reacts against heterosexuality in lesbianism, no less than pro-theocratic bureaucratic sex transcends it (relatively) towards theocratic sex (or computer sex voyeurism).  Anti-democratic democratic sex reacts against heterosexuality in cunnilingus, no less than pro-theocratic democratic sex transcends it towards theocratic sex.  The anti-democratic, whether in lesbianism beneath or cunnilingus above, is left wing, whereas the pro-theocratic, whether in fellatio beneath or homosexuality above, is right wing, the difference between the reactive and the attractive, protons and electrons, particles and wavicles.  Hence whereas lesbianism is left-wing bureaucratic sex, homosexuality is right-wing democratic sex.  And whereas cunnilingus is left-wing democratic sex, fellatio is right-wing bureaucratic sex.  Heterosexuality, whether male-dominated (and democratic) or female-dominated (and bureaucratic) can only be centrist, as befitting a liberal disposition.  This is not to say that each democratic and/or bureaucratic option, corresponding to political positions, cannot be further subdivided into tripartite alternatives, as in regard, for example, to left- and right-wing heterosexual alternatives either side of a centrist middle ground.  Doubtless they can, and one would be justified, I believe, in contending that democratic heterosexuality might also embrace rear-entry male-dominated coitus on its left wing and anal intercourse on its right wing.  But whatever subdivision one may choose to entertain, the fact is that in democratic sex the male is dominant, whereas in bureaucratic sex it is the female who calls the tune, and doubtless in conformity with feminist principles.  Cunnilingus is no less a male-dominated form of oral sex than fellatio is its female-dominated form.  The distinction, in this respect, between homosexuality and lesbianism is too obvious to warrant further comment here, but the distinction between male- and female-dominated heterosexuality, the male on top in the former case and the female on top in the latter, is rather more subtle, and does indeed conform, so I contend, to a democratic/bureaucratic distinction.  Now I can conceive of an age or a society which, being more bureaucratic than democratic, would encourage female-dominated intercourse, and I have no doubt that feminists would, or should, be especially partial to asserting themselves over men (though not necessarily completely at the male's expense).  Hence I would describe relationships in which female-dominated intercourse were the norm as heterosexually bureaucratic, in contrast both to the heterosexually democratic nature of male-dominated intercourse and to the possibility of some kind of bureaucratic/democratic balance in between the two extremes.  Personally, I would regard bureaucratic sexuality, of whatever description, as morally less desirable than democratic sexuality, since corresponding to the ascendancy of the outer darkness rather than of the inner darkness, and therefore implicitly anterior to the latter.  As proletarian society evolves, so it passes from an autocratic alpha to a bureaucratic world, from which we evolve to a democratic purgatory ... before any prospect, through inner light, of a theocratic omega begins to dawn on our spiritual horizon.  As a reaction against autocratic male domination, feminism is perfectly inevitable.  But it can, and should, be left behind by the 'masculinism' of democratic freedom.  Sexual bureaucracy can only be irrelevant to a fully democratic age, as irrelevant as feminism itself, and therefore should be transcended by sexual democracy and its masculine concomitance, a means, if nothing else, to theocratic ends.... As to the distinction between proletarian and bourgeois sex, which was rather implicit at the beginning of this entry, I am now more than ever convinced that it boils down to a sort of monoracial/multiracial disparity, and that while bourgeois sex - whether autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic, or theocratic - will involve only whites or only blacks or only coloureds or only Jews (as the case may be), proletarian sex will involve mixed partners in a sort of interracial transcendentalism, as distinct from monoracial partnerships as colour televisions and/or computers from monochromatic books and/or magazines.


28.    If the outer light is Hell (noumenal selflessness), then the inner light is Heaven (noumenal selfishness).  And if the outer darkness is worldly hell (phenomenal selflessness), then the inner darkness is worldly heaven (phenomenal selfishness).  No less than the outer darkness stems, as a fall, from the outer light, so the inner darkness stands as a precondition of the inner light.  Without the Father, there can be no Mother.  Conversely, without Christ (the Son) there can be no Holy Spirit.  For the 'Kingdom of Heaven' lies within, in inner light, and until one has grasped this fact intellectually, one cannot realize it spiritually.  In literary terms, metaphysical philosophy may point towards the 'Kingdom of Heaven', but only poetry - and poetry which is so non-intellectual as to be purely spiritual - can illustrate it through impressive abstraction.  Ironically it is not the philosopher, least of all the intellectual or academic philosopher, who leads to Truth, but the poet, for whom Truth is pure jazz, not rock or even jazz-rock.  In transportational terms it is a scooter, not a streamlined land rover.  In smoking terms it is a pipe, not a cigar.  In terms of communications technology it is a computer, not a radio-cassette player.


29.    Democracy, being essentially a matter of the inner darkness, is superior to bureaucracy and autocracy but inferior to theocracy.  Yet if democracy does not contain its own inner light (in the form of Fascism or, better still, Social Transcendentalism), it certainly allows for an outer darkness relative to itself, which is Liberalism, and for an outer light relative to itself, which is Socialism.  Hence while the Conservative Party in Britain is most representative of the inner darkness, the Liberal Party (more specifically Liberal Democratic Party) is closer to representing the outer darkness (bureaucracy), and the Labour Party to representing the outer light (autocracy).  Only the Conservatives are truly or genuinely a democratic party, and because Britain is a mature democracy and not a bureaucratic or an autocratic democracy, it is the Conservative Party which tends, or has tended, to dominate British politics, having what one might describe as a philosophic as opposed to ether a fictional (Liberal) or a dramatic (Labour) bias.  If the Labour Party is the nearest thing, within the atomic relativity of British democracy, to the autocratic superstar and the Liberals are the nearest thing to the bureaucratic star, then the Tories stand closest of all to the democratic cross, the cross of individualistic freedom as against the star/superstar of collectivistic slavery.  However, such individualistic freedom is necessarily materialist, aligned, as it is and must be, with the inner darkness of phenomenal selfishness.  Only Social Transcendentalism can lead to the inner light of noumenal selfishness, and thus to an individualistic freedom which, in its idealism, is above and beyond the cross - namely, the individualistic freedom of the supercross, which is the 'Kingdom of Heaven'.  But without the inner darkness, there could be no inner light.  Idealism can only thrive on the basis of a materialistic precondition, remodelling materialism according to its transcendental ends.  Naturalism and realism, the superstar and the star, will alike be consigned, in judgemental damnation, to the rubbish heap of history, from which they will never arise again.


30.    Rulers and leaders are no less antithetical, as soul and spirit, than workers and players, those wilful and intellectual parallels that correspond to the outer darkness and to the inner darkness in between the alpha and omega noumenal extremes of autocratic outer light and theocratic inner light, viz. rulers and leaders, aristocrats and meritocrats, monarchs and priests.  By contrast, workers and players, corresponding to plutocrats and to technocrats within their respective bureaucratic and democratic frameworks, are less creatures of Hell or Heaven than of the world and purgatory, and while the world is closer, as a fall, to Hell, purgatory is closer, as a rise, to Heaven.   Hence rulers and workers hang together on the autocratic/bureaucratic axis of the Father and the Blessed Virgin, no less than players and leaders do such on the succeeding democratic/theocratic axis of Christ and the Holy Spirit, since the former categories are of the superstar and the star, whereas the latter categories are of the cross and the supercross.  Workers tend to respect rulers, as the Mother respects the Father, while players have more respect for leaders, as Christ respected the Holy Ghost, i.e. the 'Kingdom of Heaven' within.  Workers are no less the enemy of leaders than rulers the enemy of players, the reason being that whereas leaders will strive to prevent workers from working, rulers strive to prevent players from playing, the former trying to create more players and the latter more workers.  The more of a leader a man is the less he can abide rulers, since ruling and leading are mutually exclusive spheres of endeavour, as exclusive as Hell and Heaven, and if the 'Kingdom of Heaven' is to come properly to pass there can be no rulers left in place to tyrannize over workers.  Similarly, the more of a player a man becomes the less he can abide workers, since playing and working are also mutually exclusive spheres of endeavour, as exclusive as the world and purgatory, and if the 'Kingdom of Heaven' is to materialize, there can be no workers left in work but only players whom the leaders will lead towards the definitive salvation of their spiritual self-realization.


31.    Law is no less superior to science than religion to art, the reason being that, like religion, law relates to the inner experience as opposed to an outer investigation/comprehension of such an experience.  Thus law is akin to the Father in its autocratic essence, whereas science is akin to a Satanic fall from the Father which, being outside, has a particle rather than a wavicle constitution, the very same constitution, albeit from a contrary atomic point-of-view, viz. electrons, that art has in relation to the inner experience of religion, centred in the Holy Ghost.  Consequently while law is alpha and autocratic, religion is omega and theocratic.  Law corresponds to the outer light, religion to the inner light.  The one is centrifugal, the other centripetal.  Now, obviously, the more inner light there is in the individual or society, the less place can there be for outer light.  The inner excludes the outer, and therefore a truly theocratic society, granting maximum inner light to each of the individuals who comprise it, would be beyond the law, beyond in the sense of being more evolved than is commensurate (through inner and outer darkness) with an acceptance of and respect for law.  Such an omega-oriented society could not have judges, since they pertain to the alpha fundamentalism of the outer light (their long wigs symbolic of outer light), and, besides, there could be no judiciary after the Last Judgement which, appertaining to the Second Coming, will, in judging judges from the standpoint of the inner light, find them beneath the theocratic pale.  After the Last Judgement, there can be no judging and therefore no judges!  The law will cease to have any relevance to the religious integrity of the 'Kingdom of Heaven', which will be purely virtuous.  Science, too, will be damned to hellish irrelevance, whereas art will become the close servant of the religious priorities, rescued from the darkness in which it had languished during the age of bureaucratic/democratic phenomenality, confined to a living death.  Such a rescue will of course pertain to the Resurrection, the resurrection of religion from the phenomenal darkness of Christianity, no less than the resurrection, and consequent restoration to eternal life in the inner light, of art.  Saved from the world, art and religion will flourish as never before.  But science and law will perish as they fully deserve, in view of the tyranny which they have exercised over the darkness, both outer and inner (though especially outer), since the beginning of time.


32.    If there is a court which, in alpha terms, would be less a thing of the outer light than of the inner light, the fundamentalist inner light, it could only be a religious court, such as exists in Islamic and fundamentalist societies.  Secular courts, by contrast, are less of the Creator (or Jehovah, Allah, etc.) than of the Devil, and in relation to religious courts they should be ascribed a particle rather than a wavicle status ... such as accords with the outer collectivism of the secular (diabolic) in relation to the inner individualism of the religious (divine).  Thus whereas religious judges presiding over religious courts will be akin to autocratic gods, secular judges presiding over secular courts are akin to autocratic devils, devils who may condemn to hell (prison or death) those over whom they have been empowered to judge.


33.    If wavicles are individualistic and particles collectivistic, then wavicles are strong or beautiful or good or true (depending on the ideological context), and particles weak or ugly or evil or illusory (depending, once again, on the context).  Hence if law is strong, then science is weak.  If aesthetics is beautiful, then economics is ugly.  If ethics is good, then politics is evil.  If religion is true, then art is false.  For what pertains, as wavicles, to the strong or beautiful or good or true is individualistic, whereas what pertains, as particles, to the weak or ugly or evil or false is collectivistic, the former as superior to the latter as divine virtue to diabolic vice, and thus, albeit in a generalized sense, religious to secular.  Yet, in reality, the law is no more religious than science is artistic.  Religion is solely a matter of the inner light and therefore pertains to the true, or truth, as opposed to strength.  The law, by contrast, is fundamentalist, since appertaining to the outer light (even the 'inner light' of religious law is essentially outer when viewed from a truly religious, or transcendental, standpoint).  Therefore the law is the antithesis of religion, as fundamentalism is the antithesis of transcendentalism, or science the antithesis of art.  Strength (or power) and truth (or awareness) are as mutually exclusive as alpha and omega, beginning and end, and therefore it is inconceivable that law can ever be truly religious.  On the contrary, it is what is antithetical to religion and, in its fundamentalist absolutism, the greatest obstacle and threat to it.  Religion (as I believe I have already made clear) cannot thrive where there is law.  Only the autocratic Father at the expense of the theocratic Holy Ghost.  And where there is law there is science, as a particle shadow to the wavicle outer light, a Satan to the Father, and science necessarily excludes art and is its natural enemy, weakness no less antithetical to illusion (falsity) than strength to truth.  Where aesthetics and economics are concerned, on the other hand, we will be dealing with (wavicle) beauty and (particle) ugliness, worldly virtue and vice, and we can generalize the former in terms of Catholicism and the latter in terms of Liberalism, Catholicism no less the most aesthetic form of 'religion' (the Blessed Virgin) ... than Liberalism is the most economically-biased (laissez-faire capitalism), form of 'politics'.  I use quotes for both religion and politics in regard to the above wavicle and particle distinctions advisably, since Catholicism is less religious than aesthetic, less an allegiance to the inner light (of Transcendentalism) than to the outer darkness (of selfless phenomenality, viz. will), for whom the Virgin Mary is accordingly the aesthetic focus and wavicle ideal, whereas Liberalism is less political than economic, less an allegiance to the inner darkness (of parliamentary democracy) than to the outer darkness, for which laissez-faire (wilful) capitalism is the economic focus and particle ideal - the one individualistic and the other collectivistic, the former co-operative and the latter competitive.  Where ethics and politics are concerned, however, we will of course be dealing with (wavicle) goodness and (particle) evil, purgatorial virtue and vice, and the former we can equate with Protestantism and the latter with Toryism; Protestantism being no less the most ethical form of 'religion' (Christ) than Toryism the most democratic form of politics.  Again my quotes are advisable, since Protestantism is less religious than ethical, less an allegiance to the inner light than to the inner darkness (of selfish phenomenality, viz. intellect), for which Christ, or New Testament fundamentalism, will accordingly be the ethical focus and wavicle ideal, whereas Conservatism is less economic than parliamentary, less an allegiance to the outer darkness (Liberalism) than to the inner darkness, for which the selfish phenomenality of intellect-driven materialism will be the political focus and particle ideal, a necessarily evil ideal which contrasts with the wavicle goodness of ethical Protestantism and its love-centred idealism, a goodness no less disposed, in its wavicle individualism, to the pursuit of the general good ... of intellectual humanism ... than parliamentary evil is disposed, in its particle collectivism, to the pursuit of the particular evil ... of inhuman materialism, Antichrist against Christ.  Contrasted to which, however, we shall find the (wavicle) truth of religion and the (particle) illusion of art, omega virtue and vice, and whereas religion is only properly conceivable in terms of Transcendentalism, which alone truly pertains to the inner light, art will only be truly illusory when it, too, is transcendent and conceived in terms which intimate, through abstract impression (the opposite of abstract expression), of the Holy Spirit, serving as the handmaiden of true religion.  In fact, the word 'handmaiden' is apposite here, since it seems to me that the particle aspect of life, appertaining to collective appearances, is inherently feminine, and that women usually have more respect for art than religion, given their bias for appearances over essences, the collective (for example the species, the family) over the individual.  It is man, by contrast, who is most religious or, at any rate, capable of being such, since more attuned, in his individualistic essence, to the wavicle aspect of life, which would seem to have a masculine bias.  Hence whereas religion is masculine or, more correctly, supermasculine (transcendental) in its centripetal spirituality, art will be  comparatively feminine, a 'handmaiden' which paradoxically approaches the Truth not from the inside, as religious experience, but from the outside, as artistic appearance, and which is accordingly illusory, the abstract intimation of Holy Ghost not being commensurate with the Holy Ghost as such but, at best, a symbol for something which, as Truth, ultimately transcends art and, thus, illusion.  Doubtless, what applies to religion and art in terms of this masculine/feminine, wavicle/particle dichotomy applies no less to law and science, or aesthetics and economics, or ethics and politics, so that we may ascribe to law, aesthetics, and ethics a masculine bias, but to science, economics, and politics a feminine one, in line with the individual/collective, virtuous/vicious, divine/diabolic distinction between wavicles and particles, the former essential and concerned with the general (whether strength, beauty, good, or [in the case of religion] truth), and the latter apparent and concerned with the particular (whether weakness, ugliness, evil, or [in the case of art] illusion), individualism no less generalistic than collectivism is particularistic, wavicles a generalized individualism where particles are a collectivized particularism, each particle separate and distinct from the whole, able to assert itself, if necessary, against the whole, or collective, in the interests of its own particular bent.  Thus whereas religion, for example, appeals to the individual through the general truth, art appeals to the collective through the particular illusion.  Religion, like a man, appeals primarily to the individual, while art, like a woman, appeals primarily to the collectivity of individuals who make up a particular society.  Art deceives, whereas religion enlightens.  Art is, to coin a phrase, the Devil's approach to religion, just as science is the Devil's (particle-biased) approach to law, economics the Devil's approach to aesthetics, and politics the Devil's approach to ethics.  The Devil, whether weak, ugly, evil, or false, always 'gets it wrong', but it is doubtful that those of us who identify with God (whether in alpha, worldly, purgatorial, or omega terms) would 'get it right' if there was no competition 'from below' (in the particle collectivity) to enable us to co-operate more fully with those of our own kind who are dedicated to the protection and advancement of one or another of the principal virtues.


34.    People who like other people better than themselves or, rather, their selves ... are fools compared with those who like their selves above others and who, while respecting the other's selves, prefer to be in communion with their own selves.  That man is wise who likes his self above the other, but who puts the other's self above him while rejecting the other.


35.    Despite their overly reductive nature, it can be morally expedient to cultivate a philosophical understanding of slang words or sexual epithets like 'cunt' and 'prick', and to use them in regard to moral evaluations of oneself and others.  'Cunts' are of the world and 'pricks' tower in lunar intellectuality above it, but there are also more absolute 'cunts' and 'pricks', what I tend to regard as 'supercunts' and 'superpricks', and while the former are of alpha Hell, the latter are of omega Heaven.  In fact, one could say that while 'cunts' are realistic and 'pricks' materialistic, 'supercunts' are naturalistic and 'superpricks' idealistic - a distinction, in effect, between, say, novelists and philosophers in the one case (that of 'cunts' and 'pricks'), but dramatists and poets in the other case (that of 'supercunts' and 'superpricks').  Now the irony of it all is that one remains classifiable in terms of one or other of these categories whether one relates to the immoral or moral pole or, indeed, to the amoral middle ground of any given elemental spectrum, that is to say, irrespective of whether one is proton orientated and emotional, neutron orientated and intellectual, or electron orientated and spiritual.  A poet is still a 'superprick' at the, as it were, alpha pole of his spectrum, no less than a dramatist is still a 'supercunt' at the omega pole of his spectrum, the one comparatively dramatic and the other comparatively poetic.  For a poet is a creature of the inner light, and whether this inner light be bogus, and fundamentalist, or genuine, and transcendentalist, it will accord with the sort of gender-oriented slang definition we have been discussing in relation to idealism, just as the contrary definition used in connection with dramatists, and by implication drama, has applicability to the outer light, and thus to naturalism.  All we can do, in regard to the appropriateness of such definitions right across their particular spectrum, is to distinguish sharply between, say, immoral 'superpricks' (or rhyming poets) and moral 'superpricks' (or abstract poets), not forgetting the amoral type of 'superpricks' (or free-verse poets) in between, the ones whose bent is more intellectual than either soulful (and emotional) or spiritual (and aware).  And the same of course applies to 'supercunts', whether their form of drama be tragic, comic, or poetic, and to 'cunts' and 'pricks' as well, taking the latter to embrace novelists and philosophers of one persuasion or another, whether immoral, amoral, or moral, which is to say of the father, the son, or the holy ghost relative to their own particular sphere of creativity, novels being of the terrestrial world no less than philosophy is of the lunar purgatory that rises, intellectually, above the bodily will and its concern, in outer darkness, with women and, by implication, sex.  For the effective Mother/Son distinction between the world and purgatory, or fiction and philosophy, is of course one between the outer darkness (of phenomenal selflessness) and the inner darkness (of phenomenal selfishness), which corresponds to 'cunts' and 'pricks' in a wilful/intellectual dichotomy that is sandwiched in-between the alpha/omega dichotomy, or antithesis, of soul and spirit, as germane to the outer light of the Father (in noumenal selflessness) and the inner light of the Holy Spirit (in noumenal selfishness), dramatic 'supercunts' and poetic 'superpricks'.  Hence while the novelist strives to entertain (like a woman) and the philosopher to instruct, the dramatist strives to inform and the poet to enlighten.  For entertainment is no less antithetical to instruction ... than information to enlightenment, and whereas entertainment pertains to worldly will and instruction (education) to purgatorial intellect, information pertains to diabolic soul and enlightenment to divine spirit.  We are entertained by 'cunts' but instructed by 'pricks', whether negatively or positively or, indeed, in some neutral way in between.  Similarly we are informed by 'supercunts' but enlightened by 'superpricks', whether negatively and immorally, positively and morally, or neutrally and amorally.  Entertainment is of the outer darkness, education of the inner darkness, the former literary and the latter philosophical.  Information is of the outer light, enlightenment (as the name suggests) of the inner light, the former dramatic and the latter poetic.  It is, I have to say, towards the inner light that evolutionary progress tends, the final resting-place of evolution being in divine enlightenment, and hence, so far as literature is concerned, in the poet, though, needless to say, only the most moral and insightful kind of poet, the one whose inner light shines the clearest in impressive transcendence of the intellect, the consummate 'superprick' of divine revelation.


36.    The theocratic autocracy of Eastern Fundamentalism (Islam, Judaism, etc.) ... as opposed to the autocratic theocracy of Eastern Orthodoxy, the bureaucratic theocracy of Roman Catholicism, the democratic theocracy of Protestantism, and - hopefully in the future - the theocratic theocracy of Social Transcendentalism, the true and genuine theocracy of the inner light which, in contrast to the 'inner light' of Eastern Fundamentalism, is essential and not apparent, a quality of wavicle electron-electron attractions rather than, as with Islam, of wavicle proton-proton reactions (as germane to the central star of the Galaxy).  Hence Jehovah and/or Allah on the one hand, and (successively) the Father, the Mother, the Son, and, finally, the Holy Spirit on the other - a devolutionary/evolutionary dichotomy between East and West, Fundamentalism and Transcendentalism, Heathenism and Christianity.


37.    Thus from the apparent inner light of Eastern Fundamentalism to the essential inner light of Social (Western) Transcendentalism via the outer light of Eastern Orthodoxy, the outer darkness of Roman Catholicism, and the inner darkness of Protestantism, as from Allah to the Holy Spirit (of the de Chardinesque 'Omega Point') via the Father, the Mother, and the Son.


38.    In the 'democratic trinity' of video cassettes, LPs, and audio cassettes, we have a sort of father, mother, and son of outer light, outer darkness, and inner darkness (inner light is necessarily absent from democracy), which contrasts with the outer darkness, inner darkness, and inner light of singles, tape recorders, and compact discs, corresponding to mother, son, and holy spirit of the 'bureaucratic trinity' (which necessarily excludes the outer light).  Hence whereas one type of disc, viz. LP, is flanked, in the 'democratic trinity', by two types of tape, viz. video and audio, one type of tape, viz. tape recorder, is flanked, in the 'bureaucratic trinity' underneath, by two types of disc, viz. singles and compacts - one hard and two soft in the former context, two hard and one soft in the latter, with broadly masculine and feminine implications respectively.  Thus not only is the feminine antithetical to the masculine in terms of a disc/tape dichotomy, with discs and tapes always in polar positions, but the small disc is antithetical to the small tape, whether single to video or compact to audio, while the large tape (of the tape recorder) is antithetical to the large disc (of the LP), where the polarity will be between inner darkness and outer darkness rather than, as with singles and videos, either between the outer darkness and the outer light (the one necessarily excluding the other) or, as with compacts and audios, between the inner light and the inner darkness (which are likewise mutually exclusive).  In terms of a sexual analogue, the antithesis between the inner and outer darkness is purely heterosexual, with female-dominated coitus in the one case (centrist bureaucratic) and male-dominated coitus in the other case (centrist democratic), whereas that between the outer darkness (of singles) and the outer light (of videos) is lesbian in the former case (left bureaucratic) and oral (cunnilingus) in the latter case (left democratic), in contrast to the antithesis between the inner light (of compact discs) and the inner darkness (of audios), which is of fellatio on the one hand (right bureaucratic) and homosexuality on the other hand (right democratic), the one normally excluding the other, since homosexuality is no less exclusive of females than lesbianism of males, and both fellatio and cunnilingus usually reflect a heterosexual rather than a homosexual bias.  Thus whereas democracy excludes the holy ghost, bureaucracy excludes the father, the left-wing feminine bias being more for the outer darkness (of lesbianism) than for the outer light (of film-induced masturbation), while the right-wing masculine bias is more for the inner darkness (of homosexuality) than for the inner light (of fellatio).  Hence women are more susceptible than men to the inner light where the democratic/bureaucratic polarity is concerned, while men are therein more susceptible than women to the outer light, the former capable (on the bureaucratic right) of a theocratic bias, the latter susceptible (on the democratic left) to an autocratic one, with due omega-oriented and alpha-stemming distinctions between the two.  Clearly, no less than the outer light of autocracy precedes the outer light of democracy, so the inner light of bureaucracy precedes the inner light of theocracy, and it is doubtful that the latter could come effectively to pass if it were not pursued on the basis of an appeal to 'Mother Church' and, by implication, to right-thinking women.  Such an appeal may have to take a democratic form, but it would be conducted from a supra-democratic point of view and with the express aim of eclipsing the inner darkness of democracy by the inner light of theocracy.


39.    We have now established that singles are left-wing bureaucratic and compact discs right-wing bureaucratic, and therefore neither autocratic (like television) nor theocratic (like computers), but germane to the bureaucratic middle ground of feminine worldliness, which stands to autocracy and theocracy as the Blessed Virgin to the Father and Holy Ghost, and thus under the democratic middle ground of masculine otherworldliness, with its Christic associations.  This democratic middle ground is soft where the bureaucracy is hard and hard where it is soft.  Cunnilingus is soft in relation to lesbianism, video tapes soft in relation to singles.  The democratic Left is soft, the bureaucratic Left hard.  Conversely, fellatio is hard in relation to homosexuality, compact discs hard in relation to audio tapes.  The bureaucratic Right is hard, the democratic Right soft.  But male-dominated heterosexuality is hard in relation to female-dominated heterosexuality, LPs hard in relation to the tapes of tape-recorders.  The democratic Centre is hard, the bureaucratic Centre soft.  Hard and soft form a polarity, whether reactive or attractive, exclusive or complementary.  The outer darkness is hard, the inner darkness soft.  The outer light is soft, the inner light hard - at least in their democratic and bureaucratic manifestations respectively.  For in their autocratic and theocratic manifestations, the outer light is hard and the inner light soft, particles and wavicles of an apparent/essential dichotomy, the former damned and the latter saved, a Devil/God distinction between the autocratic Father (not to be confounded with the 'theocratic' Jehovah or Allah ... of, for example, cinema films) and the theocratic Holy Spirit.  Hence whereas the democratic outer light is morally superior to the autocratic outer light, as video to television, or the 'father' (side) of the Son to the Father per se, so the bureaucratic inner light is morally inferior to the theocratic inner light, as compact discs to computer software, or the 'holy ghost' of the Mother to the Holy Ghost per se.  Yet no less than the soft outer light of left-wing democracy stems from the hard outer light of autocracy ... so the soft inner light of theocracy must stem from the hard inner light of right-wing bureaucracy, compact floppy discs from compact discs no less than videos from television films ... as the continuity of moral progress is maintained.


40.    In regard to British democracy, the Labour Party, being left wing traditionally, corresponds to the soft outer light (of Social Democracy), the Liberal Democrats, being centrist, correspond to the hard outer darkness (of Liberalism), and the Tories, being right wing, correspond to the soft inner darkness (of Conservatism).  Put sexually, one could argue that cunnilingus has a left-wing correspondence, male-dominated coitus a centrist correspondence, and homosexuality a right-wing correspondence, though it is doubtful that very many politicians adhere too strictly (if at all) to the sort of sexual correlations which can logically be inferred to exist between a given type of politics and its corresponding sexual orientation.  But one would expect to find more homosexuals in the Tory Party than in either of the other main parties, given the correlation which does indeed exist between Conservatism and the inner darkness on the one hand, and between the inner darkness and homosexuality on the other.  In fact, so acute is the correlation between democracy and the inner darkness ... that the Conservatives, whatever their sexual persuasions may individually happen to be, have good reason to consider themselves the most democratic, or parliamentary, of the parties and, in some sense, the quintessence of British democracy.  The Labour Party, by contrast, is fundamentally a party of the outer light relative to democracy (soft) and is therefore inherently autocratic, while the Liberal Democrats are of the outer darkness relative to democracy (hard) and are therefore inherently bureaucratic, the plurality of a mature democracy deriving, in large part, from the transmutation of autocratic and bureaucratic precedents in line with democratic progress and their subordination to the parliamentary will, which in Britain, at any rate, is overwhelmingly Tory.  Thus while democracy is preferable to autocracy or bureaucracy, since relative to the inner darkness rather than to the outer light or the outer darkness, it cannot ignore or completely transcend autocracy and bureaucracy, since both the outer light and the outer darkness are ever factors to be reckoned with from the viewpoint of the inner darkness, and so autocracy and bureaucracy, the Left and the Centre, are made accessible to the democratic will, and those who prefer the outer light or darkness to the inner darkness, soul or will to intellect, can vote accordingly.  Not to mention, in this age of bureaucratic ascendancy, for the outer darkness, relative to bureaucracy (hard), of Socialism, or for the inner darkness, relative to bureaucracy (soft), of Ecology, or for the inner light, relative to bureaucracy (hard), of Feminism, the type of light that would seem to be a precondition of a soft inner light and thus, by implication, the ascendancy of superhuman theocracy under the messianic aegis of the Second Coming, the personification on earth of the Holy Ghost and effective embodiment, in consequence, of a supermasculine will, such that  alone accords with the most noumenal subjectivity.


41.    One can and should distinguish, where computers are concerned, between the 'father' of the Holy Ghost in war games, the 'mother' of the Holy Ghost in computer porn, the 'son' of the Holy Ghost in conceptual, or literary, computing, i.e. poetry and philosophy, and the 'holy spirit' of the Holy Ghost, viz. the inner (perceptual) light of graphics, whether in art or with regard to photography.  For there is a sense in which, within the overall inner-light context of computing, games are relative to the outer light (of the soul), pornography is relative to the outer darkness (of the flesh), conceptual literature is relative to the inner darkness (of the intellect), and perceptual images are relative to the inner light (of the spirit).  Hence the medium of the Holy Ghost contains subdivisions relative to the father, the mother, the son, and the holy spirit within itself, and we can know and judge people accordingly.  Yet, that said, the 'father' of the Holy Ghost, i.e. computer games, is still somehow morally and ideologically preferable to, say, the 'holy ghost' of the Father, i.e. to satellite television.  For, of course, television is of the Father no less than computers are of the Holy Ghost, and while the outer light is most outer in conventional relayed television, there is a sense in which we have an outer darkness relative to the Father in pay and/or cable television, an inner darkness relative to the Father in teletext television (a conceptual focus), and an inner light relative to the Father in satellite television, which requires a centralized dish to pick up the signals being relayed from outer space.  On the other hand, it is my view that films on laser disc pertain not to the Father but to the Mother, i.e. to bureaucracy rather than to autocracy, and are thus definable in terms of the inner light of the Mother, the 'holy ghost' of the Mother, a light (necessarily hard in relation to disc) which forms a contrast with the (soft) outer light of the Son, viz. videos in relation to democracy, and stands to video as fellatio to cunnilingus in oral sex, both kinds of sex necessarily having an optical bias which would seem to have its filmic parallel in laser disc and video tape respectively.


42.    If one were asked to define the four main racial groupings on this planet, viz. blacks, whites, yellows, and coloureds, in terms of a cultural relation, necessarily generalized, to either the outer darkness of worldly will, the inner darkness of purgatorial intellect, the outer light of diabolic soul, or the inner light of divine spirit, viz. earth, water, fire, and air, my definition would be as follows: blacks in relation to the outer darkness (earth) of worldly will; whites in relation to the inner darkness (water) of purgatorial intellect; yellows in relation to the outer light (fire) of diabolic soul; and coloureds (including Jews) in relation to the inner light (air) of divine spirit.  Hence I would contend that while blacks and whites, corresponding to will and intellect, formed a worldly/purgatorial antithesis between the earthy outer darkness and the lunar inner darkness, yellows and coloureds, corresponding, by contrast, to soul and spirit, formed a diabolic/divine antithesis between the solar outer light and the stellar inner light.  Thus whereas the black/white antithesis is effectively between bureaucratic realism and democratic materialism, the yellow/coloured antithesis is between autocratic naturalism and theocratic idealism.  Consequently it is my view that, since history proceeds from the outer light to the inner light via the outer and inner darkness of worldly phenomenality, coloureds are the race which most approximate to a divine ideal and yellows the race most approximating, by contrast, to a diabolic one, with blacks and whites coming in-between, almost as though they were of the Virgin and Christ respectively, rather than of either the Father (yellows) or the Holy Spirit (coloureds).  In fact, if one were to define the races in hierarchical order, one would have to put blacks and whites at the bottom and yellows and coloureds at the top, bearing in mind that earth and water, corresponding to the planetary and the lunar, are beneath fire and light, corresponding to the solar and the stellar, in the cosmic hierarchy.  However that may be, it is my firm conviction that the solution, from a divine standpoint, to the racial plurality of this planet, with its ethnic liberalism, is the gradual evolution of human life towards a coloured mean in which the inner light will take considerable precedence over everything else.  Whether this comes to pass by the fusion of blacks and whites or by yellows mating with coloureds or, indeed, by some more complex and variegated cross-fertilization, the ideal human type for the future transcendental civilization will be coloured, and he will be the theocratic superman (generically speaking) from whom a rich harvest of inner light can be gleaned.


43.    It seems to me that whereas Rugby League and Rugby Union stand either side of Association Football like video and audio tapes flanking LPs, American so-called football stands in a bureaucratic relationship to British football (both soccer and rugby) that places it in an analogous position to compact discs, given the bureaucratic nature of compact discs vis-à-vis both tapes and LPs.  Hence while football is arguably democratic, whether left wing in the case of Rugby League, centrist in the case of Association Football, or right wing in the case of Rugby Union, American football (Gridiron) is bureaucratic in its outdoor manifestation but, so I contend, theocratic in its indoor manifestation, where it would be more feasible to draw a parallel with compact floppy discs ... in relation to a more evolved context.  American football therefore transcends British football both bureaucratically (hard inner light) and theocratically (soft inner light), whereas the latter, divisible into soccer and rugby, remains democratic, if unconsciously so, and thus split between its contending options - Rugby League in competition with Rugby Union for the soft vote (between the outer light and the inner darkness relative to democracy), Association Football stuck in-between the two in a centrist position (of the outer darkness relative to democracy), which effectively leaves it in competition with itself for the hard vote, an LP in between opposing types of tapes (video and audio).  Hence whereas a Labour parallel could be construed for Rugby League and a Tory parallel for Rugby Union, Association Football offers itself to a Liberal parallel in view of its hard essence (the ball round and therefore particle suggesting) in relation to the outer darkness of worldly will, the crossbar confirming this hardness in contrast to the open posts of rugby, both league and union; the use of boots and head a further indication of this particle hardness, in contrast to the hand bias of rugby for a ball which, unlike its football counterpart, is elongated in deference to the soft, wavicle-suggesting essence of rugby, a game more traditionally suited to gentlemen - at any rate, where Rugby Union is concerned.


44.    Evaluating people in terms of race (racism) is fundamentally autocratic; evaluating them in terms of sex (sexism) is bureaucratic; evaluating them in terms of class (classism) is democratic; and evaluating them in terms of ideology (transcendentalism) is theocratic.  Hence from alpha to omega, with worldly and purgatorial modes of phenomenal evaluation (sex and class) coming in-between, neither of which could have much applicability to either an autocratic or a theocratic society, where race or ideology would be the principal modes of human evaluation, race, however, being as irrelevant to a theocratic society as ideology to an autocratic one.


45.    If the blood is naturalistic because corresponding to fire/heat, then the flesh is realistic because of its correspondence to earth/darkness.  And if the bones are naturalistic because corresponding to water/coldness, then hair is idealistic because of its correspondence to air/light.  Hence a sort of bodily parallel to our familiar autocratic - bureaucratic - democratic - (and) theocratic options, with blood having an autocratic correspondence, the flesh a bureaucratic correspondence, the bones a democratic correspondence, and hair a theocratic correspondence.  Furthermore, it will not have escaped one's attention that where there is blood, there are veins; and that where there is flesh, there are muscles; and that where there are bones, there is marrow; and that where there is hair, there are follicles.  In fact, without veins there would be no blood, without muscles no flesh, without marrow no bones, and without follicles no hair.  The quantitative and the qualitative, the particle and the wavicle, complement each other in the ongoing dichotomy of organic evolution.  Blood and hair are the alpha and omega of the body, with flesh and bones coming in-between, like the Virgin and the Son between the Father and the Holy Spirit, the flesh closer to the blood, bones closer to hair (especially in the head, where most hair is usually to be found).  Now just as an alpha-stemming autocratic person will be emotional and soulful, with a high blood-pressure, so an omega-oriented theocratic person will be aware and spiritual, with a lot of hair.  In fact, the chances are that the autocratic type of person will have very little hair, either because he is balding, if not bald, or because he prefers to wear it short, whereas the theocratic type of person will have hair in abundance, probably long and in a ponytail.  The chances are, if white, that he will be pale where the autocratic type is florid; though the skin is not always a good indication of a person's disposition, especially where coloured people are concerned.  Suffice it to say that where theocracy has flourished, as in the Asian Orient traditionally, long hair will be the norm, in contrast to those places, including China, where autocracy tends to be the rule and where short hair, if not baldness, is accordingly more prevalent, in deference, so I would argue, to the fiery blood and its soulful bias.  Hence a long-haired god and a short-haired devil, quite apart and distinct from how hair is worn (usually medium-length) within bureaucratic and democratic societies.  In fact, where 'bureaucratic hair' is usually parted, in deference to atomic relativity, 'democratic hair', as we may call that which pertains to the lunar right, is usually unparted, as though indicative of a neutron absolutism germane to a Puritan/ Conservative tradition.  Hence from realism to materialism, which would indicate that, whereas in the former case (that of parted medium-length hair) the hair is subordinate to the muscles and/or flesh, in the latter case (that of unparted medium-length hair) the hair is subordinate to the marrow and/or bones.  For in neither case is the person primarily identifiable in terms of their hair or blood, since either bureaucratic or democratic rather than, as with blood/veins and follicle/hair people, autocratic or theocratic, Extreme Left or Extreme Right.


46.    It could be argued that whereas blood is the proton-wavicle precondition of proton-particle veins, muscles are the atomic-particle precondition of atomic-wavicle flesh.  Similarly, whereas marrow is the neutron-wavicle precondition of neutron-particle bones, follicle cells are the electron-particle precondition of electron-wavicle hair, with its electrostatic properties.  Hence from a theocratic autocracy to an autocratic/democratic autocracy in the case of blood/veins; from a bureaucratic autocracy to a theocratic bureaucracy in the case of muscles/ flesh; from a theocratic democracy to an autocratic/democratic democracy in the case of marrow/bones; and from a bureaucratic democracy to a democratic theocracy in the case of follicles/hair.


47.    The theocratic autocracy of Marxism; the autocratic autocracy of Leninism (Bolshevism); the democratic autocracy of Khruschevism (Communism); the bureaucratic autocracy of Gorbachevism (Perestroika/Glasnost); but the autocratic bureaucracy of Yeltsinism, and hence the end of Communism and the beginning of Socialism conceived in regard to bureaucracy.  For it is bureaucracy, it seems to me, that is truly of the People and therefore germane to a People's democracy.  Now after or together with autocratic bureaucracy there is only the democratic bureaucracy of Ecology and the bureaucratic bureaucracy of Feminism, in contrast to the properly democratic alternatives in a bourgeois, or parliamentary, democracy above, which is less a thing of the world than, in a manner of speaking, the moon, less worldly than purgatorial, and therefore related not to bodily will but to cerebral intellect.  Hence bourgeois democracy is not only parliamentary rather than 'republican'; it is lunar rather than planetary, closely aligned with a Protestant as opposed to a Catholic tradition, and consequently intellectual as opposed to wilful.  It ranges from the autocratic democracy of the Democratic-Socialist Left to the democratic democracy of the Conservative Right via the bureaucratic democracy of the Liberal Centre, that is to say from state ownership and control to free enterprise and private ownership via a public/private compromise between state and citizen, government (whether central or local) and personal freedom.  Yet the democratic democracy of the Conservative Party is not the means to the 'Kingdom of Heaven' ... of spiritual freedom, but a lunar dead-end, complete unto itself.  The Social Transcendentalist Centre can only be achieved from the bureaucratic worldliness of a so-called People's democracy, since it requires the precondition of a hard inner light before its own soft inner light, relative to the Holy Spirit, can be developed to any appreciable extent, and such a hard inner light pertains to the bureaucratic Right, not to the democratic Right above, which, by contrast, is shut into its own inner darkness in the lunar intellectuality of a purgatorial materialism.  Thus whether bureaucratic pluralism devolves from democracy or, more likely, autocracy, it is from there that, firstly, the New Earth of a Social Transcendentalism and, ultimately, the New Heaven of a Super-transcendentalism ... will be evolved, as the Second Coming appeals to what is best in the People, namely their predilection for the hard inner light, in order to bring forth from their democracy the Social Transcendentalism that will duly lead to the soft inner light of the blessed spirit.  Hence not only must there be a People's democracy, or bureaucratic pluralism, but the democracy of the People must have achieved a right-wing bias such that indicates a preference for the hard inner light over both the soft outer darkness of autocratic bureaucracy and the hard inner darkness of democratic bureaucracy - in other words, a bureaucratic bureaucracy from which to evolve the soft inner light of the Holy Ghost.  What a contrast, then, is that hard inner light of the bureaucratic bureaucracy to the soft inner darkness of the democratic democracy above!  For while the latter is an end-in-itself, the former is a means to a new end, the soft-inner light of the Centre, and hence the overcoming of all democracy in the name of the ultimate theocracy.  For such are the terms of salvation.


48.    A Catholic republic, like Eire, could not but effectively be a People's democracy, i.e. a bureaucratic plurality of worldly will aligned with and to some extent stemming from a religious tradition (Roman Catholicism) rooted in the Blessed Virgin.  On the other hand, a parliamentary democracy, like Britain, could not but be a bourgeois democracy, i.e. a democratic plurality of purgatorial intellect aligned with and to some extent stemming from a religious tradition (Protestantism) rooted in Christ.  The former is capable of expansion, via the Second Coming, towards the Holy Spirit.  The latter is fixed in a purgatorial mould which will have to be eclipsed by worldly devolution before any possibility of substantial progress towards the Holy Spirit can be inferred.  For, unlike the earth, the moon does not open towards the Infinite, but remains closed-in upon itself in its own lunar (intellectual) darkness.


49.    If video tapes, LPs, and audio tapes correspond to the democratic, and singles, tape-recorder tapes, and compact discs to the bureaucratic, then it seems to me that one can infer a literary/philosophical distinction between records and tapes, since the philosophical is more germane to democracy than to bureaucracy on account of its intellectual essence, and tapes (in the forms of video and audio) predominate over records in the democratic context, in contrast to the predominance of records (in the forms of singles and compact discs) over tapes in the bureaucratic context beneath, the context, so I shall argue, more germane to literature (fiction), with its wilful associations, than to philosophy.  Hence while some literature, corresponding to LPs, is democratic, and some philosophy, corresponding to tape-recorder tapes, bureaucratic, most philosophy is democratic and most literature bureaucratic.  The question then arises in relation, firstly, to philosophy: which philosophy is democratic and which bureaucratic?  And I believe the question can be answered with regard to a democratic distinction, on the one hand, between (left-wing) academic philosophy, corresponding to the outer light of video tapes, and (right-wing) metaphysical philosophy, corresponding to the inner darkness of audio tapes, with a further distinction, on the other hand, between each of these and the bureaucratic essence of applied, or practical, philosophy, corresponding to the inner darkness of tape-recorder tapes - the former options intellectual and the latter wilful.  Which brings us to the same question in relation to literature - namely which literature is democratic and which bureaucratic?  And that, too, can be answered by reference to a distinction between philosophic literature, corresponding to the outer darkness of LPs, on the one hand, and (left-wing) dramatic, or adventure, literature, corresponding to the outer darkness of singles, and (right-wing) poetic literature, corresponding to the inner light of compact discs, on the other hand, a hand rather more bureaucratic than democratic on account of the wilful essence of literature in relation, primarily, to the outer darkness and, most especially, the soft outer darkness of the feminine world.  Thus while philosophy is predominantly a democratic art form, it is bureaucratic in its applied mould.  Conversely, while literature is predominantly a bureaucratic art form, it is democratic in its philosophical mould.  The exception does not prove the rule so much as negate it.  Philosophic literature, à la Aldous Huxley, is no less the democratic exception than practical philosophy, à la John Cowper Powys, the bureaucratic exception.  Yet while philosophic literature may arguably be morally superior to applied philosophy and even to dramatic literature, of which adventure stories should be regarded as the most representative category, it can only be morally inferior to poetic literature, since it is this which is contiguous with poetry and thus with that which transcends both literature and philosophy as it expands towards spiritual infinity.  Metaphysical philosophy, or antiphilosophy, may be 'the best of a bad job', on account of its preoccupation with intellectual or spiritual matters, but it does not and cannot lead anywhere, least of all to poetry, the greatest of the literary arts, which requires not a philosophical but a fictional precondition, the precondition of poetic literature in an aesthetic intimation of Truth, whose focus is the hard inner light of, for example, psychedelic experience.


50.    The theocratic autocracy of cinema film; the autocratic autocracy of portable television; the democratic autocracy of standard television; the bureaucratic autocracy of portable radio; the autocratic bureaucracy of singles; the democratic bureaucracy of standard radio; the bureaucratic bureaucracy of tape recorders and/or double-decker tapes; the theocratic bureaucracy of compact-disc players; the bureaucratic theocracy of portable compact-disc players; the democratic theocracy of standard computers; the autocratic theocracy of portable computers; the theocratic theocracy of computer head-sets (virtual reality).  As against the autocratic democracy of video recorders; the bureaucratic democracy of record-players and/or LPs; the democratic democracy of radio-cassette players; the theocratic democracy of portable cassette players.  Hence a devolution from alpha to the world, and an evolution from the world to omega, with the lunar purgatory (of the democratic options) coming in-between as a materialistic transcendentalism which exists in isolation from both alpha and omega, while constituting a sort of negative pole to the world.  Whereas the theocratic democracy of personal cassette-players is an extreme right-wing dead-end, the theocratic bureaucracy of compact-disc players is contiguous with the bureaucratic theocracy of personal compact-disc players, which extend the hard inner light towards the soft inner light (in the democratic theocracy) of standard computers,  and hence a Social Transcendentalist equivalence which can only be transcended through the autocratic theocracy and theocratic theocracy of a Super-transcendentalist equivalence, as germane to portable computers and computer head-sets.