by John O’Loughlin of Centretruths Digital
The files of which can be
accessed via the links below the ensuing remarks:–
Since it follows directly on from Revaluations
and Transvaluations (2004), this title, The Classless Solution, is bound to restate many
of the philosophical positions and contentions already taken, but it does so
with even greater certitude and a more exactingly comprehensive assessment of
the various components of the total picture, which leaves one in no
doubt that something philosophically definitive has been achieved, and that any
further revaluations or transvaluations are only likely to happen in relation
to that which is already broadly or essentially true, not contrary to it! Yet,
even then, that would not be entirely the case! For this further volume
of aphoristic philosophy still manages to refine upon and even to modify
certain of the contentions or positions taken by its predecessor, not least in
respect of the evaluation of class on a more axially specific basis which
helps, I believe, to clarify the distinctions between noumenal and phenomenal,
noble and plebeian, ethereal and corporeal, in such fashion that one could
never again accept anything less comprehensively exacting for gospel or fail to
understand just how different the two axial positions really are.... As in the
case, for example, of their contrary social and moral fates, not least in
respect of salvation and damnation, and who or what is saved or damned,
counter-damned or counter-saved, and how that should be morally or socially
interpreted. But I would be understating the achievements of this project
if, quite apart from its contribution to our understanding of literature from a
more axially comprehensive point-of-view, I were to ignore the original
contribution it makes to an understanding of how civilization progresses or
regresses on both positive and negative terms in an alternation, stemming from
primal action, between reaction and attraction, which takes it through
successive stages of devolutionary or evolutionary development on both liberal
and totalitarian terms towards the possibility of a culmination which,
antithetical to how it began, will signify a sort of omega freedom that
contrasts with the alpha freedom as the most positive psychic reaction with the
most positive somatic action, having passed through several intermediate phases
of reaction and attraction in soma and psyche which both confirm and advance a
dualistic alternation between pluralistic and monistic systems. – John O’Loughlin.
Aphs. 1 – 25
Aphs. 26 – 50
Aphs. 51 – 75
Aphs. 76 – 100
Aphs. 101 –
Aphs. 126 –
Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin
The Classless Solution (PDF-derived Kindle paperback)
The Centretruths eBook Catalogue
Centretruths eBooks via Wordpress
John O'Loughylin eBooks on

O’Loughlin was born in Salthill, Galway, the Republic
of Ireland,
of Irish- and British-born parents in 1952. Following a parental split partly
due to his mother's Aldershot origins (her father, a Presbyterian from Donegal,
had served in the British Army), he was brought to England by his mother and
grandmother (who with the death of her Aldershot-based-husband had initially returned to Ireland after a lengthy marital
absence from Athenry) in the mid-50s and, having had the benefit of private
tuition from a Catholic priest, subsequently attended St. Joseph's and St.
George's RC schools in Aldershot, Hants, and, with an enforced change of
denomination from Catholic to Protestant in consequence of having been put into
care by his mother upon the death and repatriation of
his ethnically-protective grandmother, he went on to attend first Barrow Hedges Primary School in
Carshalton Beeches, Surrey, and then Carshalton High School for Boys, where he
ultimately became a sixth-form prefect. Upon leaving high school in pre-GCSE
era 1970 with an assortment of CSEs (Certificate of Secondary Education) and
GCEs (General Certificate of Education), including history and music, he moved up
to London and went on, via two short-lived jobs, one of which was at Ivor
Mairants Music Centre on Rathbone Place, to work at the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of
Music in Bedford Square, where, with some prior experience himself of having
sat and passed (with merit) an ABRSM piano exam, he eventually became
responsible for booking examination venues. After a brief flirtation with
English and History A' Levels at Redhill Technical College back in Surrey, where he was
then living, he returned to his former job in the West End but, due to a
combination of personal factors, not the least of which had to do with the
depressing consequences of an enforced return to north London, he left the
Associated Board in 1976 and began to pursue a literary vocation which, despite
a brief spell as a computer and office-skills tutor at Hornsey YMCA in the late '80s and early
'90s, during which time he added some computer-related NVQs to his other qualifications, he has
steadfastly continued with ever since. His novels include Changing Worlds (1976), Cross-Purposes (1979), Logan's Influence (1980), Sublimated
Relations (1981), and False
Pretences (1982). Since the mid-80s John O'Loughlin has dedicated
himself almost exclusively to philosophy, which he regards as his true literary
vocation, and has penned numerous titles of a philosophical nature,
including Devil and God
(1985–6), Towards the
Supernoumenon (1987), Elemental
Spectra (1988–9), Philosophical
Truth (1991–2) and, more recently, The Best
of All Possible Worlds (2008), The Centre of Truth
(2009), Insane but not Mad
(2011), and Philosophic
Flights of Poetic Fancy (2012). John O'Loughlin is a life-long bachelor who, more through necessity than design, has lived at various addresses in the north London borough of Haringey since 1974.
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