

01. The Distinction between 'Plebs' and 'Nobs'

02. A Brief Philosophical Résumé

03. Truth and its Enemies

04. Beauty and Truth

05. A Creative Contradiction in Terms

06. Metaphysical Falsehood

07. Messianic Intervention

08. False Art Vis-a-Vis True Art

09. Expression Vis-a-Vis Impression

10. Heaven and Earth

11. Elements and pseudo-Elements in Gender Perspective

12. A Religious Contradiction in Terms

13. How the Intercardinal Axial Compass Adds Up

14. The Soulless Worshippers of Free Will

15. Defining Godliness in Relation to Religion

16. Axial Polarities Revealed

17. Power and Knowledge

18. Ethnic Fidelity through Race

19. What Truth Is

20. The Flesh Made Word

21. Why I tend to Avoid Public Transport in London

22. The Bastards

23. Callous Automatons

24. Hammering Workmen

25. Pus(s) in Boots

26. Virtual Criminals

27. Concrete and Abstract Distinctions in Music

28. Delius, I Salute You!

29. Mankind is not a Brotherhood

30. The Race Beyond Man

31. What was Sartre?

32. One Solution

33. Why People Couple

34. Religion of Free Males

35. Towards an Ultimate Creation

36. The Lie of Equalitarianism

37. The Metaphysics of Race

38. Papal Infallibility

39. The Love of Power Vis-a-Vis the Power of Love

40. Revolution in Ireland

41. The Axial Relativity of Sensuality and Sensibility

42. Male Intelligence

43. No Satisfaction

44. The Struggle between Sensuality and Spirituality

45. The 'Best' and 'Worst' kinds of Colloquial Job

46. Mind and Sense

47. Eschatological Alternatives in Axial Perspective

48. The End of the Lie

49. Short Attention Spans

50. Thoughts on Parents

51. The 'Religions' of 'Gods' Vis-a-Vis the Religion of Heaven

52. Why I am not Pro-Republican

53. Artists and Philosophers

54. State and Church

55. Around the (B)end with Some General Observations

56. Zarathustra's Mountain

57. Nietzsche and National Socialism

58. Random Thoughts

59. Provisional Fulfilment of the Lord's Prayer

60. State Freedom in a Post-Church World

61. Traditional Dominance of Free Soma

62. From 'Hell' to 'Heaven' via Everything in-between

63. Ahead in the Clouds